EUROPAÈ ISCHE NORM(欧洲标准) August 1998(1998年8月)
Descriptors: metal protection, corrosion prevention, electrochemical corrosion, organic coatings, adhesive tapes, cathodic protection, buried pipes, submerged construction, steel tubes, specifications, operating requirements, quality, conformity tests, tests
English version(英语版本)
Kathodischer KorrosionsschutzÐ Organische
UmhuÈllungen fuÈ r den Korrosionsschutz von in
BoÈden und WaÈssern verlegten Stahlrohrleitungen im
Zusammenwirken mit kathodischem
Korrosionsschutz ± BaÈnder und schrumpfende
Cathodic protection --External organic coatings for the corrosion protection of buried or immersed steel pipelines used in conjunction with cathodic protection-- Tapes and shrinkable materials(阴极防蚀—外部有机涂料结合阴极防蚀用于深埋或浸入钢管的防腐—胶纸带和收缩材料)Protection cathodiqueÐ ReveÃtements organiques
exteÂrieurs pour la protection contre la corrosion de
tubes en acier enterreÂs ou immergeÂs en
conjonction avec la protection cathodiqueÐ Bandes
et mateÂriaux reÂtractables
This European Standard was approved by CEN on 18 July 1998.
CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations
which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a
national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical
references concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to
the Central Secretariat or to any CEN member.(欧洲标准在1998年7月18被CEN批准通过。CEN成员国必须服从CEN/CENELEC内部规定,它们规定了欧洲标准没有任何更改作为国家标准法律地位的条件,最新的有关这些国家标准的书面参考文献可以通过中心秘书处或任何CEN成员国申请获得)
This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German).
A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a
CEN member into its own language and notified to the Central Secretariat has the
same status as the official versions.(欧洲标准存在三种法定版本(英国、法国、德国)。任何由CEN成员国在自己责任范围内翻译成自己语言方式的版本,通知中央秘书处后都具有同样法定的地位。)
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Czech
Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,
Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and
United Kingdom.( CEN成员国有以下国家:奥地利,比利时,捷克,丹麦,芬兰,法国,德国,希腊,冰岛,爱尔兰,意大利,卢森堡,荷兰,挪威,葡萄牙,西班牙,瑞典,瑞士和英国。)
European Committee for Standardization(欧洲标准化委员会)
Comite EuropeÂen de Normalisation(欧洲标准化委员会)
EuropaÈisches Komitee fuÈ r Normung(欧洲标准化委员会)
Ref. No. EN 12068:1998 E
This European Standard gives requirements for organic coatings based on tapes or shrinkable materials for corrosion protection of buried or immersed pipelines, used in conjunction with cathodic protection. This European Standard has been taken over from WG 6 of CEN/TC 262/SC 2, Cathodic protection, the Secretariat of which is held by DIN. There is a liaison between CEN/TC 262/SC 2/WG 6 and ECISS/TC 29/SC 4, to harmonize the standards prepared in both committees. This is primarily a functional standard giving the requirements for the material properties necessary to ensure the function of the coating. To ensure compatibility of the organic coatings with cathodically protected pipelines, tests of cathodic disbonding resistance at continuous operating temperature are specified. Test requirements are given for 23 8C but due to limited data available to WG 6 it is intended that values for higher temperatures will be established after five years. Attention is drawn to the fact that degradation of the properties of a coating may occur following attac
k from microbiological matter. Work is to be undertaken in Europe to produce a suitable test method but this may take several years. It is considered that a burial in soil is the only satisfactory test method. The described test method is proposed for the interim period of five years.
欧洲标准在胶带或热缩材料为基础的有机涂料与阴极保护一起用于埋地或浸泡管道防腐提出要求。此欧洲标准,已由WG 6 of CEN/TC 262/SC 2(阴极保护)接管,秘书处是由DIN执行。CEN/TC 262/SC 2/WG 6 和 ECISS/TC 29/SC 4有联洛这两个标准委员会协调编写的机构。这主要是一个要求材料必要功能特性的标准,确保涂层的功能。为了确保有机涂料与阴极保护的管道兼容性,在持续的操作温度下,阴极剥离强度被具体说明。试验要求温度为23摄氏度,但由于提供给WG 6的数据有限,打算在5年后创立更高温度下的值。值得注意的事实是,管道涂层的降解由于微生物的攻击而发生。在欧洲产生一个合适的测试方法,可能需要几年时间。土壤掩埋被认为是唯一令人满意的测试方法。所描述的测试方法的提出需要五年的过渡时期。
1 Scope
This standard specifies the functional requirements and test methods for external organic coatings based on tapes or shrinkable materials to be used for corrosion protection of buried and immersed steel pipelines in conjunction with cathodic protection. It classifies coatings by increasing mechanical
resistance and operating temperatures. Coatings for special installation conditions are also considered. A comprehensive classification of coatings in relation to functional requirements is defined. Tapes and shrinkable materials which meet the requirements of these classes can belong to various types defined in this standard. This European Standard is not applicable to special applications in off-shore and stress loads caused by frequent temperature changes. Specifications of fillers are outside the scope of this