I got my teacher evaluations. Look what this student wrote. 我刚拿到教师评鉴表 你们听这个学生写的
"I loved Dr. Geller's class. Mind-blowing lectures. “我爱盖勒博士的课” “令人大呼过瘾”
You are definitely the hottie of the Paleontology Department." “盖勒博士” “您是古生物学系的猛男”
"Hotties of Paleontology." There's a big-selling calendar. 古生物学系的猛男们 做成月历一定卖
-Who wrote it? -The evaluations are all anonymous. 那是谁写的? 我也想知道 但评鉴表是匿名的
-You have their exams? -Yeah. 期末考考卷还在吗? 在啊
You could just match the handwriting and there's your admirer. 你可以拿考卷来对笔迹 就知道仰慕者是谁了
A hot girl's at stake and he's Rain Man. 只要和女有关 他就成了大天才
Wait a minute. Why are we so sure that this is a girl? 等等,为何确定是个女生?
It's a girl! 是女生
But it wouldn't matter. 总之没差
Because I'm a teacher. She's a student. 因为我是老师 她是学生
-It's illegal? -It's frowned upon. 校规说不行? 没有,但是会有争议 了解
-And there's a big age gap. -When you're 90.. 而且年龄差那么多 你就这么想,等你90岁…
I know,she'll be 80 and it won't seem like such a big difference. 我知道,我90她就80 感觉就差不多了
That's not what I was gonna say. 我不是要说这个
When you're 90, you'll still have the memory of being with a 20-year-old. 我是说等你90岁
The One Where Ross Dates A Student 本集播出:“师生恋”
23 摩妮卡… 我不知道 好吧
You know your college friend who became a movie director? 钱德 你知道你那个 当上导演的大学同学吗?
Oh yeah, Dana Keystone. She was in my movement class. 知道,黛娜基史东 我们一起修动作课
-What's a movement class? -He's pretending he didn't take mime. 什么是动作课? 钱德在假装他没修默剧
She's directing a new Al Pacino movie. You gotta get me an audition. 总之她要导艾尔帕西诺的新片 你得帮我争取试镜
I haven't talked to her in 10 years. 我不知道,我们10年没联络
Please,Chandler, I would owe you so much. 不,求求你,就当我欠你
You do owe me so much. You owe me 3000.. 你本来就欠我 你欠我3千4百…
Hey,hey,dude. Why you changing the subject? What? 老兄 你干嘛转移话题? 什么?
-Will you make the call? -Okay,I'll try. 你打不打电话? 好吧,我试试看
Thanks. Last auditions are Thursday, so I gotta get in by Thursday. 谢了,你最好了 试镜是星期四截止 我星期四之前得过去
Remember Thursday. Remember Thursday? 记得星期四就对了,你记得吗
Yeah,so Tuesday? 星期二吗?
Thursday! 是星期四
Just think of it like this: The third day. Monday, one day. 你如果记不住就记是第三天 星期一,一天
Tuesday,two day. 星期二,二天
When day, what day? 星期三,三小 哪一天?
Thursday! 星期四
The third day, okay? 第三天,好吗?
-Thank you. -Okay. 谢谢你 不客气
-Hey,Monica..? -She doesn't know. 摩妮卡… 她不知道
-I'm gonna check my messages. -You thought of that in there? 摩妮卡,我要听留言 你在厕所里想到这个?
Nature called. She wants to see who else did. 当然,生理需求结束 她想知道还有谁需要她
Hello? 喂?
Rachel. 瑞秋
Someone's in our apartment. Call the cops! 我们家有人,快报警
You're on the phone! 你在用电话
-Oh,my God! -What? 天哪… 怎么?
Oh,my God! Thank you! 天哪,谢谢你
There was a fire at our place. 是消防队,家里失火了
-Oh,my God! How bad was it? -It was a fire,I'm guessing not good. 天哪,有多严重? 他没说,但失火总是不太妙
-Come on, we gotta go! -Yeah,come on. 快走吧 快点
What are you smiling about? 笑什么笑?有什么好笑的?
The part I want to audition for is a fireman. This is so meant to be! 我要应徵的角是消防队员 这真是天意
You were very generous with your grades this semester. 你这学期的成绩给得很大方喔
-Professor Geller? -Yeah? 盖勒教授?
-I really enjoyed your class. -Oh,thank you. Thanks very much. -我很喜欢你的课 -谢谢你,非常感谢
I'm a little embarrassed about calling you a hottie. 不好意思,说你是猛男
-That was you? -Yeah. -那是你? -对
I felt a little weird about it. You're a teacher. I'm a student. 我后来觉得怪怪的 你是老师,我是学生
Want to go out sometime? 但或许你愿意和我约会?
That's not the best idea. 这样恐怕不太好
Oh,because I was thinking, the semester's over. 我想说学期结束
You're not my teacher anymore. -What time? -你就不是我的老师了 -什么时候?
Oh,you know what? Forget it. 当我没说
I see you already gave me an A. 你已经给我A了
-Gotcha. -I'm kidding! God! -了解 -开玩笑的
So seriously, what time? 说真的,什么时候?
Coming through. Coming through. Oh! Hello. Hi. 借过,借过 你好
Right. Coming through! 不对,借过
Okay. It's not so bad. 还好嘛
Most of the damage was contained to the bedrooms. 灾情主要集中在卧房
messages什么意思Hey,buddy, think I could borrow your uniform this Thursday? 老兄 这星期四可以跟你借制服吗?
-Excuse me? -Joey! He's working. -什么? -乔伊,人家在忙
You would look good in that. 你穿一定很帅
Oh,how bad is it? 灾情如何?
It's really bad. 很惨,非常惨
The only thing that isn't burned is an ax, which I do not remember buying. 只有一斧头没被烧到 我根本不记得有买过
-How's your room? -Everything's ruined. 瑞秋你呢? 东西都烧光了
My bed,my clothes. Look at my favorite sweater. 床铺,衣服 你看我最喜欢的蓝毛衣
Isn't that mine? 那不是我的吗?
Fine. I'm sorry for your loss. 好,我对你的损失深感遗撼