CRICOS provider: Monash University 00008C,
Monash College Pty Ltd 01857J
C omplete this form if you are an international student applying for an undergraduate or postgraduate course at one of Monash University’s Australian campuses.
A non refundable application fee of A$100 must be paid when you submit this form.
Do not use this form for Monash research degrees. The correct form is available at
section A: your application ✓
1. Are you a citizen of Australia or New Zealand or a permanent resident of Australia? Yes No  If YES,
do not fill in this form. Instead refer to
2. Do you have a Monash student ID number? Yes No  If YES, please state
3. Are you a currently enrolled Monash student? Yes No
4. Are you currently in Australia? Yes No
section B: Personal details
We will contact you by email, post or telephone. To avoid delays in your application, it is important you complete ALL of your details clearly including your email address. Your name and date of birth should match those in your passport. If you apply through an agent, ensure all of your details are also provided in addition to those of the agent.
Family name:  Date of birth:
Given names: Male Female  Permanent address in home country (required) must include postcode:
Telephone:  Mobile:
Fax:  Email (Mandatory):
Address for correspondence (only if different from your permanent address in your home country – not including agent’s address):
Telephone:  Mobile:
Fax:  Email (Mandatory):
Monash registered Agents
If you apply through an agent please ensure that your agent is registered with Monash University or you may experience delays in
your application. For details of registered agents in your country please go to
Agency name:
Agent staff name:
Email (for correspondence):
section C: Citizenship and other information
Country of citizenship (as stated in passport): Country of birth:
You must submit a translated, certified true copy of the personal details page of your passport or birth certificate.
Have you applied for OR do you hold any type of Australian visa:  Yes
Visa type: Expiry date (if applicable):    /  /
Have you been refused an entry visa to any country:  Yes No If yes, please attach evidence.
Which Australian Immigration Office issued your visa?
International Application Form
Registered Agent’s Stamp
China China
Have you breached any visa conditions in any country:
Yes    No  If yes, please explain:
Do you have any medical or health issues that may prevent you from obtaining your visa?
Yes    No If yes, please explain or attach relevant documentation.
In answering this question go to  that lists  medical and health conditions of concern to the Australian Government.
Also note that health insurance in Australia will not extend to a pre-existing medical condition.
Do you have any physical or mental health condition or other issue which may prevent you to undertake full time study?
Yes    No
Have you been issued a protection visa in any country to date?
No  If yes, please attach evidence. Translated into English (if required) and certified.
Have you been convicted of any crime or offence in any country?  Yes    No If yes, please provide ALL relevant details. Translated into English (if required) and certified.
section d: Course preferences
Choose up to three courses you would like to study and list them in order of preference. Check the entry requirements and prerequisite subjects for each to see if you qualify. If you meet the requirements of your first choice, you will not be assessed for your second and third choices. If you do not meet the entry requirements of any of your preferences your application will be automatically assessed for alternative or pathway courses within the relevant study discipline.  to assist in your selection.
section E: students with disabilities
Do you have a disability, impairment or long-term medical condition that may affect your studies?
If yes, Monash will require translated and certified medical documentation from a relevant treating professional outlining the impact of your condition on your ability to meet the academic demands in the university environment. Disclosure of disability is treated confidentially and will not be used to disadvantage you. The Disability Liaison Unit at Monash may contact you to discuss the services available. For more information, visit: .
section f: English language proficiency
You must provide proof of your English proficiency to the required standard of your chosen course. There are a number of ways to satisfy these requirements. For details, visit: . Some of the main pathways are:
English as the language of instruction
You have studied in an institution where English is the language of instruction and assessment for th
e entire institution . Applicants are required to provide evidence from the institution on official letterhead and signed by the registrar (or other authorised person) of the educational institution to the satisfaction of the Academic Board.
Academic iElts/toEfl/PEArsoN tEst of ENGlisH (ACAdEMiC)
Attach original results or documents (request results to be sent to Monash University by testing centres). Please note that only results achieved within two years prior to the course commencement date will be considered. If you have not yet sat an ACADEMIC IELTS/TOEFL/PEARSON TEST OF ENGLISH (ACADEMIC) exam please indicate when you will sit one below.
Please note: The Australian Government sometimes requires proof of English proficiency for visa applications. You should ensure that any test you take meets those requirements also. Visit: .
I will sit/have sat an English language proficiency test
TOEFL (Paper Based/Internet Based)      PEARSON TEST OF ENGLISH (ACADEMIC)
I will apply for a Monash English Language Centre course in Section G.
If you narrowly missed the course English requirements, you may be eligible for Monash English Bridging packaged with a direct entry into your desired course. If so, Monash will indicate
this in your letter of offer.
section G: Application for additional English studies and university preparation
Monash English Placement test
The Monash English Placement Test is ideal for students who do not have an IELTS or approved international test score. The test provides an accurate calculation of the number of weeks of Monash English you will need to meet the requirements of your Monash destination course. The MEPT must be accompanied by a Monash University or Monash College application form. The MEPT is available from registered Monash agents
Additional tuition fees apply for Monash University English Language Centre courses. For details of fees, courses and start dates, visit:
section H: Academic qualifications
heck the academic/English entry requirements, prerequisites and additional requirements for the courses for which you are applying. Additional requirements include submission of a statement of purpose, curriculum vitae, work reference letters, folio, supplementary forms, additional faculty application forms, interviews and auditions.
