1、不定式作主语 :动词不定式可直接用作主语, 句子的谓语动词常用单数。
To get there by bike will take us half an hour.
It's our duty to take good care of the old.  How long did it take you to finish the work
It is difficult for us to finish writing the composition in a quarter of an hour.
It seemed impossible to save money.  It's kind of you to help me with my English.
2、动名词作主语:动名词也可直接用作主语,或者用it 作形式主语。例如:
Learning without practice is no good.  It's no good reading in dim light.  It's no use sitting here waiting.  It's dangerous swimming in the sea in windy days.  There is no saying what will hap
pen next.
(1) 不定式作主语经常表示具体动作,或者表示将要进行的动作。而动名词作主语经常表示抽象的一般性的动作。例如:It's no good for you to eat so much fat. (有具体的人for you)
It's no good eating too much fat. (泛指)
(2) 不定式的逻辑主语常用of, for 表示;动名词逻辑主语则常用物主代词、名词、代词表示。例如:It is stupid of you to write down everything the teacher says. (of you)
It's no use your pretending that you didn't know the rules. (your)
The doctor suggested them having their health check-up once a year.
(1) 以下动词后begin和start区别, 一般只用不定式作宾语.:agree, attempt applyask, aim, arrange, begchoose, decide, demand, expect, fail , help, hope, lean, long, manage, offer, plan, prepare, pretend, promise, refuse, wish afford等。I decided to ask for my money back.
I decided that I would ask for my money back.
When our visit to the farm was over, we expected to start back on foot.
When our visit to the farm was over, we expected that we would start back on foot.
(2) 不定式可 先用it 做形式宾语。
We think it quite important for us to learn a foreign language well.
He feels it his duty to help the poor.
(1) 以下动词后, 一般只用动名词作宾语, :admit, appreciate, consider, delay, enjoy, finish,
keep, imagine, mind, miss, practise, resist, risk, save, suggest, don't mind, give up, insist, on, put off 等。I suggest spending our summer vacation in a seaside town.
You must give up smoking, for it does too much harm to your health. 
(2) 介词后只能接动名词做宾语
I should go to attend the birthday celebration instead of staying at home.
What about inviting Li Jun to make a speech
(3) 少数特殊结构中只用动名词做宾语。它们可以看作是省略的介词的形式。例如:
have difficulty (in) doing sth.  have no trouble (in) doing sth.  lose no ti me (in) doing sth.  prevent/stop…(from) doing sth.      there is no use (in) doing sth.
(1) 动词后是接不定式还是动名词作宾语,主要是根据使用习惯。有些动词后一般只接不定式作宾语,而另一些则只用动名词作宾语。详见上面的说明。
(2) 介词后只能接动名词作宾语;还有少数结构后只用动名词作宾语。详见上面的说明。
(3) need, want, require 等后表示被动意义时,不定式要用被动语态,而动名词不需要。例如:My bike needs to be repaired.    My bike needs repairing.
(4) 英语中,有些动词动词后既可接不定式也可接动名词,意义区别不大,如:begin, continue, start, hate, like, love, need, require, want . 但在下列情况下, 一般要用不定式: * would(should) hate, like, love 连用时:
I'd like to have a cup of coffee. 
*begin, continue, start 等是进行式时
The students are starting to work on the difficult maths problem. 
*begin, continue, startknow, understand 等连用时:
I soon began to understand what was happening.
4、部分动词后接不定式或动名词时, 意义差别较大。
(1) forget, remember, regret 后接不定式, 表示现在或未来的动作, 接动名词表示动作已经发生。如:
Don't forget fo post the letter for me. (信还没有寄出)
Have you forgotten meeting her in Beijing Airport (已见过她)
Remember to close the windows before you leave. (窗户还没有关)
I remember writing him a letter a year ago. (信已写过)
We regret to tell you that all of you are not invited to attend the meeting.
They regretted ordering these books from abroad.
(2) mean to do 打算做某事 / mean doing 意味着……
I meant to catch up with the early bus.
This means wasting a lot of money.
(3) try to do 设法尽力做某事 / try doing 试着做某事
You should try to overcome your shortcomings.
Try working out the physics problem in another way.
(4) stop to do 停下当前事去做另一件事/ stop doing 停止当前事
On the way to the airport, I stopped to buy a paper.
You'd better stop arguing and do as you are told.
(5) can't help doing 禁不住…… / can't help to do不能帮助干……
They couldn't help jumping up at the news.
Sorry I have lots of work to do. So I can't help to make up the roomfor you.
(6) go on to do 去做另外一件/ go on doing 继续做此事
He went on to talk about world situation.他接着又谈了世界形势.
We'll go on fighting so long as there is oppression in the world.
(7) leave off to do 去做另外一件事/ leave off doing 停下当前事
It's time to leave off talking and to start acting.
They left off to go fishing.
不定式作表语表示具体动作或将来动作; 动名词作表语表示抽象的一般行为。
To be kind to the enemy is to be cruel to the people.
