Part II Knowledge about the Course (30%)
1. The words in which sentence cannot be read in a linked way? 5
A. I called you half an hour ago.
B. I looked for it here and there.
C. The black clouds are coming nearer and nearer.
D. Did you get there late again?
2. The phase “final trump card” has the same meaning as______. 5
A. apple-polisher.
B. out at elbow.
C. black sheep.
D. an ace up my sleeve.
3. Choose the proper translation of the sentence “He sets the fox to keep the geese”. 5
A. 狗党狐朋.
B. 引狼入室.
C. 无事不登三宝殿.
4. Which word’s pronunciation of “c” is different from the others? 5
A. Precious.
B. Society.
C. Decision.
D. Medicine
5. The pun (双关语) is not used in which sentence? 5
A. They pray for you today and prey on you tomorrow.
B. The best way to communicate with a fish is to drop them a line.
C.sleeve Find solutions to your TV picture fades out problem.
D. when a clock is hungry it goes back four seconds.
6. When Chinese people say forth finger, they usually refer to______, when American say forth finger, they refer to______. 8
A. ring fingerring finger
B. middle fingerindex finger
C. middle fingermiddle finger
D. ring fingermiddle finger
7. They had to sell the firm because for years they had operated it in the______. 8
A. black.
B. red.
C. white.
D. blue.
8. If you want to read British newspaper, which one can you choose?  8
A. Times.
B. The Economics.
C. Time.
D. Reader’s Digest.
9. If someone sneezes, what can you say?8
A. My apology.
B. God bless you.
C. Thank you so much.
D. That’s kind of you.
10. The Big Apple is a nickname for______. 8
A. Los Angeles.
B. Chicago.
C. San Francisco.
D. New York.
