齿轮 | Toothed gear;Gear | 齿面 | Tooth flank | 长幅内摆线 | Prolate hypocycloid |
齿轮副 | Gear pair | 右侧齿面 | Right flank | 短幅内摆线 | Curtate hypocycloid |
平行轴齿轮副 | Gear pair with parallel axes | 左侧齿面 | Left flank | 渐开线 | Involute; Involute to a circle |
相交轴齿轮副 | Gear pair with intersecting axes | 同侧齿面 | Corresponding flank | 延伸渐开线 | Prolate involute |
齿轮系 | Train of gears | 异侧齿面 | Opposite flank | 缩短渐开线 | Curtate involute |
行星齿轮系 | Planetary gear train | 工作齿面 | Working flank | 球面渐开线 | Spherical involute |
齿轮传动 | Gear drive;Gear transmission | 非工作齿面 | Non-working flank | 渐开螺旋面 | Involute helicoid |
配对齿轮 | Mating gears | 相啮齿面 | Mating flank | 阿基米德螺旋面 | Screw helicoid |
小齿轮 | profile中文Pinion | 共轭齿面 | Conjugate flank | 球面渐开螺旋面 | Spherical involute helicoid |
大齿轮 | Wheel;Gear | 可用齿面 | Usable flank | 圆环面 | Toroid |
主动齿轮 | Driving gear | 有效齿面 | Active flank | 圆环面的母圈 | Generant of the toroit |
从动齿轮 | Driven gear | 上齿面 | Addendum flank | 圆环面的中性圈 | Middle circle of the toroid |
行星齿轮 | Planet gear | 下齿面 | Dedendum flank | 圆环面的中间平面 | Middle-plane of the toroid |
行星架 | Planet carrier | 齿根过渡曲面 | Fillet | 圆环面的内圈 | Inner circle of the toroid |
太阳轮 | Sun gear | 齿顶 | Crest;Top land | 啮合干涉 | Meshing interference |
内齿圈 | Ring gear;Annulus gear | 槽底 | Bottom land | 切齿干涉 | Cutter interference |
外齿轮 | External gear | 齿廓 | Tooth profile | 齿廓修型 | Pro; Pro |
内齿轮 | Internal gear | 端面齿廓 | Transverse profile | 修缘 | Tip relief |
中心距 | Centre distance | 法向齿廓 | Normal profile | 修根 | Root relief |
轴交角 | Shaft angle | 轴向齿廓 | Axial profile | 齿向修形 | Axial modification; Longitudinal correction |
连心线 | Line of centres | 背锥齿廓 | Back cone tooth profile | 齿端修薄 | End relief |
减速齿轮副 | Speed reducing gear pair | 齿线 | Tooth trace | 鼓形修整 | Crowning |
增速齿轮副 | Speed increasing gear pair | 齿棱 | Tip;Tooth tip | 鼓形齿 | Crowned teeth |
齿数比 | Gear ratio | 模数 | Module | 挖根 | Undercut |
传动比 | Transmission ratio | 端面模数 | Transverse module | 瞬时轴 | Instantaneous axis |
轴平面 | Axial plane | 法向模数 | Normal module | 瞬时接触点 | Point of contact |
基准平面 | Datum plane | 轴向模数 | Axial module | 瞬时接触线 | Line of contact |
节平面 | Pitch plane | 径节 | Diametral pitch | 端面啮合线 | Transverse path of contact |
端平面 | Transverse plane | 齿数 | Number of teech | 啮合曲面 | Surface of action |
法平面 | Normal plane | 当量齿数 | Virtual number of teeth | 啮合平面 | Plane of action |
分度曲面 | Reference surface | 头数 | Number of starts;Number of threads | 啮合区域 | Zone of action |
节曲面 | Pitch surface | 螺旋线 | Helix;Circular helix | 总作用弧 | Total arc of transmission |
齿顶曲面 | Tip surface | 圆锥螺旋线 | Conical spiral | 端面作用弧 | Transverse arc of transmission |
齿根曲面 | Root surface | 螺旋角 | Helix angle; Spiral angle | 纵向作用弧 | Overlap arc |
基本齿廓 | Basic tooth profile | 导程 | Lead | 总作用角 | Total angle of transmission |
基本齿条 | Basic rack | 导程角 | Lead angle | 端面作用角 | Transverse angle of transmission |
产形齿条 | Counterpart rack | 阿基米德螺旋线 | Archimedes spiral | 纵向作用角 | Overlap angle |
产形齿轮 | Generating gear of a gear | 外摆线 | Epicycloid | 总重合度 | Total contact ratio |
产形齿面 | Generating flank | 长幅外摆线 | Prolate epoicycloid | 端面重合度 | Transverse ratio |
基准线 | Datum line | 短幅外摆线 | Curtate epoicycloid | 纵向重合度 | Overlap ratio |
轮齿 | Gear teeth;Tooth | 摆线 | Cycloid | 标准齿轮 | Standard gears |
齿槽 | Tooth space | 长幅摆线 | Prolate cycloid | 非变位齿轮 | X-gero gear |
