1.I want to have a talk with her.我想跟她谈谈。
2.Our teacher decided to stay with us.老师决定留下来与我们在一起。
3.My English teacher promised to lend some books to me.我的英语老师答应借给我一些书
4.My mother refused to go there with us.我妈妈拒绝和我们一起去那里。
1、在finish,enjoy,mindsuggest,practise,admit承认advise建议allow 允许appreciate
感激,avoid 避免,consider考虑,delay 推迟,deny 否认,discuss 讨论,dislike 不喜欢,enjoy 喜爱,escape 逃脱,excuse 原谅,fancy 设想,finish 完成,forbid 禁止,forgive 原谅,give up 放弃,imagine 想像,keep 保持,mention 提及,mind 介意 miss 没赶上,pardon 原谅,permit 允许,practise 练习,prevent 阻止,put off 推迟,report 报告,risk 冒险,stop 止,suggest 建议,understand 理解
1.I advise waiting a few more days. 我建议再等几天
2.I admit breaking the window. 我承认窗子是我打破的
3.Try to imagine being on the moon. 设法想像你是在月球上
4.He tried to escape being punished. 他设法逃避惩罚
5.You shouldn’t keep thinking about it. 你不应老想着这事
6.Would you mind going with her? 你可否同她一起去?
begin和start区别7.I can’t understand neglecting children like that. 对孩子那样毫不经心,我不能理解
8.We only missed seeing each other by five minutes. 我们只因差五分钟而未能见面
9.Would you mind opening the window?打开窗好吗
10.These books are well worth reading.这些书值得读
11.My mother couldn't help smiling when she heard the good news.听到那好消息,我妈妈情不自禁地笑起来
12.My father has given up smoking.我父亲戒烟了
13.Everyone in my class enjoys playing football.我班人人喜欢踢足球
14.Mike often attempts to escape being fined whenever he breaks traffic regulations.
15.The doctor suggested that I avoid smoking and drinking for a month.
16.Would you mind opening the window?
17.The murderer denied killing the rich man.
18.I would appreciate your keeping it a secret.
这样的短语动词常见的有:insist on, be worth,object/objection to,put off,keep on,insist on,leave off,look forward to,think of, can't help, be/get used to, in , can’t stand 忍不住; feel like 想,欲;give up 放弃; put off 推迟,can’t help 忍不住,go on等。如:
1. Do you feel like going out for dinner with me tonight?
2. Chinese people are looking forward to holding the 27th Olympic games.
3. I am used to going to bed late and getting up late.
4. Although punctual himself, the professor was quite used  to students' being late for his lecture.
5. I have no objection_to hearing your story again.
6. He put off making a decision till he had more information.在获得详情之前,他没有急于作出决定
7. Do you feel like taking a walk?你要不要去散步
8. We are looking forward to coming to China.我们期待着来中国
9. We succeeded in getting over all the difficulties.我们终于克服了所有的困难
1. “have problem (+in) + 动名词,
2. have fun (+in) + 动名词,
3. have difficulty in doing sth.,
4. have trouble/a hard time in doing sth.;
5. be busy (in) + 动名词;
6. waste time (in) + 动名词;
lose time (in) + 动名词;
The children are busy doing their homework.。孩子们忙于做作业。
“There is(was) no + doing”结构中作主语。
there be no need + 动名词,
There is no point (in) + 动名词”等结构中,
There is no point (in) making the simple experiments once again.再做一次这种简单的实验是毫无意义的。
There is no denying that she is very efficient.  她效率高是不容否认的。
1. It is useless (no use, no good, fun, no harm, a waste of time, a good pleasure)
2. It is a waste of
3. It is 【例如】
It is no use crying over spilt milk.
It is a waste of time discussing such matters with him.
It is no good leaving today's work for tomorrow.
6、动名词在demand, deserve, need, require, want等动词后面作宾语时,表示被动的意思。【例如】
1. My shoes need mending.
2. The following language points deserve mentioning.
3. This matter demands discussing.
4. Your hair wants cutting.
It is no good writing to him; he never answers letters.写信给他不妥,他从来不回信。
It is no use your complaining; the company won’t do anything about it.抱怨是没有用的,公司是不会管的。
It is good playing chess after supper.晚饭后弈棋挺好。
It is useless speaking.光说是没有用的。
1)He likes playing basketball.她喜欢打篮球。(爱好)
