26课时 Book 9 Unit 2
Teaching aims:
*学会使用由if/whether 引导的宾语从句。
Teaching procedures
一、Warming up
二、Review the important points
1(新疆乌鲁木齐)China __________(许诺)to stick to Paris Agreement on climate change.
2(广西贵港)It's important for young people to make a right __________(决定)for their future.
3(新疆乌鲁木齐)The Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation which was held in Beijing on May 15th had a very deep __________(影响)on almost all the countries.
4(镇江丹阳二模)Mr Yang said he __________(更喜欢)reading paper books to ebooks on the Internet.
5(句容二模)—Do you think it is worth __________(连接)my watch to the Internet?
—I'm afraid it's necessary to do so.
6David's new suit fits him very well.Do you know how much it's __________(……)?
7(连云港二模)Thanks for your valuable suggestions.They are well worth __________(采纳)
8(南京江宁二模)It is really worth __________(提及)that Nanjing has won the bid of 2018
badminton world championships.
9(常熟二模)It does __________(要求)some time and patience to carry out the plan.
10(江苏无锡)Quite a lot of teenagers have no idea how to __________(处理)with stress.
1(上海)Scientists often __________ that farmers use natural ways to grow fruits.(suggestion)
2(江苏无锡)—Will the president attend the meeting?
—Wellthat __________(depend)He may not have the time.
3The little boy promised his teacher __________(get)on with Tom after he fought with him on the playground.
4To everyone's surpriseAlice __________(success)in finding a job in less than three days.
5(无锡梁溪二模)—Did you watch the fashion show on TV last night?
—I wanted tobut my mother __________(control)the remote control all the time.
(  )1.(湖北鄂州)—What would you like to drinkrequire名词tea or coffee?
—______ is OKbut I prefer coffee ______ milk.
AEitherto  BEitherwith  CNeitherto  DNeitherwith
(  )2.(新疆阜康)We believe One BeltOne Road(一带一路)will help China improve the ______ with lots of countries.
Apopulation  Bsituation  Cenvironment  Drelationship
(  )3.(苏州昆山一模)I never doubt ______ the book is worth ______.
Awhetherreading  Bthatreading  Cwhetherbeing read  Dthatbeing read
(  )4.(无锡)—How can Julie say bad words about meI thought we were good friends.
—Who told you thatFriends need ______.
Acourage  Bdistance  Ctrust  Dshame
(  )5.(苏州调研测试卷)The students wanted to know ______.
Awhether light goes faster than sound  Bhow many colors were there in a rainbow
Cthat the moon travels around the earth  Dwhat would the world be like in the future
1promisevt.意为承诺,许诺,短语有:promise to do sth.承诺做某事;
n.意为诺言,承诺,短语有:make/break a promise许诺/违反诺言。
(1)If you make a __________you shouldn't break it.
(2)He __________ to help you successfully change your moodsor you'll get your money back.
2relaxv.意为放松relaxed adj.意为放松的
(1)Listening to light music can help us __________.
(2)He looked very __________ and happy in the sun.
如:—Would you like meat or fish —I prefer fishplease.
I prefer to see animals living in their natural state.
如:I prefer blue to black.She prefers English to maths.He preferred singing to acting.
4would rather(1)would rather 宁愿……否定形式:would rather not
如:I would rather stay in the park for night.
I would rather not buy such an expensive car.
(2)would ratherthan…宁愿……也不……
如:I'd rather put the photo on my home page than show it to everyone.
(1)—Which do you preferChinese food or Western food?
—I would rather __________(have)Chinese food.Let's have noodles.
(2)I would rather sing than __________(dance)
(3)—Would you like __________(walk)or shall we go by bus?
—I prefer __________(walk)but we have to take a taxifor time is short.
(4)She prefers walking to __________(jog)
(5)Simon __________(prefer)to stay at home last night.
1influence/change our moods 2.bring peace to 3.be good for one's mind and body 4.the colour of one's wedding day 6.cheer(sb.)ind sb.of sth. 8.hope for with envy 10.be of some help to sb. 11.make a married 13.have difficulty(in)doing sth. 14.calm down 15.feel relaxed/warm/sleepy 16.look good on sb. 17.represent power and strong feelings 18.personal taste 19.in ancient China/Europe 20.it doesn't work 21.would rather 22.dress sb.in red/blue 23.think of sb./sth. 24.in the past 25.according to 26.feel a little stressed 27.be dressed in
