1. Purpose
2. Scope
3. Responsibility
4. Method Statement
5. Appendix
1. Purpose目的
The purpose of this document is to establish the process of RFI system to be implemented at site for items to be inspected by Allseas/LR for various site activities to be performed based on the stages identified on the approved Inspection and Test Plans.
2. Scope 范围
The scope of this document specifically applies to the Pieter Schelte Project and covers all the inspection activities to be performed at site by Allseas and LR during the fabrication.
register for本文的范围只限于Pieter Schelte Project 适用于所有Allseas和LR在制造过程中的检验活动。
3. Responsibility 职责
ZPMC Fabrication Manager Responsible for implementation of the RFI system ZPMC 制造经理负责RFI系统的推进
ZPMC Fabrication Supervisor Confirm that construction activity of works at
site is completed and raise RFI
ZPMC 制造监督确定现场的构件制造完工并且提交RFI
ZPMC QCI Carries out preliminary inspection of construction
and if results are satisfactory submits RFI to
ZPMC 检验员执行构件的初步检查,如合格提交RFI给
Allseas QCI Responsible for the action of RFIs
Allseas 检验员负责RFI的检验活动
LR QCI Responsible for the action of RFIs which is
requested by LR Rule and also as Identified by LR
in the approved Inspection and Test Plans
LR 检验员负责LR规范要求的检验活动,已在ITP中规定。
4. Method Statement 检验方法
ZPMC fabrication Supervisor raises RFI based on the Witness and Hold Point stages identified in the approved ITP at the respective site upon completion of the specific construction activity and issue it to the ZPMC QCI for the internal inspection. Also if the work shall be witnessed by Allseas or LR which is specified in the ITP, the ZPMC QCI will issue a RFI to Allseas/LR before the work.
ZPMC QCI shall sign off the RFI if inspection is found acceptable, prior to submitting the RFI forms to Allseas and Lloyd’s Register. The RFI forms shall be submitted to Allseas QC Department Document Controller in the Allseas Site Office for registering the RFI submittals on a daily basis, with a copy being submitted in parallel to LR site office.
When ZPMC submit the RFI forms to Allseas, Allseas shall document these RFI submittals on the Allseas RFI Register.
Notification time for external Inspection and Testing activities shall be agreed between parties when the actual location is known.
If the inspection results are satisfactory, ZPMC QC Inspector shall have the correct Inspection and Test Report(s) available for recording the results of these inspections, and will ensure that all parties sign these Inspection and Test reports on a daily basis. In cases where the inspection results are not satisfactory, Allseas/LR shall inform the ZPMC project management and will require a corrective action request to be issued.
The ZPMC QC shall gather all the notification for inspection daily and record each notification serial No. in the daily log in order to keep control of inspections performed and possible releases or comments.
The Client Representative and Lloyds Register surveyor will be invited to witness the performance of the relevant activity to verify compliance with the specified requirements. The Client Representative and Lloyds Register surveyor must be allowed sufficient notification time. In general, a minimum of 2
4 hours before the actual activity has to be performed. Specific for NDT, including visual inspection, a notification time of at least 48 hours for material with a SMYS < 420 MPa and 72 hours for material with a SMYS ≥ 420 MPa, will have to be respected.
If the Client Representative and Lloyds Register surveyor fails to appear within 1 hour after the notification period, the witness point may be considered “waived” and the activity may proceed.
The Client Representative and Lloyds Register surveyor shall be formally notified through Inspection request notice at least 48hrs prior to any external Inspection and Testing activities. Unplanned/ urgently required Inspection and Testing activities shall be subject to client’s approval and agreement to proceed with the joint inspection.
Notification time for external Inspection and Testing activities shall be agreed between parties when the actual location is known.
5. Appendix