8A Unit 5  Wild animals 知识清单 
一、Comic strip and Welcome to the unit.
1.wild animals   野生动物
2.live in the wild  住在野外
3. I think so. / I don’t think so.    用于表达赞同不赞同对方意见
【拓展】I hope so. / I hope not.        用于表达希望不希望出现对方所提的事件或情况
I’m afraid so. / I’m afraid not.    委婉地表达对方所提的事件或情况的赞同不赞同
4. may become dishes on the table any time 任何时候可能成为餐桌上的菜 may表示可能性 
    5.Could you please not eat them?  你能不吃它们吗?                                                             
6.have/take pity on sb. 可怜/同情某人    ★【pity作:怜悯同情,为不可数名词
拓展What a pity ! 真可惜!        ★【pity作:遗憾的,为不可数名词
7.No way! 没门!不可能!                                 
8.in fact 事实上
9.the kings of the world 动物世界之王
10.die vi. 死 died (过去式)dying (现在分词,也可作形容词:快要死的)
          dead (adj.): 死的  death (n.)死亡
1.We called her Xi Wang.    我们叫她希望。  ★【call + 宾语 + 名词(作宾补)
  Eg: They call me Xiao Wang.  他们叫我小王。
拓展 对这里的宾语补足语提问用what,注意区别: 
--What do you call that tall man?    -- I call him Uncle Wang.
--How do you say it in English?    -- Mango.
被动语态形式be called意思是:被叫做……,名为…… 
eg: The boy is called Tom. 
The boy called Tom is from Britain.
2.begin和start区别When Xi Wang was born, she weighed just 100 grams. 当希望出生的时侯,她重仅仅为100克。
  = Xi Wang weighed just 100 grams at birth.
3.At four months old,she weighed about eight kilograms.
  =When she was four months old,she weighed about eight kilograms and.
4.look like a white mouse 看起来就像一个小白鼠
5.start to go outside for the first time开始第一次走出去start to do sth. = start doing sth.
6. eight months later  八个月后(用于过去时)       
7.She was not a small baby any moreno more = not anymore 不再
= She was no more a small baby.
8.in the beginning = at first = firstly 在一开始     
  in the end = at last = finally 最后
区分】★at the beginning of ....  在.......开始  at the 在.......末尾,尽头
9.She learnt go look after herself.  learn to do sth. 学会做某事.
10.Sadly,giant pandas face serious problems in the wild.  【Sadly副词放句首,修饰整个句子】
face serious problems  面临严重的问题   
11.live mainly on a special kind of bamboo  主要依靠一种特殊的竹子来生存   
  区分靠......为生;    feed on ...  以........为食
12.However, the bamboo forests are becoming smaller and smaller.
bamboo forests  竹林   
区分however 副词: 然而,但是(后面有逗号);  but 连词: 但是(后面没有逗号)
13.as a result    结果、因此   
14.Pandas may not have a place to live or food to eat. 大熊猫没有地方住,没有食物吃。
15.be in danger = be endangered 处于危险中,濒危的
16.take action right away  立刻采取行动  【take action(s) to do sth. 采取行动做某事】
区分 right away = at once = right now 立刻、马上 
right now = now = at the moment 现在
17.build more panda reserves  建造更多的熊猫自然保护区
18.make laws to protect pandas  制定保护熊猫的法律
19.If we do nothing, soon there may be none left.  【none代词,代替上下文中特定的人或物】
【重点】★none代意为“没有人或物”。 【none反义词是all  >=3】
            None of the students knew the answer. 学生中谁都不知道答案。
            None of this milk can be used. 这牛奶一点都不能用了。
区分】★none和nothing,no one, nobody的区别
    (1)none既可指人,也可指物,它只是指在一定范围内,代替上下文已出现过的名词。none可指没有人或没有东西,在句中作定主语或宾语。作主语时,谓语动词可用单数,也可用复数.none常用来回答How many, How much问句。
      ①---How many students are there in the classroom?      ---None.
      ②---How much milk is there in the bottle?      ---None.
      ③None of the boys is/are from Japan.
(2) nothing = not anything表示“没有什么东西”,只能指物,不能指人。
      ①---What’s in the fridge?    ---Nothing. It’s empty.
      ②He listened carefully, but heard nothing.
      ③There’s nothing wrong with the computer.
(3) no one(=nobody =not anybody) 只能用来指人,使用时不受一定范围的限制。
      ①---- Who can you see in the classroom?    ---- No one/Nobody.
      ②No one can work out the Math problem in our class. 
20.We do believe that where there is Xi Wang, there is hope.
【这里的do 为助动词,起强调作用,意为“的确”】
      21.during their lives  在他们一生中   
  22.It is easy for baby pandas to get sick and die.    get sick 得病 (系表结构)
      23.Bamboo forests are very important to them. 竹林对它们来说是重要的。
    句型be important to sb. 对某人来说很重要
24. at birth 在出生时
【语法】A. 用情态动词may来表达可能性。英语中表达可能性的情态动词有:
  (1) may表示“可能” (用于肯定句中)  【might表示可能性很小】
      This book may be Tom’s.  [这本书可能是Tom的]  = Maybe/Perhaps this book is Tom’s.
