Whom can you trust these days? It is a question posed by
David Halpern of Cambridge University, and the researchers at the
Downing Street Strategy Unit who take an interest in "social
capital". In intervals they go around asking people in assorted 1
nations the question: "Generally speaking, would you say that
most people can be trusted?"
The results are fascinated. The conclusion that leaps from the 2
figures and into sensational headlines are that social dislocation, 3
religious decline, public scandals, family fragmentation and the
fear of crime have made us more trusting. Comparative surveys 4
over 40 years suggest that British trustfulness had halved: in the 5
1950s 60 per cent of us answered "yes, most people can be
trusted", in the 1980s 44 per cent, today only 29 per cent. Trust
levels also continue to fall in Ireland and the US—meanwhile, the
Norwegians, Swedes, Danes and Dutch express tremendous
confidence in one and another"s honesty: levels are actually rising. 6
In Mexico and Japan the level of trust is also increasing, that is 7
interesting if mild bewildering. And the Palme d"Or (金棕榈奖) 8
for mutual suspect goes to the Brazilians—with less than 3 9
per cent replying "yes"—and the Turks with 6.5 per cent The French,
apparently, never trusted each other and still don"t. Nevertheless we 10
become less Scandinavian and more French (or Turkish) every
sibling什么时候用复数解析:In→At[解析] 词汇错误。at intervals是固定搭配,表示“不时地,每隔一段时间”。
解析:fascinated→fascinating[解析] 词汇错误。本句主语是The results,此处应该表明结果是“有趣的,吸引人的”。fascinating多用来修饰事物,表示“有趣的,吸引人的”,而fascinated常用来修饰人,表示“入迷的,被吸引的”,故此处应改为fascinating。
解析:are→is[解析] 语法错误。本句主语不是headlines,也不是figures,而是conclusion,that headlines是定语从句,用来修饰conclusion,因此谓语应该用单数is。
解析:more→less[解析] 语篇错误。根据下文提到的各国信任度的不断下降,可以推断出
解析:had→has[解析] 语法错误。suggest在本句中表示“暗示,说明”,主句是一般现在时,从over 40 years可以判断这里强调的是英国的信任度在40年来的变化,所以用现在完成时表示动作从过去持续到现在,而不是用过去完成时。
解析:and→  [解析] 词汇错误。首先one and another的表述是不正确的。另外,此处讨论的是各个国家信任度的变化,挪威人、瑞典人、丹麦人、荷兰人对人相互间的诚实正直表示了极大的信心。one another是固定词组,表示“相互”,故删掉and。
解析:that→which或∧that→and[解析] 语法错误。本句是非限制性定语从句,用which指代前面整句话的内容,表明“在墨西哥和日本,信任度也在提高,这个现象虽然有些令人不解,倒也很有趣”。本句也可以在that前加连词and表并列,that则变成指示代词,指代前一句话的内容。
解析:mild→mildly[解析] 语法错误。if后所接的形容词与前面的interesting形成语义上的转折。mild和bewildering均为形容词,但两者并非并列关系。此处应将mild改为其副词形式mildly修饰bewildering,表示程度上的“温和”。
解析:suspect→suspicion[解析] 词汇错误。suspect作名词表示“嫌疑人,嫌疑犯”。本句意为“相互猜忌的金棕榈奖非巴西人和土耳其人莫属”,此处是以一种幽默的方式来表明巴西人和土耳其人的信任度较低。“猜疑,怀疑”应该用suspicion,而不是suspect。
解析:Nevertheless→So/Therefore[解析] 语篇错误。斯堪的纳维亚人(Scandinavian)主要指丹麦、挪威、瑞典等北欧国家的人们。该段中间用一系列的数据表明英国人的信任度在直线下降,由此可以判断英国人越来越不像斯堪的纳维亚人,而越来越法国化了。最后一句是对前文的总结,从上下文的语义来判断,句间的逻辑关系应为因果关系。
Some social scientists have claimed that divorce harms
children for the rest of their lives leading them to form marriages
as happy as their parents". But other recent studies say marital 11
breakups have mixed long-term effects, foster growth in some 12
children and the resolve to build happier marriages of their own.
In support of the second viewpoint, a recent Pew Research
Center study suggests that when divorced parents remarry, the 13
kids" own marriages may benefit from the example of a parent"s
second, happier union. Indeed, some 60% of children who grow up
in stepfamilies say their marriages are closer than that of their own 14
biological parents, says the Pew survey of 2,691 adults, conduct 15
last October. Also, some 70% of people with step-relatives say
they are very satisfied with their family lives, the Pew study
shows. The study indicates that the stepkids may be benefiting 16
from a parent"s positive bond with a stepparent.
Still, blood is thicker than water. The 42% of Americans who
have at least one step-relative typically feel a strong sense of 17
obligation to their biological parent, child or sibling than their 18
step-relatives, the Pew survey says. Significantly higher
percentages of correspondents said they would feel obligated to 19
provide financial help or care with a biological relative who was in 20
trouble, compared with those who would help a step-relative who
was in trouble.(分数:30.00)
解析:happy→unhappy[解析] 语篇错误。本句开头提到“一些社会科学家曾经声称,离婚会伤害孩子一辈子”,接下来用词组lead to(导致)表示后果,即结婚后子女们的婚姻会像父母一样不幸,所以happy在此处不符合上下文语境,应该改为unhappy。
解析:foster→fostering[解析] 语法错误。逗号前面提到“但近期另外一些研究表明,婚姻破裂造成的长期影响有好有坏”,逗号后面的内容是对长期影响的进一步解释,即“促进部分子女成长,并使他们下定决心为自己建立更幸福的婚姻关系。”此处应该用现在分词作伴随状语,故改成fostering。
解析:when→if[解析] 语篇错误。本句逗号前面提到“离婚父母各自再婚”。后面说“父母的第二次结合更幸福,可能会成为子女的榜样,从而造福于子女的婚姻。”从句子之间的逻辑关系来判断,此处不是强调动作在时间上的一致性,不能用when,前者是实现后者的条件,故用if。
解析:that→those[解析] 语法错误。本句将their marriages(子女的婚姻)与their own biological parents" marriages(他们亲生父母的婚姻)作比较,此处指代的是marriages,应改为复数those。
