在意义上, 副词可以分为时间副词( now, late ) , 地点副词( here, up) , 程度副词( very,
so) , 频率副词(often , rarely) , 方式副词( fast , easily) , 态度副词(maybe, honestly)和逻辑连
接副词(hence, however)等。
在功能上, 副词可以分为一般副词( there) , 疑问副词(when) , 连接副词( how, where) ,
关系副词( as , why)和解释性副词( namely, for example, i . e . 那就是, e . g . 例如, viz )
关系副词引导定语从句, 连接副词引导主语从句、表语从句、宾语从句或不定式等。本书对
Why she committed suicide is still a mystery . (主语从句)
I..d like to know how she did it . (宾语从句)
This is where you are mistaken . (表语从句)
That is the place where he was ar rested . (定语从句)
Ask her when to open it . 问她什么时候把它打开。(不定式)
1 . 大部分副词由相应的形容词加上后缀-ly 构成, 但注意有变化
slow slowly dear dearly
coolcoolly badbadly
final finally exact exactly
2) -y 结尾的词
happyhappily angryangrily
..shyshyly(shily) , gaygayly(gaily) , drydryly(drily)
3) -le 结尾的词, 省去-e 再加-y
subtlesubtly noblenobly
singlesingly idleidly
.. : supplesupplely, solesolely, palepalely, vilevilely, stale stalely, wholewholly
4) -ue 结尾的词, 去掉-e, 再加-ly
t ruetruly dueduly
5) -e 结尾的词, 直接加-ly
completecompletely wisewisely
widewidely lonelonely
looseloosely definitedefinitely
6) -ic 结尾的词, -ally
economiceconomically historichistorically

/ / / / / method形容词/
268 第六讲
t ragict ragically phoneticphonetically
automaticautomatically democraticdemocratically
fantasticfantastically energeticenergetically
.. : publicpublicly, politicalpolitically
7) -ly 结尾的词, 去掉-y, -ily
melancholymelancholily manlymanlily chillychillily
8) -ll 结尾的词, 只加-y
fullfully dulldully
9)其他词类+ -ly 构成的副词
first (序数词)firstly over(介词)overly
most (不定代词)mostly according(现在分词)accordingly
determined(过去分词)determinedly matter-of-fact(短语)matter-of-factly
kind-hearted(形容词)kind-heartedly ill-natured(形容词)ill-naturedly
marked(过去分词)markedly lingering(现在分词)lingeringly
2 . 有些副词是由介词或地点名词加后缀-ward(s)构成的, 意为“向..
forward( s) , backward( s) , downward ( s ) , northward ( s) , upward( s ) , stationward ( s ) ,
leftward( s) , homeward( s) , onward( s) , inward( s)
3 . 有些副词是由名词加后缀-wise 构成的, 表示位置、方向、状态、有关等意义
sidewise, clockwise, crabwise, money-wise, saleswise, taxwise, lengthwise, educationwise,
weatherwise, corkscrew-wise
Note: ①有少数副词加后缀-ways , -long, -ling( s)构成。例如:
sideways, lengthways , headlong, sideling( s)
②有些副词是加a-, here-, there-, where-构成的。例如:
away, ashore, aside
herein( in this) , hereby, hereafter
therein( in that) , thereby, thereafter
wherein( in which in what ) , whereby, whereon
4 . 某些以名词+ -ly 构成的词和其他结构的词, 既可作副词, 也可作形容词
下面名词+ -ly 构成的词既是副词又是形容词:
1) hourly
Their average hourly earnings are 20 yuan . 他们每小时的收入是20 元。(形容词)
The guards shifted hourly . 卫兵每小时换一次岗。(副词)
a weekly payment of 100 yuan每周100 元的报酬(形容词)
They met weekly . 他们每周碰一次面。(副词)
a yearly meeting 年会(形容词)
The interest is normally paid once yearly . 利息通常每年付一次。(副词)
4) leisurely
He often takes a leisurely walk in the garden in the evening . 晚间, 他常常在庭院里轻松
He walked leisurely along the road . 他在路边悠闲地走着。(副词)

269 二、构成
.. 其他如:
daily paper 日报
publish daily 每天出版
quarterly review 季刊
meet quar terly 每季开会一次
the nightly skies 夜空
appear nightly 夜间出现
fortnightly publication 两周一次的刊物
perform fortnightly 每两周表演一次
monthly salary 月薪
come monthly 每月来一次
ghostly laugh 可怕的笑声
ghostly pale 鬼一般地苍白
worldly knowledge 人情世故
worldly wise 善于处世
jolly life 舒心愉快的生活
jolly good 非常好
cleanly room 清洁的房间
cut cleanly 干净利落地切
deadly poison 烈性毒药
deadly serious 极为认真
kindly heart 慈悲心肠
speak kindly 亲切地说
lively girl 活泼的女孩
step lively 轻快地走
Note:manly, costly 等名词+ -ly 构成的词只用作形容词, 参阅第五讲。另外, monthly(
) , daily(日报) , weekly(周报) , quar terly(季刊) , bimonthly(双月刊)等还可作名词
, Beijing Weekly《北京周报》。
5 . alike 是形容词也是副词
英语中有些副词带有前缀a-, 这类词有些同时也是形容词。例如:
alone, adrift , astray 迷路, aslant 倾斜, afoot 徒步, aboard 在船上, abroad, askew
, ahead 等。
They think alike . 他们有同样想法。
The boy has gone astray .
She went to the station af oot .
6 . 具有两种形式的同根副词
有些副词具有两种形式, 一种与形容词同形, 一种是形容词加后缀-ly 构成的。这两种形
式的副词有时含义相同或略有不同, 有时则意义完全不同。比较下面几组词。
1) hard hardly
It is raining hard . (猛烈地)
He works very hard . (努力地)
She listened hard . (仔细地)
I can hardly understand you . (几乎不)
2) clean cleanly
