Unit 9 My favorite subject is science.
Section B (1a1d)
Teaching Aims
Teaching Difficulties
Teaching Aids
multimedia courseware or other realia that the T needs for teaching
Teaching Procedures
Step 1 Lead in
Warm up
Ask Ss to do Q&A on PPT P5P6.
Q1: What day is it today?
Q2: What classes do you have today?
Q3: What do you think of these subjects?
(When they answer the questions, the sentence patterns must be used: It is Monday today.  We have P.E. and art. I think Chinese is interesting. This part is very easy for Ss, so T can also ask Ss to answer directly.)
Lead in
T asks Ss to make a conversation in pairs.
(Ss are encouraged to use the follwoing sentence patterns: 1. What's your favorite subject? My favorite subject is art. 2. Why do you like art? Because it's fun. 3. Who is your art teacher? My art teacher is Miss Brown. 4. When is your art class? It's on Wednesday. 5. When is your art class? It's on Wednesday.)
Step 2 Presentation
听力部分的通过circle fill in the chart plete the conversation等各种形式的题型帮助学生充分理解文本。
The activity is to help Ss recognize the target vocabulary in a different context.
Teaching Tip: What's the Opposite?
When learning new words,it can be useful to learn words with opposite meanings  & free).
Try playing a fun word game using opposite words.Have all Ss stand up. Start the game by setting the challenge, give a word (e.g.hot) and nominate one S to give you the opposite word. If the S gives the correct opposite (ld),they can sit down,but not before setting the new challenge (i.e.they give a new word and nominate a classmate to give the opposite word).The game continues until all Ss are sitting
down.If you have a large class,allow Ss to repeat words.
Answers: boring <>interesting, cool,fun;  difficult<>easy;  busy <>free
The activity is to give Ss practice recognizing the target language in
conversations. The T cam play the recording and ask Ss to do the task in 1b. Then check answers as a class.
The T can also try a more challenging listening activity after pleting 1b.
Follow this procedure:
1.Listen again and have Ss write what subjects David uses the checked words (i.e.difficult,interesting) to describe.
2.As Ss listen,have them write the subjects next to the checked words.
3.Elicit and check the answers,and then write them on the board.
4.Explain to Ss that they had to listen very carefully because David also talked about what his father thinks (i.e.His father thinks math is interesting but David does not).
Answers: difficult ; interesting
The activity is to give Ss practice in reading and listening for specifc items in conversations.
Teaching Tip: Reading Aloud Before Listening
In order to make it easier for Ss to do the activity, give them time to read and
understand the schedule first.This can be done by having Ss read the schedule silently or aloud and answer the following questions on the board:
T:Look at the schedule and answer the questions with a partner.
1.What month does the schedule show?
2.What days does the sehedule show?
3.What dates does the schedule show?
4.What times does the schedule show?
5.What an?
6.What an?
Monday:10:00 Chinese
Tuesday:08:00 math,09:00 math,10:00 history,11:00 scieence, 01:00 music
Wednesday:08:00 chinese
Thursday:09:00 Chinese,10:00 Chinese
Friday:08:00 Chinese
The activity is to provide speaking practice with the target language.
Culture Focus: What's Your Favorite Class?
When Ss in the US talk about school,they often refer to specific classes by the Ts rather than subjects because they have a high regard for the Ts.Ss often express a preference for a subject because they enjoy the way it is taught (i. T is able to make the subject interesting).
A:What's David's favorite subject?
A:Why does he like Chinese?
B:Because it's interesting.
A:When is the class?
E:It's on Monday Wednesday,Thursday and Friday.
Step 3 Language points
1. free (教材P52 1a)
1) free作形容词,此处意为“空闲的”,其反义词为busy(忙碌的)。
2) free作形容词,还可意为“随心所欲的;自由的;免费的”。
2. cool (教材P52 1a)
cool adj.妙极的; 酷的; cool作形容词,还可意为“凉爽的;冷静的”。
schedule形容词Step 4 Exercises & Homework
Ask Ss to do the exercises on PPT P26P29.
Ask Ss to make a summary about language points they learned today.
1. Preview the passage in Section B 2b.
2. Do the exercises in students’ book.
Teaching Reflection
I designed many activities to help students to master the sentence patterns, which is the key and difficult point in this unit. These activities help Ss engage in class more. More dictation should be done to make Ss more familiar with the dates.
Unit 9 My favorite subject is science.
