专题三 非谓语动词
(1)不定式作表语与be+to do sth.的异同。不定式作表语说明主语的内容或性质。
My job is to teach English.(说明内容)
be+to do sth.(表示按计划要做的事)
He is to go abroad.
下列词语后可接疑问词+不定式:teach,decide,wonder,show,learn,forget,ask,find out,advise,discuss等。
动词(短语)see,watch,notice,hear,listen to,observe,feel,taste,smell,make,let,have等的宾补用动词原形,变被动时要加to,此时的不定式就是主语补足语。
主语+ask/require/tell/order/force/get/want/like+sb.to do sth.
主语+think/judge/suppose/believe/consider/imagine/feel+sb.+to be/to have done
主语+call on/upon/depend on/wait for/ask for+sb.+to do sth.
下列词语后常接不定式作定语:chance,wish,right,courage,need,promise,time,opportunity,way,the first,the second,the last,the only等。
There is no one to look after her.
She is now looking for a room to live in.
不定式作状语,在句中主要表示目的、结果、原因等。only to do表示出人意料的结果。
We hurried to the classroom only to find none there.
in order (not) to,so as (not) to用来引导目的状语;,so...as to do,such+名词...as to do作结果状语。
The girl was so kind as to help the old man off the bus.
Im not such a fool as to believe that.
The novel was said to have been published.
I regret to have been with you for so many years.
seem,appear,be said,be supposed,be believed,be thought,be known,be reported等动词常用于上面句型。
Im sorry to keep you waiting for a minute.对不起,请稍等。(说话时还未等)
Im sorry to have kept you waiting.对不起,让你久等了。(说话时已等了很久)
不定式的完成时还可表示require名词过去本想做某事但未做的虚拟语气。(A)should like to/would lik
e to/would love to+完成时。(B)was/were to+不定式的完成时,表示该做某事或想做但未实现。(C)expected/hoped/meant/promised/supposed/thought/wanted/wished+不定式的完成时,表示过去未曾实现的愿望。
I want to finish my homework and go home.
Im really puzzled what to think or say.
特例:To be or not to be,this is a question.
It is better to laugh than to cry.(表示对比)
What he did was lose the game.
句中含有动词do时,but,except,besides,such as等后面的to可省略。即前有do,后省to
Dont do anything silly,such as marry him.
主句含有不定式,后面有rather than,rather than后省to。
Why not,had better,would rather,cant but等词后省to。
Youd better take it seriously.
Susan is not what she used to be.
—You came late last night. You ought to have finished your homework.
—I know I ought to have.
常见的有:Id like/love/be happy to。
1.Its important for the figures to_be_updated(update) regularly.
2.Today we have chat rooms,text messaging,but we seem to_be_losing(lose) the art of communicating face­to­face.
3.If they win the final tonight,the team are going to tour around the city to_be_cheered(cheer) by their enthusiastic supporters.
4.The difference in thickness and weight from the earlier version makes the iPad 2 more comfortable to_hold(hold).
5.Simon made a big bamboo box to_keep(keep) the little sick bird till it could fly.
6.Passengers are permitted to_carry(carry) only one piece of hand luggage onto the plane.
7.More TV programs,according to government officials,will be produced to_raise(raise) peoples concern over food safety.
8.The ability to_express(express) an idea is as important as the idea itself.
(1)下列动词后只能接动名词:suggest,finish,avoid,cant help,mind,enjoy,require,practise,miss,escape,pardon,advise,consider,imagine,keep,appreciate,permit。
(2)下列动词短语后接动名词:leave off,put off,give up,look forward to,feel like,have trouble/difficulty (in),devote to,be/get used to,pay attention to,be fond of,be worth。
(3)介词后要接动名词;what about,how about,be fond of,be good at等的介词后接动名
词。注意on/upon doing sth.=as soon as 引导的从句,作此意讲时on/upon后也可以接名词。
On his arrival at the station,he found the train had just started.
