1. 时间副词,如:ago, ahead, before, behind, beside, below, soon, now, recently, sometime, today, tomorrow, tonight, then, yesterday等;此外,还有表示频度的副词,如:always, constantly, ever, frequently, hardly, never, occasionally, often, rarely, seldom, sometimes, twice, usually等。
2. 地点副词,如:above, abroad, down, downstairs, everywhere, here, home, in, inside, out, outdoors, there, up, upstairs等。
3. 疑问副词,如:how, when, where, why 等。
4. 方式副词,如:angrily, badly, bravely, calmly, carefully, easily, fast, happily, hurriedly, loud, loudly, quickly, quietly, rapidly, slowly, slightly, suddenly, well 等。
5. 程度副词,如:a little, almost, completely, deeply, enough, extremely, fairly, fine and, good and, greatly, hardly, just, much, nearly, partly, pretty, quite, rather, so, terribly, too, very, very much 等。
6. 关系副词,如:when, where, why 等。
7. 连接副词,如:if, how, however, nor, so, therefore, too, when, whenever, where, wherever, whether, why 等。
8. 句子副词,如:fortunately, frankly, generally, luckily, maybe, obvious, officially, perhaps, possibly, probably unfortunately 等。
9. 关联副词,如:besides, furthermore, however, moreover, never the less, so, then, thus, therefore 等。
1. 表示时间或地点的副词一般放在句尾,并且,地点在前时间在后,地点和时间的内部,又按从小到大的顺序排列。强调时,它们也可放在句首。如:
Will you be free tomorrow? 你明天有空吗?
He lives at 75 Xiangchun Road, Changsha. 他住在长沙市湘春路75号。
2. 频度副词一般放在行为动词之前,助动词、情态动词或动词be之后。如:
He sometimes goes there on business. 他有时到那里出差。
He has never been late. 他从未迟到过。   
I was never very good at maths. 我的数学从来不好。
注:若为了强调,有时可钭频度副词放在句首,但值得注意的是,当never, seldom 等含有否定意义的副词放在句首时,句子须部分倒装。如:
Never have I read such a book. 我从未读过那样的书。
3. 程度副词一般放在所修饰的形容词或副词之前,助动词、情态动词或系动词be之后。如:
The film was quite good. 那影片相当好。
The lecture was fairly good. 报告相当不错。
It’s a rather sad story. 这是一个相当凄惨的故事。
I don’t like coffee very much. = I don’t very much like coffee. 我不太喜欢喝咖啡。
Will you be kind enough to shut the door? 可否劳驾把门关上?
It’s clear enough what he meant. 他是什么意思很清楚。
4. 修饰动词的方式副词一般放在动词(及其宾语)之后,有时也放在动词之前。如:
We must learn to speak English fluently and correctly. 我们应当学讲流利正确的英语。
They warmly welcomed me at their offices. 他们在办公室热烈欢迎了我。
5. 由动词与副词一起所构成的短语动词带宾语时,若宾语是名词,则副词放在名词的前后都行;若宾语是代词,副词只能放在代词之后。如:
I need a few days to think over your proposal. = I need a few days to think over your proposal. 我需要几天时间来考虑你的建议。
I need a few days to think it over. 我需要几天时间来考虑它。(不能说 think over it)
6. 地点副词做定语时,须放在所修饰的名词或代词之后。如:
The people there are very friendly. 那儿的人很友好。
7. 修饰句子的副词一般放在句首。如:
Frankly, I am not satisfied with it. 坦白说,我对此不满意。
Luckily it was not so hot. 幸好那天不太热。
Seriously I wish to work here. 说正经的,我愿意在这里工作。
8. 疑问副词常放在句首构成疑问句。如:
How did you enjoy your Christmas? 圣诞节过得如何?
Why haven’t you been to see me all this time? 你为什么一直没来看我?
9. 关系副词和连接副词一般放在从句的开头。如:
I asked how he was getting on. 我问他情况怎样。(连接副词引起宾语从句)
These are the reasons why we do it. 这些就是我们这样做的理由。(关系副词引起定语从句)
10. 方式副词、地点副词、时间副词等用在一起时,通常是方式副词在前,地点副词在中间,时间副词在最后。如:
The boy read quietly over there all afternoon. 这男孩整个下午都在那儿静静地看书。
注:对于run / go / drive / move / walk / head / leave 等表示位置移动词的动词,修饰它们的多个副词通常按“地点副词 + 方式副词 + 时间副词”的规律排列。如:
He went there happily yesterday. 他昨天高兴地去了那儿。
修饰比较是副词much的常见用法,“much + 比较级”的意思是“更……”“……得多”。如:
It’s much colder today than it was yesterday. 今天比昨天冷得多。
It was much worse than I thought. 它比我想像的还要糟得多。
We will be a much better football team next year. 明年我们将会成为一支更好的足球队。
much修饰最高级应置于最高级前的定冠词之前,而不是之后。“much + the + 最高级”的意思是“最最……”“绝对是最……”。如:
This is much the most difficult. 这是最最难的。
That’s much the best plan. 那绝对是最好的计划。
Of the three boys Nick is much the cleverest. 这三个男孩中,尼克最最聪明。
I was much annoyed. 我很不高兴。
She wasn’t much surprised. 她并不太惊讶。
注:有个别非分词转化来的形容词有时也可用much修饰,但这种用法很有限,通常只见于good, different等少数几个形容词。如:
I don’t think this battery is much good. 我并不认为这种电池非常好。
method形容词The new school isn’t much different from the old one. 新学校与老学校区别不太大。
much too 为习语,其中的much修饰副词too;much too可视为too的加强说法,其语气比单独用too更强。如:
He spoke much too fast. 他说话说得太快了。
This is much too heavy for you to lift. 这东西太重,你拿不起来。
注意:much too与too much词序不同,用法也不同。从句法功能上看,much too的用法与to
o相同,但比too的语气更强;而too much在用法上则与much相同,但比much 语气更强。比较:
