esim: A Structural Design Language and Simulator for Computer
Architecture Education
We have developed a structural design language for use in undergraduate computer architecture classes
that has much of the power of VHDL with little of the complexity. This language, esim, allows students
to build arbitrarily complex digital logic designs using simple hierarchical design techniques. Students
can simulate and debug their designs using a simulator implemented as a Tcl module. Because esim was
not intended for designing and building physical circuits, it omits many of the primitives necessary for
“real” hardware design and instead focuses on the concepts necessary for teaching students about digital
We have used esim as a teaching tool in undergraduate computer architecture classes at UMBC for sev-
eral semesters. Students in these classes have implemented projects as complex as a pipelined RISC
processor and a full 16x16 combinational multiplier. The compiler and simulator for the language are
freely distributable, and may be expanded using standard Tcl packages and Tcl code. Current simulator
modules include one for displaying signal values on the screen; modules that graph signal values are
1 Introduction
Computer architecture has traditionally been a rela-tively difficult subject for both students and instru
c-tors because of the difficulty in providing good tools for “hands-on” learning. Although most computer science students are familiar with programming lan-guages such as C and Java, they have little experi-ence with hardware design languages.
A good hardware design language is a very useful tool for teaching computer architecture, but common hardware design languages such as VHDL [1,2] and Verilog [5] suffer from several problems. First, both languages are very complex because they need to be usable for real hardware design. This complexity makes it more difficult for undergraduates, many of whom have little interest in architecture beyond tak-ing an introductory course, to learn the language. Second, the tools necessary to run both languages are both complex, expensive, and resource-intensive. While this may be an acceptable tradeoff for stu-dents in an advanced digital design class, it is unde-sirable for a core class required of all computer science majors. The alternative approach of using graphical design tools to wire components together has a similar problem — existing tools are either too powerful and complex (and expensive) or too simple for use in a computer architecture class.
We have developed a new hardware design lan-guage, esim, for use in computer science classes. Because we designed the language for instructional rather than production use, we were able to leave out many of the more complex constructs present in VHDL and Verilog. The language is purely
digital — signals can only take values of 0, 1, conflict, and undriven — and has primitives for both regular sig-nals and memory, providing an efficient way to sim-ulate microprocessor designs with registers and caches. Esim encourages hierarchical design by allowing the inclusion of modules in other modules.
Ethan Miller1,2
Jon Squire1
1 Computer Science & Electrical Engineering Dept., University of Maryland, Baltimore County
2Department of Computer Science, University of California, Santa Cruz
This paper appeared at the 2000 Workshop on Computer Architecture Education, held in conjunction with the International Symposium on Computer Architecture, Vancouver, BC, Canada, June 2000, pages 42–48.
Esim designs can be simulated easily and quickly on an inexpensive PC running Linux or other Unix-like operating system. The simulator is implemented as a Tcl [6] module, so it can be programmed to provide inputs to particular signals in the circuit. In addition, Tcl has facilities for graphical display, allo
wing the development of graphical signal displays. We have used esim for several semesters in a junior/senior-level computer architecture class, and feedback from students has been quite positive.
This paper describes the esim hardware design lan-guage, and includes short samples of designs written in esim. We will not include a formal description of the esim language; rather, we will informally describe the language and how to use it to imple-ment computer architecture class assignments. We will then describe the Tcl interface to esim, which allows students and instructors to write scripts to control their simulations. Tcl also allows the con-struction of display tools that can help students understand what is happening in the projects they have designed. The esim language described in this paper is freely available at; installation requires only standard GNU/Unix tools such including gcc, flex, bison, and Tcl/Tk.
2 Hardware descriptions in esim
Esim is a simple hardware design language that allows the implementation of large, complex digital design projects using hierarchical design techniques. The language corresponds closely to hardware com-ponents such as AND and OR gates, but allows users to build up complex designs from simple reusable components. As with most hardware design lan-guages, all operations occur in parallel; esi
m is not a sequential language. This difference from software programming languages is the largest conceptual problem for computer science students who are used to programs that execute one line at a time.
