IIS introduction
When a user attempts to file transfer protocol (FTP) access via HTTP or a running Internet information services (IIS) of the content on the server, IIS the request returns a said the state of the digital code. The status code is logged in the IIS log and may also be displayed on the Web browser or FTP client. The status code can indicate whether the specific request has been successful and can also reveal the exact cause of the request failure.
By default, IIS puts its log files in the Windows \ \ System32 \ \ Logfiles folder. Each WWW site and FTP site has a separate directory under that directory. By default, log files are created in these directories each day, and the log files are named (for example, exYYMMDD. Log).
HTTP code
1x-information tip: these state codes represent temporary responses. The client should be ready to receive one or more 1xx responses before receiving the regular response.
100 -
101-switching protocol
2xx - success: this status code indicates that the server successfully accepts the client request.
200 - determines the status code that indicates that IIS has successfully processed the request
201 - has been created
202 - accepted
203-non-authoritative information
204 - nothing
205 - reset content
206 - part of it
3xx - redirect: the client browser must do more to implement the request. For example, the browser might have to request a different page on the server or repeat the request through the proxy server.
300 - multiple options
301 - has been removed forever
302 - the object has been found and moved
303 - see other terms
304 - the document that does not modify the client request is in the client cache, and the document has not been modified since the cache. The client USES the cached copy of the document
without downloading the document from the server.
305 - use the agent
306 - this code has been retained but not used
307 - temporary redirects
4xx - client error: error occurred, client problem. For example, the client request does not exist and the guest does not provide valid authentication information.
400-error request
401 - access is rejectedserver error啥意思
IIS defines a number of different 401 errors that specify more specific error reasons. These specific error codes are displayed in the browser, but not in the IIS log:
401.1-login failed login attempts, possibly because the user name or password is invalid.
The 401.2-server configuration failed to login
3, 401.3 - there is an NTFS permission problem because of the limitation of the ACL to the resource. This error may occur even if you have the appropriate permissions for the file you are trying to access. To solve this problem, see the corresponding article in the Microsoft knowledge base: 187506 List of NTFS Permissions Required for IIS Site to Work (the List of NTFS
Permissions Required for the IIS Site Work)
401.4 - filter authorization failed
The 401.5-isapi/CGI application authorization failed
401.7 - access is rejected by the URL authorization policy on the Web server
403 - no access
IIS defines a number of different 403 errors, which specify more specific error reasons, see 403.x code
404 - not found
The reason for this error is that the file you are trying to access has been removed or removed. This error occurs when the URLScan tool is installed to try to access files with a limited extension. In this case, the name "Rejected by URLScan" appears in the log file item of the request.
404.0 - no files or directories are found
404.1 - you can't access the Web site on the requested port
The 404.2-web service extension locking policy prevents this request
4, 404.
The 3-mime mapping policy prevents this request
405 - the HTTP predicate that is used for accessing this page is not allowed (the method is not allowed)
406 - the client browser does not accept the MIME type of the requested page
407 - requires agent authentication
412-premise failure
413 - the request entity is too large
414 - the request URI is too long
415-unsupported media types
416 - the scope of the request cannot be satisfied
417 - execution failure
423 - lock error
5xx - server error: the server cannot complete the request because of error
500-internal server error
Many server-side errors can lead to this error message. The event viewer log contains more detailed errors. In addition,
