词汇语法练习题 3
1. Acute hearing helps most animals sense the approach of thunderstorms long before people         .
A. do
B. hear           
C. do them
D. hearing it
2. This is an illness that can result in total blindness         left untreated.
A. after
B. if 
C. since
D. unless
3. The central provinces have floods in some years, and         .
A. drought in others
B. droughts are others
C. while other droughts
D. others in drought
4. Do help yourself to some fruit,         you?
A. can’t
B. don’t
C. wouldn’t
D. won’t 
5. There         nothing more for discussion, the meeting came to an end half an hour earlier.
A. to be
B. to have been
C. being 
D. be
6. You         Jim anything about it. It was none of his business.
A. needn’t have told
B. needn’t tell 
C. mustn’t have told   
D. mustn’t tell
7. All of us would have enjoyed the party much more if there         quite such a crowd of people there.
A. weren’t
B. hasn’t been 
C. hadn’t been
D. wouldn’t be 
8. In the sentence “When we are going to have an English test has not been decided”, the italicized part is         .
A. the object
B. an adverbial
C. a complement
D. the subject
9. Which of the following sentences is INCORRECT?
A. Five looters stole the princess from the castle yesterday.
B. Statistics is hard to learn.
C. Most of students love the Movie Avatar.
D. The committee is so bureaucratic.
10. “She must be in the dormitory now!”
“No, she         be there. I saw her in the classroom a minute ago.”
A. mustn’t
B. can’t
C. couldn’t
D. wouldn’t
11. We’re late. I expect the film         by the time we get to the cinema.
A. will have started
B. has started
C. will start
D. may start
12. In this experiment, they are wakened several times during the night, and asked to report what they         .
A. had just been dreaming
C. have just been dreaming
B. are just dreaming
D. had just dreamt
13. He must have had an accident or he         then.
A. would be here
B. had to be here
C. should be here
D. would have been here
14. I am surprised that my four-year-old daughter         speak like a grown-up.
A. would
B. could
C. will
D. should
15. If the United States had built more homes for the poor in 1955, the housing problems now in some parts of the country ____ so serious.
A. wouldn’t be
B. wouldn’t have been
C. will not have been
D. could not have been
16. I was very much put ___ by Mark’s rude behavior; it really annoyed me.
A. over
B. off
C. up
D. by
17. Many people are ___ to insect bites, and some even have to go to hospital.
A. insensitive 
B. allergic
C. sensible 
D. infected
18. The motorist had to ___to avoid knocking the old woman down in the middle of the road.
A. swerve
B. twist
C. depart
D. swing
19. In winter drivers have trouble stopping their cars from ___ on icy roads.
A. skating
B. skidding
C. sliding
D. slipping 
20. This project would ___ a huge increase in defense spending.
A. result 
B. assure 
C. entail 
D. accomplish
21. The chances of a repetition of these unfortunate events are ___ indeed.
A. distant
B. slim
C. unlikely
D. narrow
22. In the present economic ___ we can make even greater progress than previously.
A. air 
B. mood 
C. area
D. climate
23. As the director can’t come to the reception, I’m representing the company           .
A. on his account 
B. on his behalf
C. for his part
D. in his interest 
24. Dreams are___ in themselves, but when combined with other data, they can tell us much about the dreamer.
A. uninformative 
B. startling
C. harmless
D. uncontrollable
25. In the meantime, the question facing the business is whether such research is _____ the costs.
A. worth
B. worth of
C. worthy
D. worthwhile
26. The Browns lived in a ___________ and comfortably furnished villa on Hengshan road.
A. spacious
B. sufficient
C. wide
D. wretched
27. Mary blew out the candle and _________ her way to the bed.
A. converged
B. groped
C. strove
D. propped
28. Some professors prefer to control discussion while others prefer to guide the class without _______ it.
A. enforcing
B. dominating
C. enhancing
D. disposing
29. It has been an old tradition for many people to make a New Year ____ on January 1st.
A. resolution
B. determination
C. dedication
D. intention
30. Frankfurt, Germany, is one of the most ____ populated regions of Western Europe.
A. enormously
B. densely
C. vastly
D. largely
第1题,这句话意思是,敏锐的听力帮助大部分动物比人们更早地感觉到暴风雨的来临,do指代sense the approach of thunderstorms,考查动词性替代
is) left untreated
