入舵市安恙阳光实验学校课时作业(二十四) [模块8 Unit 24 Society]
1.“It is not only you but also Tom who________,” said the teacher after knowing what had happened.
A.are to be blamed  B.is to be blamed
C.are to blame  D.is to blame
2.________ the difficult things happened when I can't adjust myself?
A.What about  B.What with
C.What if  DWhat for
3.It's high time you ________.
A.start to working                                B.would start to work
C.had started to work                  D.started working
4.The reason ________he told us for his absence was ________ he was knocked down on the way to school.
A.why; that  B.why; why
C.which; that  D.which; why
5.Whenever possible, John ________ how well he speaks Japanese.
A.shows up  B.shows around
C.shows off  D.shows out
6.This Englishman is good at writing, reading and ________ is kind to others.
A.above all  Bfirst of all
C.in all  D.after all
7.—How about seeing the new movie at the theatre tonight?
________, but I've got to go over my notes for tomorrow's exam.
A.All right                                B.Sounds great
C.I can't                            D.No, I am terribly sorry
8.Before the computer ________, people could never imagine it could bring about such great changes to human life.
A.came into being                             
B.was discovered
C.was come into being               
D.was formed
9.At present, the government has paid more and more attention to the village children ________ parents are away working in big cities.
A.to whom              B.of whom           
C.who                  D.whose
10.Experts call on parents, especially ________ of the broken families, ________ the full responsibilities and better care and love for children.
A.that; to burden  B.them; to take on
C.those; shouldering  D.those; to shoulder
Every country has its own dining customs. Americans feel that the first rule of being a(n)__11__ guest is to be on time. If a person is invited to dinner at six thirty, the hostess __12__ him to be there at six thirty or __13__ a few minutes after. Because she usually do
es the cooking, and she has to time the meal __14__ the hot rolls and the coffee and the meat can be at their best when the guests come. If they are late, the food will not be so __15__, and the hostess will be __16__. __17__ the guest cannot come on time, he should call his host or hostess on the phone, give the reason, and tell __18__ what time he can come. __19__ the situations, guests sometimes bring a box of candy, a bottle of wine or a bunch of flowers to give to the hostess as a __20__ of appreciation.
As guests continue to arrive, it is usually considered polite for the __21__ in the group to __22__ when a woman enters the room and continue to stand until she is seated.__23__, most young people and some groups of elder people __24__ stress equality of the sexes no longer observe the custom. A visitor should be __25__ to each situation and follow the lead of the Americans present.
When the guests sit down at a dinner table, it is a __26__ for the men to help the ladies by pushing their chairs under them. However, some Americans __27__ do this, so the visitors must notice what others do and do the __28__. __29__ the meal is under way and if the di
nner is in a private home, a guest __30__ avoid embarrassment by talking to someone else.
11. A.polite              B.elegant           
C.honored      D.serious
12. A.tells                B.expects           
C.asks            D.hopes
13. A.at most            B.less than           
schedule可数吗C.at least        D.more than
14. A.in case            B.as long as           
C.so that        D.on condition that
15. A.tender            B.nutritious           
C.good        D.enough
16. A.angry               B.nervous           
C.shameful        D.disappointed
17. A.If                B.Unless           
C.Whether        D.Although
18. A.at                B.in
C.on            D.about
19. A.Looking at          B.Combined with       
C.Depending on    D.Related to
20. A.matter            B.heart
C.sense        D.sign
21. A.host                B.men
C.hostess        D.women
22. A.smile                B.stand
C.applaud        D.nod
23. A.As a result            B.Moreover           
C.In addition    D.However
24. A.whose            B.what
C.who            D.which
25. A.aware            B.similar           
C.active        D.sensitive
26. A.custom          B.regulation           
C.habit        D.principle
27. A.even                B.no longer           
C.still            D.no more
28. A.following            B.same
C.deed        D.example
29. A.Unless            B.Until
C.While        DAfter
30. A.shouldn't            B.must
C.needn't        D.may
My wife passed away a few years ago,and I went through the worst time in my life.I even wanted to kill myself.Just for my kids,I had to continue to live and work as a small­town doctor at my medical clinic in Hawaii.My kids had gone to live on the mainland,and I was alone.Then they asked me to have a family trip.
On our trip, we turned on the TV at the motel and saw the second plane crash into the World Trade Center. Seeing it falling down,I said to my kids:“I'm going to Afghanistan.”And a few weeks later,International Medical Corps sent me to set up 20 clinics in provinces where people had no health care.In these field clinics surrounded by frightening shoots or deadly bombs,we were eventually serving 27,000 patients a month in a very busy schedule.Tired and nervous,I gradually had a sense of achievement, a sense of purpose,and my depression went away.
