[2017-02-10 13:12:06.678] [INFO] mysqlLog - update tbl_playerdata_error: { [Error: ER_LOCK_DEADLOCK: Deadlock found when trying to get lock; try restarting transaction]
errno: 1213,
sqlState: '40001',
index: 0 }
知道错误code之后,先来查看mysql的说明,关于上⾯的 Error: 1213 SQLSTATE: 40001,参见:
Message: Deadlock found when trying to get lock; try restarting transaction
InnoDB reports this error when a transaction encounters a deadlock and is automatically rolled back so that your application can take corrective action. To recover from this error, run all the operations in this transaction again. A deadlock occurs when requests 上⾯有两句:
To recover from this error, run all the operations in this transaction again<br><br>If you encounter frequent deadlocks, make the sequence of locking operations (<code class="literal">LOCK TABLES</
code>, <code class="literal">SELECT ... FOR UPDATE</这两句也就道出了处理死锁的⽅法了,我就是在死锁错误发⽣的时候,使⽤定时器再重新做⼀次更新操作,这样就避免了上⾯出现的问题。
One easy trick that can help with most deadlocks is sorting the operations in a specific order.
You get a deadlock when two transactions are trying to lock two locks at opposite orders, ie:
connection 1: locks key(1), locks key(2);
connection 2: locks key(2), locks key(1);
If both run at the same time, connection 1 will lock key(1), connection 2 will lock key(2) and each connection will wait for the other to release the key -> deadlock.
Now, if you changed your queries such that the connections would lock the keys at the same order, ie:
connection 1: locks key(1), locks key(2);
connection 2: locks key(1), locks key(2);
it will be impossible to get a deadlock.
So this is what I suggest:
Make sure you have no other queries that lock access more than one key at a time except for the delete statement. if you do (and I suspect you do), order their WHERE in (k1,k2, in ascending order.
Fix your delete statement to work in ascending order:
DELETE FROM onlineusers WHERE datetime <= now() - INTERVAL 900 SECOND
DELETE FROM onlineusers WHERE id IN (SELECT id FROM onlineusers
WHERE datetime <= now() - INTERVAL 900 SECOND order by id) u;
Another thing to keep in mind is that mysql documentation suggest that in case of a deadlock the client should retry automatically. you can add this logic to your client code. (Say, 3 retries on this particular error before giving up).