opening page & listening and speaking
1.Good habits formed of youth make all the difference.
2.extra-curricular activities 课外活动
3.problems and solutions 问题和解决办法
4.outside of school 在校外
5.predict content 预测内容
6.learn new movements 学习新动作
7.watch dance programmes 看舞蹈节目
8.grow plants 种植植物
9.clean up parks 打扫公园
10.be suitable for 对...适合的
11. decide to join the music club决定加入音乐俱乐部
(decide to do; join+组织
12.Are you going to join a club?你要加入俱乐部吗?
13.Good decision!很好的决定!
14. The early bird catches the worm.早起的鸟儿有虫吃。
15.Always prepare for a rainy day.未雨绸缪。
16.Actions speak louder than words.事实甚于雄辩。
17.All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
18.Distance tests a horse's strength. Time reveals a person's character.
reading and thinking
1.topic sentences 主题句
2.a really big challenge 真是一项巨大的挑战
3.The first week was a little confusing.第一周有点让人困惑。
4.My adviser recommend that I should sign up for advanced literature.
5.well enough 足够好(enough 放在形容词/副词之后起修饰作用)
6.I'll find a way to improve on my own so that I can make the team next year.我会自己想办法改进,这样明年我就能入选球队了。
7.hand out food to homeless people 分发食物给无家可归的人
8.get used to being responsible for a lot more 习惯对更多的事情负责
get used to all the homework 习惯所有的作业
9.keep up with the other students 跟上其他学生
10.It'll be quite difficult to get used to all the homework. 要习惯所有的作业会相当困难。
11.I'll be well prepared for university. 我会为大学做好充分准备。
12.in the future在未来
13.face the same challenges 面对相同的挑战
14.deal with 处理,应对
15.make a workable schedule 制定可行的时间表
16.make a good decision做一个不错的决定
17.improve reading ability 提高阅读能力
18.face a difficulty面对困难
Listening and talking
1. Adventure Camp 探险营
2.International Youth Camp  国际青年营
3.survival skills 生存技能
4.make a fire 生火
5.in the wild 在野外
6.plan to do sth 计划去做某事
7. improve one’s spoken English 提高口语
8.give a speech 演讲
9.hope to do sth 希望去做某事
10. make friends 交朋友
11.get started  开始
12.present sth to sb 赠送 /展现某物给某人
13.have fun 玩得开心
14. at the same time 同时
15.interesting activities 有趣的活动
Reading for writing
1.be worried about 担心
2.be anxious ( about)  担心
3.I recommend that you talk to your friend about his behavior.我建议你应该跟跟你的朋友谈论他的行为。
4.be attracted to 被吸引,喜爱
5.focus on 集中,特别关注
6.be/become addicted to the Internet沉迷网络
7.concentrate on 集中注意于
8.encourage sb to do sth 鼓励某人做某事
9.feel lonely 感觉孤单
10.too shy to talk to her 太害羞而不敢跟她说话
11.give feedback 给予反馈
12.in a good order 很整齐,有条不紊
13.use proper expressions 使用恰当的表达
14.use commas and stops correctly 正确使用逗号和句号
15.revise sth 修改、复习
16.put up 张贴,建造,举起
