mybatis enum对象查询条件
    MyBatis supports the use of enums as query conditions in the following way:
    1. Define the enum class:
public enum Status {
    2. In your MyBatis mapper interface or XML mapper file, define a method that accepts the enum as a query condition. For example, using the XML mapper file:
<select id="selectByStatus" parameterType="ample.Status" resultType="ample.User">
    SELECT * FROM users WHERE status = #{status}
    3. In your MyBatis mapper interface or XML mapper file, use the enum as a parameter in a SQL query. For example, using the XML mapper file:
<select id="selectByStatus" parameterType="ample.Status" resultType="ample.User">
    SELECT * FROM users WHERE status = #{status}
enum c++</select>
    4. In your Java code, pass the enum as a parameter to the mapper method:
Status status = Status.ACTIVE;
List<User> users = userMapper.selectByStatus(status);
    The enum object will act as a query condition for the corresponding column in the database table.