2.1 Data types
Esim has two data types: signal and memory. A sin-gle signal may have one of four different values: 0, 1, Z (undriven) or X (conflict/indeterminate). Sig-nals may be aggregated together; for example, the definition
signal inputA[32];
declares a signal inputA that is 32 bits wide. Any value that is assigned to inputA must then be exactly 32 bits wide, and may include any combination of 0, 1, Z, and X values. A definition may also include an initial value for a signal specified as a sequence of bits. For example,
signal inputA[32] <= #h01234567; states that inputA should be given the initial value 0x1234567. This is most useful for initializing sig-nals such as clocks that oscillate between two val-ues; if no initial value is given, the signal will be stuck at X for the entire simulation.
Values in esim may be specified as either hexadeci-mal or binary using the #h and #b notations, respec-tively. Values are not case-sensitive (a and A both refer to the hex digit whose value is 10), and may include undefined (X) and undriven (Z) digits. For hexadecimal numbers, X and Z digits translate four consecutive X or Z digits, respectively. Thus, the hex value #h9X3Z would be equivalent to the binary value #b1001XXXX0011ZZZZ.
The memory data type is used for structures such as register files or main memory. It is implemented very efficiently; memories of megabytes can be sim-ulated on inexpensive PCs. A memory is defined as: memory reg[1024];
Values in a memory remain until they are changed by a memory statement (see Section 2.2). Memory cannot be initialized from within an esim program, but the simulator can read and write memory values. By using Tcl scripts and memory write commands, a memory can be loaded with the appropriate values.
2.2 Assignments
All statements in esim operate in parallel; essen-tially, each statement defines a gate or small collec-tion of gates. A single statement in esim is of the form
signal <= expression;
where expression may include signals and other expressions combined by the operators listed in Figure 1. The only restriction on composing expres-
sions is that the number of bits for a two-input oper-ator must match.
All of the binary operators (AND, OR, XOR) are bitwise operators, as are tests for equality; if the inputs to an operator are wider than 1 bit, the opera-tion is applied bit by bit and placed into the corre-sponding position in the result. This restriction applies to constants as well;  #h012  is a 12-bit wide signal.
Most operators produce a result as wide as that of either input. However, some operators produce a result of different width. For example, equality and inequality operators produce a one-bit result regard-less of the width of their inputs.
In most expressions, constants have the interpreta-tion described in Section 2.1. However, comparison operations (equality and inequality) use a slightly different definition. For these operators, a constant of  X  means “don’t care,” and will match  any  input signal (including  X  and  Z
  ). There is thus no easy way to construct a test that will be true  only  if a sig-nal is undetermined. For example, the expression  a==#h8X  will result in 1 as long as the high-order 4bits of  a  are  1000 .
Another statement type involves memories, which can be both read and written. Sample memory state-
ments are shown in Figure 2. The first statement reads a value from memory into  s  using the address ( rs . #b00000 ) and reading as many consecutive bits from this address as  s  is wide. Since the read state-ment is always enabled, values are always put into  s  .If the memory were not enabled, it would output  Z  values. The second statement writes a value into the memory when  wEnb  is set to 1. However, values are only written when  clk  rises from 0 to 1.
Assignments in  esim  can take two types of modifi-ers. The first type of modifier is the  after  modifier,indicating that the assignment takes place after the specified delay. For example  a <= b after 10ns
means that  a  will get  b  ’s value after 10 ns of simu-lated time have passed. This modifier can be used to simulate gate delays; the default delay for  esim  assignments is 5 ns. The second type of m
odifier is the  on  modifier. This modifier can be of the form  on rising a  or  on falling b  . In the first case, the assign-ment in the modified statement only takes place when  a  changes from 0 to 1. In the second case, the assignment only occurs when  b  changes from 1 to 0.These two modifiers can be combined to result in a delayed assignment when a clock signal rises or falls.
