1.作定语The key to the door is missing.
2.作状语Her eyes were tired from long reading.
3.作表语Japan is to the cast of China.
4.作宾语补足语Make yourself at home.
名词、代词Don't forget to turn off the lights before leaving your classroom.
Don't hide behind others.
数词There was only one piece of cake, but we can cut it into two.
The students began to show up by twos and threes.
When we went in,we found his room at sixes and sevens.
形容词、副词Her pronunciation is far from perfect.          His uncle is from abroad. 动词-ing形式I succeeded in passing the driving test.
On arriving in Venice, we knew that it was a city of water.
动词不定式The plane is about to take off.
宾语从句She got very angry because of what he had said.
I am thinking of how I shall do more for the people.
疑问词+ 不定式短语Marx gave us some advice on how to learn foreign languages. They are discussing how to sell the goods elsewhere.
动词原形His father had nothing to do all day except play cards.
介词短语The boy jumped from behind the door.    The ball rolled out from under the table.
1.of的省略The two girls are(of) the same age.
2.from的省略Nobody can prevent us(from)getting married.  You must stop her(from)telling such lies.
3.in 的省略He spends nearly half of his monthly income(in)buying books.
He wasted time(in)doing nothing.
<的省略Keep(on)talking amongst yourselves.I'll be back in a minute.
1.表示时间in/after in十时间段:一般用于将来
He'll be back in a week.    他一周后回来。
He returned after a week.    他一周后回来了。
in/on in表示一段时间
He usually goes to school in the morning.
He usually stays at home on Sunday morning.
3.表示时间for/since/by for接时间段,一般用于过去
He worked in that factory for 20 years.
They have lived here for 70 years.
She will stay there for two hours.
He has made a lot of friends since he came to China.
We had learned 30 English songs by the end of last
in/at 小地方用at
He arrived in Beijing at noon.
He arrived at a small village before dark.
in/on/to in表示在某范围之内
Beijing is in the north of China.  北京在中国北方。
Korea lies on the east of China.  朝鲜在中国东面。
Japan locates to the east of China. 日本在中国东面。above 表示在数目,价格,能
The old man must be above 100.
The text is above me.
6.表示位置、数目above/over/on over表示数目等“超过······”在
词 under.
on 表示“在·····面上”,反义词
He used to work in the tower above the river.
The number of the students in our school is over
3,000.    There is a bridge over the river.
There are some English books on the desk.
7.表示穿过/越过across/through/over across 表示“横穿一个平面”
through 表示“在内部穿过去”
over 表示“在上方越过去”
He can swim across the river.
The forest is too thick for us to go through.
The plane is flying over the forest.
8. 表示范围besides/except/ except for besides表示“除了······以外,
except for 一般表示“美中不
Besides Tom,we also went to see the film.
We all went to see the film except Tom.
(Tom 没去)除了汤姆没去,我们都去看电影了。
Your composition is good except for some spelling
9.表示范围between/among between 表示“在两者之间”
The secret must be kept between the two of us.
He waved his hand in order to make himself noticed
among the crowd.
to/at/for  表示“朝”,“向”时,
to和go, come, hurry, get等连
at和 throw, shout 等连用
for 和head, leave, set out,sail
She hurried to the police station.
Don't shout at her. It's not her fault.
He is leaving for Shanghai tomorrow.他明天去上海
11.表示原因的介词(短语) for/ because of/ due to/
thanks to/ owing to/
on account of/
as a result of
He was shaking with cold.
The girl fell ill from eating too little.
The open-air celebration has been put off because of
the bad weather.
Owing to bad weather, the flight was delayed for a
couple of hours.
12表示方式或手段with/by/in/on 表示使用的工具、手段、材
on 多用于固定短语中
by hand, by means of, in ink, in English
We see with our eyes.
We are digging with spades(铁锹)。
by air, by car, by bus, by bike , in my car, on the bus
Will you come to the cinema with us?
With time passing by, he has become used to the
climate there.
The teacher comes into the classroom with some
books in his hand.
He likes to go to bed with the windows open.
13.表示情感或特征of +抽象名词
to +情感类名词
be of+ 抽象名词=be +adj. be of value=be valuable
to one’s +名词
=to the +名词+of sb
to one's surprise=to the surprise of sb.
to one's joy, to one's regret, to one's relief,
to one's disappointment
He stood against the door.    他靠着门站着。Are you for or against his plan?
She saved some money against old age.
It will be raining by the time you get there.    你到那时可能正在下雨。
He stood still by the river for half an hour.    他一动不动地在河边站了半个小时。
She earned her living by selling newspapers.    她靠卖报为生。2.beyond
Her father told her not to be back beyond 10:00 in the evening.
My home is just beyond the river.
The book is far beyond me.
He is dressed in blue today.
He wrote his letter in English.    他用英语写信。They talked in a low voice.    他们低声交谈。
The letter was written in ink.    信是用墨水写的。5.with
Would you like to go with me?
The little old man with thick glasses is my first
He entered the room by the back door.
They got paid by the hour.
The number of students is larger than last year by 80.    学生数今年比去年多80. chemistry teacher.
Please write with a pen.    请用钢笔写。
Her face turned red with anger.  她气得满脸通红。He made rapid progress with her help.
With these words,he went away.    说完他就走了。
1.out of place,
4.beyond description,
5.account for,
< account of,
7.in a way,
8.in particular,  9.in charge,
10.as a result of, 11.in case(of)...,
12.be tired of, 13.be proud of,
14.the answer/key to,
16.similar to, 17.due to,18.thanks to, 19.popular with, 20.above all,
21on behalf of, 22after all, 23.in terms of, 24.in need of, 25.in favour of,
26.in return, 27.in short, 28.apart from, 29.instead of,30.regardless of,
31.in detail, 32.in general, 33.on purpose, 34.in place of,35.in search of,
36.for fear of, 37.in exchange for,
38.in addition to, 39.in spite of,
40.in vain,41.beyond reach,42.far from, 43.free from, 44by the way,45.be fond of His speech is perfect except for pronunciation.
The park is beautiful beyond description.
The manager had to step down on account of poor health.
Take your skates in case you decide to go skating.
Cathy thought that she had the answer to everything.
It can not be measured in terms of money.
He went to Paris in search of work as an unskilled labourer.
It became obvious that all her complaints were in vain.
The project had to be abandoned due to a lack of government funding.
Your achievements are something to be proud of.
On behalf of the department I would like to thank you all.  Developed countries, in particular, should bear the responsibility for environmental problems.
The house is in need of a thorough clean.
I wouldn't be in favour of income tax cuts.
At a clothes swap event the women can give away unwanted clothing and get something different in return.
Nothing else matters to him apart from his job.
I should have to give up my place in time, for fear of doing my muscles an injury.
including/considering/ regarding/concerning/  She writes for many papers,including the Sunday Times. She's very active,considering her age.
