译林牛津 高一第一单元知识点讲练
Advance English 第一册第一单元
本单元的中心话题是校园生活,语言技能和语言知识也都是围绕校园生活这一中心话题设计的。Welcome to the unit版块介绍了英国校园生活的四个方面,引出话题,让学生对中国中学校园生活和英国中学校园生活进行比较,通过Reading和阅读练习,来提高学生略读(skimming)和搜读(scanning)两个方面的阅读能力。Word power版块强化了校园设施、活动器材等方面词汇的学习。在Grammar and usage版块中,学习定语从句的基本概念,关系代词和关系副词的功能,并重点学习关系代词that, which, who, whom 及whose的用法。接下来的Task版块主要介绍了校园的一些活动,在了解这些活动的同时,来练习听、说、读、写几个方面的技能,让学生学会如何谈论校园活动以及写一份举办某一活动的通知。在Project部分,通过学习两篇介绍关于学校俱乐部的文章,学会设计一份关于创办一个新校园俱乐部的海报。学生通过本单元后面的Self-assessment版块,来对本单元所学各个项目进行自我评价,为下一步学习制定行动计划。
本单元要求掌握的词汇和短语主要有:attend, earn, respect, achieve, grade, literature, average, challenging, lunchtime, e-mail, extra, cooking, prepare, drop, woodwork, miss, dessert, field, experience, article, penfriend, introduce, immediately, former, recently, culture, develop, photograph, donate, gift, display, kindness, guest, speech, flat, bookcase, attention, please, title, dynasty, cover, recent, professor, regret, inform, run, host, approve, broadcast, preparation, close, outing, continue, poet, generation, poem, select, require, scary, nature, for free, pay attention to, make preparations for 。语法项目主要掌握定语从句的基本概念、关系代词和关系副词的基本功能以及关系代词that, which, who, whom及whose的用法。
1. Going to a British school for one year has been a very enjoyable and exciting experience for me.
此句中going to a British school for one year为动名词短语,做句子的主语。如:
Playing with fire is dangerous. 玩火很危险。
It’s no use arguing with him. 同他争论是没用的。
2. He also told us that the best way to earn respect from the school was to work hard and achieve high grades.
此句中不定式短语to earn respect是 way的后置定语,修饰way。如:
There is nothing to worry about.没什么可担心的。
I have something to tell you. 我有事要告诉你。require名词
I have a pen to write with.我有一支可写字的钢笔。
way作“方式,方法”讲时,其后常跟to do sth.或of doing sth.作定语,两种形式基本相同。 如:
I had no way to get in touch with him.我无法跟他取得联系。
Soon he got used to the American ways of doing things.不久他就习惯了美国式的做法。
此句中另一个不定式短语to work hard and achieve high grades作 that引导的宾语从句中的表语。如:
His job is to water the flowers. 他的工作就是浇花。
To see is to believe.眼见为实。
3. Though it didn’t look like a table when it was finished, I still liked it very much.
We went out, though it was raining.虽然下着雨,我们仍然出去了。
Though they are poor, they buy a great many books.尽管他们穷,他们还是买许多书。
He was happy, though poor.他虽然穷,却很快乐。
It was hard work; I enjoyed it,though.那工作很辛苦,但是我却喜欢。
There’s no excuse, though, for hurting her feelings.伤到她的感情一事,还是不可原谅。
4. This is about the average size for British schools.
此句中的average为形容词,意为“平均的,一般的”,如:the average age emperature,平均年龄气温。另外,average还可用作名词,意为“平均数,平均水平”,常见的短语有: an average of…平均(有)…;on (the) average平均,一般说来;aboveelow (the) average在平均水平以上以下
5. Going to a British school for one year has been a very enjoyable and exciting experience for me.
I was very lucky to experience this different way of life.
Our journey by camel was quite an experience.我们骑骆驼旅行真是一次令人难忘的经历。 He will make a speech about his experiences in China. 他将做一个演讲,讲述他在中国的经历。
He has a lot of teaching experience.他有许多教学经验。
Have you ever experienced real hunger?你体验过真正的饥饿吗?
He experienced many difficulties during his study in Britain.在英国学习时,他经历过许多困难。
experienced为形容词形式,意为“有经验的”,常构成的短语有: an experienced doctor 一个有经验的医生;be experienced inat 对…有经验。
6. She seems to be a person who can’t pay attention to one thing for long.
此句中的pay attention to 意为“注意”,其中的to为介词。如:
He didn’t pay attention to me. =He paid no attention to me. 他没有注意到我。
Too much attention was paid to the details.太过于注意细节了。
展开全文阅读attention常构成的短语还有:attractdrawcatch one’s attention吸引某人的注意力;
focus one’s attention on集中注意力于…; turn one’s attention to将注意力转向…。
7. We regret to inform you that our library will be closed next Wednesday, Tuesday and Friday for the sports meeting.
此句中的regret为动词,意为“遗憾,抱歉”,常用结构有: regret to say tell you inform you that…或regret that…。如:
I regret to tell you that I can’t come today.=I regret that I can’t come today.我很遗憾今天不能来了。
当regret作“后悔”讲时,常说 (not) that…。如;
He regretted his carelessness.他对自己的粗心大意感到懊悔。
=He regretted having been careless.
=He regretted that he had been careless.
另外,regret还可用作名词,意为“遗憾,后悔”,常用短语有: without regret 没有后悔;feel regret感到后悔;to one’s regret(对某人而言)可惜的是…。
8. Cooking was really fun as I learned how to buy, prepare and cook food.
During exam time we have a special programme that tells students the things they should or shouldn’t do for preparation.
