动名词( doing/being done, having done/having been done)
(一 )动名词的用法:
Seeing is believing.
Walking is a good form of exercise.
It ’ s no use ( good ) arguing with him ./ There is no use (good) arguing with him.
注意:doing 与 to do 都可作主语, doing 作主语表示一般或抽象的多次性的行为或强调概念;
to do 作主语表示具体的或一次性的动作。
Playing with fire is dangerous.
2.表语:Her job is teaching.
3.宾语:记住哪些动词后面须用doing 作宾语:
finish, enjoy, mind, feel like, keep, practice , miss, suggest, can’ t help, imagine, mention, for excuse, dislike, put off, avoid, admit, appreciate , give up, allow, permit, forbid, advise, escape ,
include, can’ t stand, catch sb. (doing),等;
(1)某些动词后既可用 to do 也可用 doing 作宾语,但意思不同,如:forget, remember, regret,
try, go on, stop, mean;
①-----You were brave enough to raise objections at the meeting.
----Well, I regret ______( do) so now.
②I regret ______ ( tell ) you that only half of you passed the exam.
③-----Look, the light is still on.
----Oh, I forgot ___________( turn) it off.
④-----Have you returned the dictionary to him?
-----Well, I remember ______(give) it back to him as soon as I saw him.
⑤-----I ’ ve knocked at the front door twice, but it seems nobody is in.
----Why not try ______(knock) a third time?
⑥Missing this train means _______( wait) for another two hours.
⑦ He was so tired th at he stopped ______(rest)
(2) 在 allow, permit, forbid, advise后接doing作宾语,接to do 作宾补;
We don ’ t allow smoking here.We don ’ t allow students to smoke here.
(3)当 need, want, require 作“需要”解释 , deserve 值“得”,且主语与后面的动词有被动关
系时,结构为: need / want / require doing ( to be done)
The roof of the office building needs repairing / to be repaired.
(4)be worth doing / be worthy of being done ( be worthy to be done)
His method is well worth trying.=His method is worthy of being tried ( is worthy to be tried).
在动词短语devote to, look forward to, stick to, be used to, be busy , object to, have difficulty
(trouble) , have a wonderful time , have a hard time, feel like, get down to, there ’ s no u there ’ s no sense (point).., there ’ s no doing.., it ’ s/there等后面用’doing;snouse(good) ..
start / begin 后面可接to do 也可接doing,但在下列情况下接to do:
A: 主语是表示物的名词时:It started to snow suddenly.
B:当 start 与 begin 以进行时出现时:He is beginning to cook dinner.
C:当后面作宾语的动词为感情、思想、意念时:I began to understand what he meant.
a reading room ( a room for reading), a sleeping car, a walking stick, waiting room, running shoes,
flying suit
(二 )动名词的复合结构:( 1)否定结构:not doing( 2)执行者 +doing
●名词所有格 (Mary ’或s)普通格 ( Mary)+doingrequire名词
She didn’ t mind him / his / Jack / Jackrying and went’ onscdoing the washing.
His coming to my birthday party made me happy.
Mary’ s crying loudly made him angry.
His not being allowed to visit his sick mother made him unhappy.
(something, somebody 等)时,用名词的普通格:
Is there any hope of our team winning the game?
He insists on the plan being carried out at once.
(三 )动名词的时态及语态:
时态: doing / having done
语态: being done / having been done
Nobody likes ____________(laugh) at in public places.
He regretted _____________(accept) her gift.
He was afraid of _________ ( leave) alone at home.
1. I wouldn ’ t advise ________ there by bus, because it is too crowded.
A. and go
B. to go
C. to going
D. going
2. I would appreciate _______ back this afternoon.
A. you to call
B. you call
C. your calling
D. you ’ re calling
3. The doctor recommended ________ hard work for the first few weeks.
A. to avoid
B. to avoiding
C. being avoided
D. avoiding
4. With modern traffic control facilities speeders can ’ t expect to escape ____ detected and fined.
A. to be
B. being
C. to have been
D. having been
5. I really can ’ t risk the children _________ these awful programs.
A. to see
B. having seen
C. to seeing
D. seeing
6. It ’ s strange that she didn ’ t mention ________ him at the party.
A. to meet
B. to meeting
C. meeting
D. met
7. My younger sister suggested _____the Summer Palace first.
A. me to visit
B. mine visiting
C. I visiting
D. my visiting
8. While shopping, people sometimes can ’ t help __into buying something they don ’ t really ne