右旋齿 | Right-hand teeth | 短幅摆线 | Curtate cycloid | 标准中心距 | Referencr centre distance |
左旋齿 | Left-hand teeth | 内摆线 | Hypocycloid | 名义中心距 | Nominal centre distance |
变位齿轮 | Gears with addendum modification; X-gears | 直齿轮 | Spur gear | 分度圆柱面 | Reference cylinder |
高度变位圆柱齿轮副 | X-gear pair with reference centre distance | 斜齿轮 | Helical gear;Single-helical gear | 节圆柱面 | Pitch cylinder |
角度变位圆柱齿轮副 | X-gear pair with modified centre distance | 直齿条 | Spur rack | 基圆柱面 | Basic cylinder |
高度变位锥齿轮副 | X-gear pair without shaft angle modification | 斜齿条 | Helical rack | 齿顶圆柱面 | Tip cylinder |
角度变位圆柱齿轮副 | X-gear pair with shaft angle modification | 人字齿轮 | Double-helical gear | 齿根圆柱面 | Root cylinder |
变位系数 | Modification coefficient | 渐开线齿轮 | Involute cylindrical gear | 节点 | Pitch point |
变位量 | Addendum modification | 摆线齿轮 | Cycloidal gear | 节线 | Pitch line |
径向变位系数 | Addendum modification coefficient | 圆弧齿轮 | Circular-arc gear;W-N gear | 分度圆 | Reference circle |
中心距变位系数 | Centre distance modification coefficient | 双圆弧齿轮 | Double-circular-arc gear | 节圆 | Pitch circle |
圆柱齿轮 | Cylindrical gear | 假想曲面 | Imaginary surfance | 基圆 | Basic circle |
顶圆 | Tip circle | 任意点法向压力角 | Normal pressure angle at a point | 定位面 | Locating face |
根圆 | Root circle | 任意点端面压力角 | Transverse pressure angle at a point | 外锥距 | Outer cone distance |
齿距 | Pitch | 啮合角 | Working pressure angle | 内锥距 | Inner cone distance |
齿距角 | Angular pitch | 顶隙 | Bottom clearance | 中点锥距 | Mean cone distance |
公法线长度 | Base tangent length | 圆周侧隙 | Circumferential blacklash | 背锥距 | Back cone distance |
分度圆直径 | Reference diameter | 法向侧隙 | Normal blacklash | 安装距 | Locating distance |
节圆直径 | Pitch diameter | 径向侧隙 | Radial blacklash | 轮冠距 | Tip distance;crown to back |
基圆直径 | Base diameter | 锥齿轮 | Bevel gear | 冠顶距 | Apex to crown |
顶圆直径 | Tip diameter | 锥齿轮副 | Bevel gear pair | 偏置距 | Offset |
根圆直径 | Root diameter | 准双曲面齿轮副 | Hypoid gear pair | 齿线偏移量 | Offset of tooth trace |
齿根圆角半径 | Fillet radius | 准双曲面齿轮 | Hypoid gear | 分锥角 | Reference cone angle |
齿高 | Tooth depth | 冠轮 | Crown gear | 节锥角 | Pitch cone angle |
工作高度 | Working depth | 端面齿轮 | Contrate gear | 顶锥角 | Tip angle |
齿顶高 | Addendum | 直齿锥齿轮 | Straight bevel gear | 根锥角 | Root angle |
齿根高 | Dedendum | 斜齿锥齿轮 | Skew bevel gear; Helical bevel gear | 背锥角 | Back cone angle |
弦齿高 | Chordal height | 曲面齿锥齿轮 | Curved tooth bevel gear | 齿顶角 | Addendum angel |
固定弦齿高 | Constant chord height | 弧齿锥齿轮 | Spiral bevel gear | 齿根角 | Dedendum angle |
齿宽 | Facewidth | 摆线齿锥齿轮 | Enicycloid bevel gear | 任意点压力角 | Pressure angle at a point |
有效齿宽 | Effective facewidth | 零度齿锥齿轮 | Zerot bevel gear | 任意点螺旋角 | Spiral angle at a point |
端面齿厚 | Transverse tooth thickness | 圆柱齿轮端面齿轮副 | Contrate gear pair | 中点螺旋角 | Mean spiral angle |
法向齿厚 | Normal tooth thickness | 锥齿轮的当量圆柱齿轮 | Virtual cylindrical gear of bevel gear | 大端螺旋角 | Outer spiral angle |
端面基圆齿厚 | Transverse base thickness | 8字啮合锥齿轮 | Octoid gear | 小端螺旋角 | Inner spiral angle |
法向基圆齿厚 | Normal base thickness | 圆柱齿弧锥齿轮 | Spiral bevel gear with circle arc tooth profile | 蜗杆 | Worm |
端面弦齿厚 | Transverse chordal tooth thickness | 分度圆锥面 | Reference cone | 蜗轮 | Worm wheel |
固定弦齿厚 | Constant chord | 节圆锥面 | Pitch cone | 蜗杆副 | Worm gear pair |
端面齿顶厚 | Crest width | 齿顶圆锥面 | Face cone;tip cone | 圆柱蜗杆 | Cylindrical worm |