
The American civil war had a deep e~Fibet on the livbs of slaves. It finallyresulted in the abolition of slavery. Slaves first arrived.in Amerjca in Virginiain 1619. The Underground Railway was a method for northemers to helpescaped slaves to find a place to live in free states or Canada. Free blackAfflericatjs were usually the ones to plan and helped with the UndergroundRamt,ad. -is believed about 50,000 t0 100,000 people used theUnclerground Railroad to escape to their freedom.      .
      Slavery was not the single cause of the Civil war. The many differencesarising from the slavery issue caused the Southern States to secede(分离).
  Abraham Lincoln was elected as president of the United States in 1860. Lincoln and his Republican ptuty had the goal of only stopping the expansion of slavery not abolishing it. White Southemers  didrt't believe Lincoln's promise to protect slavery where it ex:isted. South Carolina had declared it  would secede from the Union if Abraham Lincoln was elected, and -it did so in December 1861. It  was followed shortly by thb other lower South states- of Louisi
ana, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi,  Texas and Florida. In February 1861, a month before Lincoln took office, these states w nation, the Confederate States of America. After Lincoln's call for volunteers to hold back the  rebellion and the firing on' Fort Sumter, the other slave states of V,irginia, North Carol.ina, Tennessee,  and Arkansais joined the Confederacy. The border slave states of Delaware, Maryland, Kentucky, and  Missouri remained in the Union.                                                                    .        {.
      The North went to war to preserve the American Union, and the White South.went,,to war for  independence so that it might protect slavery.  Initially the Northem .fpal in the war was.~e speedy  restoration of the Union under the Constitution and the laws of 1861, all of which recogniz6d silavery  as lawfiil. Opposing skvery would"make'reunion more difficult.
1.  We can infer from Paragraj)Itl;&cat:the Underground Railway _.                                             
            A. was a safe transport means irr theiearly America
      ". B. was a method to transpott slaves to the North
method英语怎么读        C. was an underground railway built by slaves
        I). was a way by which slaves could fmd freedom      .
    2.  Why didn't the Southern states vote for Lincoln?
          A. Bec4use Lincoln was against the spread of slavery.
        B. Because Lincoln wanted to abolish slavery in America.
        C. Because Lincoln didn't protect slavery where it existed.
        D. Because Lincoln belonged to the Republican Party.
    3.  Which state was the first to declare independence?         
        A. Lou18iana              B. South Carolina.        C. Alabama.              D. Mississippi.
    4. "Ihe original goal of the North in Civil War was _      -.
        A. to give slaves complete freedom                    B. to force slaves back to Africa
        C. to reunite the nation                              .      D. to recognize slavery.as legal
