※hold one’s breath 屏住呼吸※out of breath 气喘吁吁
※take a deep breath 深呼吸※breathe(v.)heavily
◇raise your hand 举手◇raise pets 养宠物
◇raise sth for sb 为某人筹集
◇watch the raising of the national flag 观看升国旗
△He raised his hand to get my attention.
◇He put down his glass and rose to his feet.
◇lie(vi.)位于(lay-lain)※说谎(lied-lied-lying)→tell lies 撒谎
◇lay(v.)下蛋;产卵;摆放(laid-laid)→The hen laid an egg just now.
◆lose 用法辨析lose(v.)迷失;丢失;失去,被...夺去;输掉※lost(adj.迷路的,迷失的) ※loss(n.丧失,损失;失败)
※lose heart 泄气,灰心※lose one’s balance 失去平衡※lose one’s way=get lost 迷路
☆connect to/with 与...相接,连接→be connected to/with
※contact the police 联系警察※continue (v.)继续
◆The films directed by Zhangyimou are wonderful.
◆The articles written by Lu xun are popular.
◆The flowers smelling sweet look nice.
be attracted by sb to sp 被...吸引到某地
◇attract one’s attention吸引某人的注意力
◇tourist attractions 旅游景点
be attractive to sb 对...有吸引力的
※absent(adj.缺席的)→be absent from 缺席...
※achieve(vt.实现,达到)→achieve success 实现成功
◆reply to the letter 回复信件/answer the phone 接电话
★even/much wealthier (than)
★one of the wealthiest people in the world
◆blood(n.)★donate blood to sb 给某人捐献血
★bleed to death 流血致死
the virus spreading _(扩☆Something must be done to
☆Seeds are often spread by the wind.种子通常随风传播。
◆the rapid spread of the big fire 大火的蔓延
produce(v.导致,产生)※product(n.产品,成果-可数名词)※production(n.生产;产量- 不可数)
※serve in the army 在军队服役※serve as 充当
※be in service=be in use 在使用≠be out of service 不能使用☆survive(v.幸存,生存)survivor(n.幸存者)
※provide a high level of service
◆communicate(v.交流,交际)※communication (n.交流,交际)
◇communicate with sb 与某人沟通=have communication with
★compare (v.比较)※compare to/with 与...相比
※complain (to sb.) of/about sth.
◆wake-woke-woken→wake sb up※awake(adj.醒着
※be wide awake=be completely awake 睡意全无
◆aware(adj.知道,意识到)★be aware of sth=be aware that 意识到
△an awful day/a terrible day※He feels terribly bad.
的)※an up-to-date report=a latest report
private(adj.私人的)※personal (adj.个人的;私人的)
※completely(adv.完全的)►complete(v.完成) doing sth
represent的用法◆able(adj.能,能够)★be able to do≠be unable to do sth.
★die 用法辨析
◆die from/of 死于◇die for 为...而死/be dying for sth 渴望得到◇The old man died(passed away) a week ago.
◇The old man was found dead.
★succeed 用法辨析