Figure 1. Operators in  esim  .
reg  read  s from  rs . #b00000 when #b1; // always enabled reg  write  d to  rd . #b00000 when wEnb on rising clk;
Figure 2. Sample memory statements.
a  &
b a  AND b a  | b    a OR b a  ^ b    a XOR b ~a NOT a a [x :y ]bits x  down to y  of signal a (result is x -y +1 bits wide)a  == b a  is equal to b  (result is 1 bit wide)a  != b a  is unequal to b  (result is 1 bit wide)a  . b a  concatenated with b  (result is as wide as a  and b  combined)a  when  cond  else  b
a  whenever cond  (a 1 bit wide signal) is 1,
b  otherwise
#h0123constant in hexadecimal (16 bits wide in this example)#b0101constant in binary (4 bits wide in this example)
2.3 Components
Basic hardware modules defined in esim are called components. A sample component (a register file with 8 registers of 16 bits each) is shown in Figure 3. Parameters to the component definition do not spec-ify input or output; rather, parameters are simply placeholders allowing external signals to be used by the internals of the component. Parameters may be either a single bit wide (wEnb, clk), or multiple bits wide (s is 16 bits wide). Internal signals and defini-tions are not visible outside the component, though their effects may be. For example, components that include regfile may not directly reference reg, though they can store and read values by appropri-ately manipulating the addresses and control signals of regfile.
Components may themselves include other compo-nents, as shown in Figure 4. This is done via the use statement, which assigns different names to the dif-ferent instances of each component. In the Figure 4 example, the first instance of latch8is named low, and the second instance is named high. Note that parameters to an instance can include signals, signal slices, and constants.
define regfile (rd[3], rs[3], d[16], s[16], wEnb, clk)
memory reg[128];
reg read s from rs . #b0000 when #b1;  // always enabled
reg write d to rd . #b0000 when wEnb on rising clk;
end circuits;
end regfile;
Figure 3. Definition of a register file in esim.
// 8-bit latch clocked on the clk signal when enb1 and enb2 are both enabled define latch8 (q[8], d[8], enb1, enb2, clk)
signal enabled;
signal qInternal[8];
qInternal <= d when (enb1 & enb2) else qInternal;
q <= qInternal on rising clk;
end circuits;
end latch8;
// Set up a 16 bit latch as 2 8-bit latches
define latch16 (q[16], d[16], clk)
low use latch8 (q[7:0], d[7:0], #b1, #b1, clk);    // always enabled
high use latch8 (q[15:8], d[15:8], #b1, #b1, clk);  // always enabled end circuits;
end latch16;
signal q[32];
signal d[32];
low use latch16 (q[15:0], d[15:0], clk);
high use latch16 (q[31:16], d[31:16], clk);
end circuits;
Figure 4. Full implementation of a 32-bit latch in esim.
2.4 Building a full hardware description
Figure 4 contains a complete description of a 32-bit latch. It includes two components, latch8and latch16, and a top-level circuit that has two instances of latch16. The signals in the top-level circuit are passed down to the latch16 and latch8 instances as needed.
Esim is compiled in two passes. In the first pass, the input file is parsed and converted to an internal
rep-resentation. The second pass creates an output file, similar to a netlist, that is used as input to the simu-lator. Because the input file is parsed in a single pass, forward references are not allowed — every component must be defined before it used. However, there is no limit to nesting level; esim allows as many levels of hierarchy as necessary. If the compi-lation is successful, a netlist file suitable for input to the simulator is generated.
3 Using the esim simulator
The esim simulator is embedded within a Tcl shell, and can be programmed and operated just as any other Tcl/Tk program. It can take advantage of Tk graphics, and includes mechanisms for activating Tcl callbacks when signals change. As with many Tcl extensions, all esim commands are really sub-commands of a single Tcl command: esim. This means that a sample esim command would be esim load default. This instructs the simulator to use the esim command interpreter, which then loads the netlist default.
