专项语法五 动词和动词短语
1(2010·江苏盐城中学)—Cinderella has been learning Chinese in Beijing University for the past four years.
—No wonder she________above her colleagues in Chinese.
Astands out         Bsticks out
Ccomes out    Dsorts out
答案:A stand out 意思是脱颖而出,突出stick out表示伸出,断言come out表示出来,发芽sort out表示分类,整理。显然A项符合题意。
2(2010·皖南八校二模)Though plastic bags really brought convenience to us, they also________many problems for the environment.
Aled to    Breferred to
Ccontributed to    Dappealed to
答案:A lead to导致,引起refer to提到,涉及contribute to捐助appeal to吸引。这里选A表示它们也给环境带来了很多问题。
3(2010·合肥一模)I________you an apology for what I said this morning. Anyway, I meant no offence.
Aowe    Bmake
Cdemand    Daccept
答案:A 考查动词的搭配。owe you an apology该向你道歉。
4(2010·河北辛集中学调研考试)I think Jack will________a good monitor, so I'd like to vote for him.
Aturn    Bchange
Cmake    Delect
答案:C 考查动词辨析。此处make表示成为。假如选择A项,应该去掉句中的不定冠词a
5(2010·安庆模拟)We are happy to find that more cities________Earth Hour by turning off lights for a full hour.
Acongratulate    Bremind
Cremember    Dobserve
答案:D 考查动词辨析。observe庆祝(节日、活动等)congratulate祝贺(某人)remind提醒remember记住observe Earth Hour庆祝地球一小时活动
6(2010·温州检测)Faced with the economic slowdown, we have decided to________government spending.
Atake out of    Bget away with
Cbreak away from    Dcut down on
答案:D 该题考查动词短语。take out of拿出,取出get away with侥幸成功break away from逃离,脱离cut down on削减,缩短。根据句意可知D项正确。
7(2010·浙江十二校联考)Little Tom, you have to______your manners at your uncle's or I won't take you there.
Awatch    Bmind
Ccare    Dnotice
答案:B mind your manners 注意你的礼貌。
8(2010·福州检测)—If you don't bring a birthday present to Lucy, you may________.
—Thank you for reminding me. Surely I'll buy her one this evening.
Aleave her alone    Blet her down
Chold her back    Dcheer her up
答案:B 考查动词短语。上句句意:如果你不给Lucy带生日礼物,你可能会让她失望的。let sb. down意思是让某人失望leave sb. alone不理某人hold sb. back阻止某人cheer sb. up 使某人振奋
9(2010·沈阳检测)To deal with the global financial crisis, China has________a string of forceful measures over the past months.
Aworked out    Bfound out
Cturned out    Dmade out
答案:A 考查动词词组辨析。句意:为了应对全球金融危机,中国在过去几个月中已经制订出一系列有力的措施。work out表示制订出,拟定find out表示turn out表示证明是make out表示起草,辨认出A项符合语境。
10(2010·烟台二模)The spacewalk performed by Chinese astronaut Zhai Zhigang________a major breakthrough in China's space program.
Apredicts    Btells
Cmarks    Ddeclares
答案:C 考查动词在具体语境中的词义辨析。predict预言,预报tell讲述,告诉mark标志着declare断言,宣称。根据句意可知C项正确。
11(2010·济南模拟)Last Sunday a few of us arranged to meet in town, but Jenny didn't________.
Aturn up    Bgive up
Cmake up    Dtake up
答案:A 考查动词词组辨析。句意:上周日我们几个约好了在镇上见面,可是Jenny没有露面。turn up意思是出现,露面,符合题意。
12(2010·烟台检测)After staying in hospital for long, the patient was advised to get to the seaside to________his health.
Atake up    Bpick up
Ccarry up    Dmake up
答案:B 考查动词词组辨析。句意:在住院很长时间后,医生建议病人到海边去恢复健康。pick up恢复(健康等)的意思,所以这里选B
13(2010·临沂调研)The fact that she never apologized________a lot about what kind of person she is.
Asays    Btalks
Cappears    Ddeclares
答案:A 考查动词词义辨析。句意:她从来不道歉的事实很能表明她是哪种人。say表明;指明talk谈话;谈论appear出现declare宣布。根据题意应选A
14(2010·济南一模)Thanks to the success of the business, we can________a flat this year.
Amake    Bdevote
Cremove    Dafford
答案:D 考查动词。句意:因为生意很成功,所以今年我们能买得起房子。afford (常与cancouldbe able to连用)买得起,有足够的……(去做……)
15(2010·开封二模)—My sister is a typist at a foreign firm.
—I know this sort of work________skill and speed.
Aasks for    Bcalls for
Clooks for    Dwaits for
答案:B 考查动词短语。答语句意:这项工作需要技术和速度。call for需要
16(2010·全国大调研安徽卷)—You know what? Tom wants to be Harry Potter after he graduates from school.
—Are you kidding? He will never________a person like him.
Achange        Bturn           
Cmake                Dget
答案:C 考查动词用法。此处make成为的意思;turn表示成为……时,后面不用不定冠词来连接名词,changeget没有成为……之意。
17(2010·唐山一模)The bell rang and every student had to________their examination papers.
Agive up      Bgive away   
Cgive out          Dgive in
答案:D 考查动词短语。句意:铃响了,学生们得交卷了。give in上交,屈服give up放弃give away泄露,暴露,赠送give out分发,用尽
18(2010·浙江六校联考)More often than not, it is difficult to________the exact meaning of a Tang poem in English.
Aexchange    Bconvey       
Ctransfer    Dconsult
答案:B 考查动词。句意:往往,唐诗翻译成英语后的准确意思很难传达出来。convey传达,传递,表达exchange交换transfer搬,转换,调动consult……商量,请教, 查阅(词典、参考书等)
