FRANCE  phone: +33-1-45-16-45-16  fax: +33-1-45-16-00-33 GERMANY  phone: +49-211-9414-0  fax: +49-211-9414-322
SWITZERLAND  phone: +41-43-277-2860  fax: +41-43-277-2861
Code No. 2CE-KVSH-1
Motorized focus control
Control of Z positioning
Motorized Universal Epi-Illuminator 2
to image capture. Specific
configurations can be saved and
recalled at later times or with different operators to help provide consistent image capture.
Automated control of the Z motor and positioning is the core of 3D image capture and autofocusing. Linked with the EDF (extended depth of focus) module (optional- see P6), composite images that have been captured in a different Z-axis can be combined to create an all-in-focus image.
Microscope control window (LV-PAD)
IM Module A LV-FMA
FM Module A
AZ100M Motorized Zooming Body
AZ-STDM Diascopic Stand M
NIS-Elements D offers a wide range of manual measurements,
performed by drag and drop. Detail,
available on both the images on the Excel data
radius软件a live image can be displayed Three dimensional image (LV series only)
All-in-focus image
A series of images with