3.1 Variable names and values
The simulator has access to all variables in the esim program that has been loaded. Because the use state-ment requires each instance to have a name unique within the component, each signal has
a unique name composed of a period-separated list of compo-nent names followed by the signal name within the component. For example, consider the circuit shown in Figure 5. In the circuit, the top-level symbols are topx and topy. Each instance of the bar component creates its own copy of the symbols x and y. The hi use statement creates hi.x and hi.y, and the lo use statement creates lo.x Since each instance of bar itself creates two instances of foo, the follow-ing signals are defined: lo.s.a, lo.s.b, lo.t.a, lo.t.b, hi.s.a, hi.s.b, hi.t.a, b. Each of these signals may have its own value; even though there are 4 instances of the signal a in foo, each may have its own value (and thus has its own name) because each belongs to a different instance of the foo component. Symbol values may be specified in either binary or hex (using the -hex or -binary switch to various esim
define foo (a, b)              // define component foo
a <=
b & 1;
end circuits;
register forend foo;
define bar (x[2], y[2])        // define component bar
s use foo (x[0], y[0]);    // use component foo in bar
t use foo (x[1], y[1]);
end circuits;
end bar;
signal topx[4], topy[4];              // main circuit
hi use bar(topx[3:2], topy[3:2]);  // use component bar in main    lo use bar(topx[1:0], topy[1:0]);
end circuits;
Figure 5. Sample esim code demonstrating component and signal naming.
commands). The default for all commands is binary. Possible symbol values include 0, 1, X, and Z. 0 and 1 are high and low logic values. Z refers to a node that isn't currently driven by any gate. X means that the value of the node can't be determined. This can occur for several reasons. First, the node could be driven to different values (0 and 1) by two or more different gates at the same time. Second, the node could be driven by a single gate whose output value can't be determined for some reason, such as indeter-minate inputs (X-valued). For binary, each bit is rep-resented individually by one of these four symbols. For hex, however, nodes are shown in groups of four. If all nodes in a group of four have “real” values, a hex digit is displayed. If all are undriven, Z is dis-played. Otherwise, X is displayed. This means that the four bits 010X would be shown as a single hex digit of X, as would 0Z11.
3.2 Controlling the simulation
The simulation is controlled by Tcl commands, each prefixed with the keyword esim. The simulator has commands to load a netlist, run for a set period of time, run for a fixed number of events, or simply run until the circuits have settled. The latter mode is not advised for complex systems with a clock; a line such as
clk <= ~clk after 100 ns
will never settle.
Running the simulation is not very useful without the ability to examine and set signals, and esim can do both. The esim set command can be used to force a signal, named as described in Section 3.1, to a par-ticular value. This value is maintained even if the circuit tries to set it to a different value. The signal can be freed by issuing an esim unset command to allow the signal to once again vary normally. The unset command, however, does not erase the value to which the signal was set; it only allows it to change. For example, setting a clock to 0 and then issuing an unset command will initialize the clock to a fixed value and then allow it to vary over time.
The simulator also has commands for reading and writing memory. These commands are particularly useful for setting the contents of registers and cache for simulations as well as for checking their contents after a simulation has run. The esim read and esim write command work in similar ways, and allow the writing of an arbitrary number of bits starting from a given bit offset. Unlike the esim set command, how-ever, the esim write command is a one-time write of memory; future writes to the location by the circuit will succeed. The esim write command is particu-larly useful in scripts; a ten lin
e script can read the contents of memory from a file and write them to a particular memory in the simulated circuit. Perhaps the most useful feature of the simulation is the esim trace command. This command ties a Tcl variable’s value to that of a signal in the circuit, updating the variable whenever the signal’s value changes. For example, a command such as:
esim trace -hex a
will update the Tcl variable Esim(a) with the current value of signal a each time it changes. This feature is particularly useful when combined with the Tcl trace command; it allows Tcl to execute arbitrary code when a signal in the circuit changes. The trace on a signal can be removed with the esim untrace command.
The tracing feature is underutilized in the current esim distribution. There are simple routines to print the value of a signal when it changes, and there is a simple graphic display that can show the current val-ues of various signals. However, we have not yet implemented more complex display mechanisms. In particular, esim cannot display signal values graphi-cally, though this feature is planned for future releases.
4 Future work
In its current form, esim is a very powerful tool for teaching computer architecture. However, there are several additions and modifications that would sig-nificantly improve its usability. The first major change that we are currently working on is a rewrite of the core code for the application to use the stan-dard template library (STL), removing the need for libg++. Though libg++ was previously the best way to implement platform-independent code for com-mon data structures, it has been supplanted by the
