
Unit 1 Into the Ivory Tower
  (1) First of all, congratulations on graduating from high school! Soon, you and thousands of other young people will take that first big step into adult life: college. Going to college, whether you stay at home or travel abroad, can be one of the most exciting times of your life.
  (2) New challenges, new experiences, and new friends await you. What you do in your first year of college can have a big impact on the rest of your college years and the rest of your life. While there are many techniques that you can use to help make your time at college less stressful, here are six tips for making the most of your freshman year.
  (3) Learn how to budget your time. Start by getting organized. Get yourself a file box and a set of file folders and set up a folder for each class. Start using a planner. I don’t recommend you use computer software or web services to manage your schedule. Most of the time, you won’t have easy access to either a computer or the Internet. Keep every paper you write and every handout you are given. Second, plan ahead. By the end of your first week, you’ll know when almost every assignment for the semester is due. Put those on your calendar. Start making good use of your time at the beginning of the semester and approach your due dates calmly.
  (4) Remember that your schoolwork is the priority. Use the library. There are so many resources available in the library such as magazines, books, and videos. Learn as much as you can about your library. Talk with the librarians about the resources available and check which ones can be accessed via the Internet. Second, speak up in class. College is interactive. Ask questions, answer the professors’ questions, and share your opinions as much as possible. Finally, talk to your professors. Most college students are afraid of their professors. Don’t be. Ask for help when needed. If nothing else, a professor can point you
in the right direction to find the resources you need.
  (5) Take the time to eat right. College students often gain weight in their first year. Without mom and dad buying the groceries and planning your meals, it’s easy to lose track of just how many calories you’re consuming. Try to limit the fast food and late-night delivery, and maintain a varied diet. You can still have that meatball sub now and again; just try not to live on them.
(6) Keep an eye on your finances. Start by getting a job. You’ll feel a lot better about college if you’re not always struggling to make ends meet. Besides, a job can help you meet new people. A part-time job at a local business or on campus is ideal, especially if you can find something related to your field of study. Remember, you’re working for pocket money, not to support a family. Second, don’t get a credit card. You’ll be overwhelmed with apparently sweet credit card deals almost from the second you step on campus. Consider that credit card companies have fought hard for the right to turn a large profit. Stick to a bank account and debit card.
  (7) Try to enjoy things outside of the classroom too. Try using the gym. Many college campuses have gyms that are available free to students (or at a very low cost). Working out, swimming, or having a run can help recharge your batteries. It is also good for your overall health. Second, join something. Sign up for a sports team, a club, or the student council. Taking part in some sort of activity will keep you active, provide an outlet for nervous energy, and maybe even teach you something new.
  (8) Don’t waste your free time. Get to know the public transportation system in your college’s town, and enjoy the sites in your area. Visit a park, a museum, or take in a sporting event. In many cases, your school ID will get you free rides everywhere. While you are likely too young to drink legally, if you do get drunk or high somewhere, taking the bus instead of driving home might well save your life or someone else’s.
  (9) College is a challenge, but also an opportunity. It is the first step on the road to adulthood. Stay focused on your studies but don’t forget to stop and smell roses occasionally. With hard work and a little bit of luck, finishing your first year of college will be just the first step of many on that unending road.

Unit 2 Less Efforts, More Results
(1) After deciding to go to college many years ago, I challenged myself — I set a goal of graduating in only three semesters. In order to accomplish that goal, I realized that I would have to take 30-40 class hours each week for three straight semesters, while the average student only took 12-15 class hours each week. I would have to manage my time very well to pull it off. So my journey began with reading everything on time management and putting everything I learned into practice.
(2) I eventually accomplished my goal. I graduated with a 3.9 GPA and received an award for top student, but I slept seven to eight hours each night, led a normal social life, and still had time for shopping, cooking, and exercising. In my final semester, I even had a full time job as a game programmer and served as a leader for a computer organization
(3) I was never considered a gifted child. I didn’t belong to any sports team or participate in many extracurricular activities in high school. It was the first time I had ever tried anythin
g so challenging. I searched for someone to encourage me in my efforts but found no one. In fact, most people tried to persuade me not to attempt it once they heard about it. It was simply something I decided to do for myself.
(4) It took a lot of talking to get the Chairman of the Computer Science Department to approve my extra class hours. My classmates thought I was a cheater, an schedule英语怎么发音identical twin, or an escaped mental patient. Most of the time I kept quiet about my activities, but if someone asked me about my class load, I didn’t deny it. I was perhaps the only student at the university with a two-page class schedule, so it was easy to prove my words were true; but I rarely did.
