关键词:显性问题;隐性问题;编译方法; vc++6.0;解决策略
中图分类号:tp312 文献标识码:a 文章编号:1009-3044201304-0773-03
c program compilation problems and solving strategy based on vc++ 6.0 platform
hou xiao-gang1 zhao sheng-xuan2 zhao hua3
1. institute of geographic science and tourismxinjiang normal universityurumqi 830054china2. digital culture and new media technology research center century collegebeijing 102613china3. college of computer science and engineeringxinjiang normal universityurumqic语言ide编辑器 830054china
abstractin order to improve the students ability of completing c language programming on vc++ 6.0 platform this paper points out the error analysis of implicit problem and gives the correct interpretation based on the analyzing of references[1]. then the debugging and compilation method on implicit and explicit problems are provided by establishing the examples. finally the strategies of compiling c language source code are presented to improve the students’ programming ability.