For undergraduate entry requirements refer to the admissions tables in the Monash University Undergraduate Course Guide for international students or the Monash Course Finder. For postgraduate entry requirements refer to the Monash Course Finder ( ).
I nclude details of your previous academic qualifications in the relevant sections below. Please ensure commencement and completion dates are specified, or if you are yet to complete your studies, please include your intended completion date. You are also required to supply supporting translated and certified documents to verify your academic qualifications.
secondary studies (high school studies – year 12)
Name of qualification:  Institution:
Date commenced:
/  /      Date completed:
/  /
Postsecondary studies  (tertiary studies – diploma, Bachelor, Master’s, etc.) Please list your Most rECENt qualification first
Name of qualification:
Date commenced:  Name of qualification:  Institution:
Date commenced:    /  /      Date completed:
/  /
Country/State:  Name of qualification:  Institution:
Date commenced:
/  /      Date completed:  /  /
Are you transferring within the first six months of your principal course in Australia?
register for
Your principal course is the main course of study to be undertaken where you have been issued a student visa for multiple courses of study.  The principal course would normally be the final course of study. If yes, please attach a release letter from your current provider.
If your final year of study was completed more than six months ago, please attach separately a detailed account of activities/work experience undertaken since then.
section i: required documentation
Certified copies of academic qualifications must  be attached to this application, including academic transcripts, graduation certificates and grading systems. If the qualifications are in a language other than English, please also supply certified translated copies. Monash prefers NAATI qualified translators.* For more information on NAATI translators, please see: .
I f the course you have applied for requires work experience please provide a translated and certified copy of your curriculum vitae along with work reference letters issued by your previous employer on original company letterhead stating your job title, the basis of employment (full-time/part-time), a precise description of duties performed, duration of your employment (including dates), and the full name, title and signature of the writer.
Monash University only accepts faxed or emailed certified documents sent via Monash Registered Agents. If you are a direct applicant (and did not apply through a Monash Registered Agent), you will be required to send your original certified documents by mail. All documents submitted with your application remain the property of Monash University.
Certification of documents
All documents submitted for assessment  must be properly certified on every page.
Who can certify documents?
Documents submitted within Australia: Solicitor, pharmacist, justice of the peace, member of the police force, doctor, school principal, bank manager, chartered accountant Documents submitted out
side Australia: Monash University registered agent, Monash staff member, solicitor, commissioner for declarations, government official, public notary, university staff (head of department, dean, or registrar)
Applicants have the option to ask their current or previous education institution to send copies of their academic transcripts, graduation certificate and grading systems direct to International Recruitment Services in a sealed envelope sent directly from the institution.
What does the certifier need to do? Approved certifier (from list above) must sight the applicant’s original academic transcripts, graduation certificates and grading systems etc. and check that the copies are true and unchanged copies of the original documents.The certifier must then certify every page  of the documentation as follows:
1.  C ertifier must write a statement acknowledging or apply a stamp that shows they have
sighted the original documents using words such as “certified true copy of the original” OR “original sighted”.2. Certifier must sign the document.3. Certifier must write their full name.
4. Certifier must apply the agent/organisation stamp.
5.  I f the certifier is not a Monash Registered Agent, the position title of the certifier must
be indicated.6. Certifier must date the document.
If you have a Chinese qualification, documents submitted for assessment must be:
C ertified by the Notary Public Office. Notary certification must include a certificate stating that translations of all documents in to English are authentic and in conformity with the
original in Chinese; OR  Your transcript/s, degree certificate and graduation certificate/s can be sent to Monash, International Recruitment Services in a sealed envelope directly from your university; OR  P hotocopies of original notarised documents can be submitted by a registered agent. Documents must be certified by the agent. Information regarding registered agents can be viewed at: .Monash University reserves the right to refuse documentation on the grounds of incorrect certification and translation.
写上日月年学生签名 跟护照签名一致
Please complete the following checklist before submitting: ✓
Note: Incomplete applications will cause delays in processing. Please ensure all relevant documents are translated and certified (where required).
Certified proof of English proficiency
ertified and translated copies of academic records/transcripts/grading scales
A dditional information (check your course(s) in the admissions table for international
students or )
S igned declaration by student (or parent if the student is under 18)  C opy of official scholarship/sponsorship offer letter if applicable
C opy of the personal details page of the student’s passport or a copy of birth certificate
send your application to:
Australian campuses
Applicants for courses at Australian campuses should
forward this application form to:Central Admissions, Monash University Monash Connect
Building A, Ground floor 900 Dandenong Road Caulfield East Victoria 3145 Australia
Malaysia campus
Applicants for courses at the Sunway campus must apply to the address below using the form located at
Email: info@
south Africa campus
Applicants for courses at the South Africa campus must apply to the address below using the form located at:
Monash South Africa Private Bag X60
Ruimsig, Roodepoort 1725 South Africa
When will you know?
Once your application is received and entered into our database Monash will send an acknowledgment email to you and your agent, if you have one. This email will contain a Monash Student ID number, Online Access Account ID and password. You can use these details to check the status of your application using the Monash Online Admissions portal available at:
Please remember that postal services can affect the time between you sending the application and Monash University receiving it.
© Monash University 2014, all rights reserved. This publication reflects prescriptions, policy and practice in force as at May 2014 and takes no account of developments and changes made since that date.
