连用的时间副词:always,every time, now and then,occasionally,often,seldom,sometimes, usually, frequently, once in a while.
主动结构:S+work/works+O; S+can/must+work+O; S+am/is/are+P.
  1.The water            (pollute )unless some measures             (take).
2.Even if she             (not come )this weekend, I             (go) fishing by myself.
3.He             (visit) his aunt the day he            (come) to Beijing.
1.They            (be) busy now. 2.The apple            ( taste) good.
1.She            (say) they            ( read) more books this term.
2.He             (feel)it`s his duty to help the poor.
1.The train          (leave) at 3:00.pm. 2.The plane for Wuhan        (take off) at 8:30.
1.Here           (come) the bus!  2.There           (go) the bell!
3.This kind of cloth             (wash) well.  4.That all           (depend)!
5.My watch            (say )3:00.  6.The notice        ( read)No smoking!.
7.Don`t take it away!It             (belong) to me.
  1.The sun        (rise) in the east and         (go down) in the west.
2.They (beg)        from door to door every day,never         (work)by themselves.
3.I        (want) to see him at once,         (wish) to give him a surprise.
4.They say they        (inform) you as soon as they         (get)the result.
5.He         (not forgive) me even if  I         (apologize) to him.
6.Time and tide         (wait)for no man.  7.The final exam        (take place) next week.
8.English        (speak) all over the world.  9.Such work         (can do) in an hour or so.
10.Mr Black        (respect) in our village).  11.He        (not suppose)to get there on time.
、连用的时间状语:yesterday,last +time,time+ago,at that time,then,the other day,just now.
主动结构:begin和start区别S+worked+O; S+could/must+work+O; S+was/were+P.
被动结构:S+was/were +worked(+by+O).
(一)、过去某时刻发生的动作或存在的状态。 Eg: She suddenly         (fall)ill yesterday.
He often        (go) to help the poor when he         (be) a student.
1.I       (not know) it       (be) you
2.I never       (think) you      (bring) me a gift.
1. I        (ask) you not to move my dictionary,now I        (can not find) it.
2. —Your number again? I        (not catch)it.
3. Nancy is not coming tonight,but she        (promise).
4.She        (change) her hairstyle in her homrtown before she came to Beijing for a better job.
5.My mind        (be not) on what he was saying,so I`m afriad I         (miss) half of it.
6.The flowers were so lovely that they         (sell) in no time.
7.They        (get) two free tickets to Canada,otherwise they`d never have been able to go.
8.The glass        (not break) by Leech but by the wind.
9.When        the football team        (set up)?It         (set up) in 1998
10.A man                  (see,enter) the hall just now.
11.He         (learn)Chinese for 3years when he was in China .
、连用的时间状语how long,for+时间段,recently,in the past/last +时间,by now,by this time,these days,all these years,already,(not)yet,just,never,so far,several times,up to now,lately,before
1.—I`m soory to keep you waiting.—Oh, not at all.I        (be)here only a few minutes.
2. You don`t need to describe her,I           (meet) her several times.
