1. Will         be necessary to learn how to use computers in the future?
  A. he          B. that          C. it          D. this
2. You'd better         your homework here tomorrow. Don't forget it again.
  A. take        B. bring        C. carry        D. catch
3. What does the newspaper         today? Is it getting worse and worse?
  A. say          B. talk          C. tell          D. speak
4. I still have       to do, but I am so tired.
  A. a lot of      B. lots of      C. lot          D. lots
5. The sign on the wall         that the shop closes at 9 pm.
  A. tells        B. speaks        C. talks        D. says
1. On that day all the climbers reached the top of the mountain             (成功地).
2. They kept         () the beautiful scenery out of the window.
3. He was         (不幸) to lose all the books borrowed from the school library.
4. I want to know more         (细节). Please tell me.
5. The next day it was even         (), and soon the men couldn't be seen.
6. This toy is not             (适合的) for young children.
7. Human beings are             (造力的) animals.
1. Talking to your friends can bring you           (happy).
2. Who do you think is one of the most           (success) businessmen in the world?
3. He's such a           (humour) person that he often makes us happy.
4. He likes all kinds of activities and doesn't want to lead an           (act) life.
5. They have many         (different) though they were born under the same star sign.
6. If you want to do better in your study, you mustn't be           (patient).
7. My cousin is a           (practice) boy. He always pays attention to details.
8. If some sportsmen use drugs, it is         (fair) to the others.
9. I always worry about         (be) late, so I get up early every day.
10. Don't look         (anger) at him. He is only a child.
1. The homework must           (do) right now.
2. The Blacks           (sit) at the table when I came.
3. You should be confident enough         (take) this job.
4. You shouldn't worry about           (not begin) your history project.
5. It took Tom much time         (solve) the problem.
6. This is a day never to             (forget).
7. Keeping         (practise) it, and you'll get the success at last.
8. Don't give up         (run). The fishing line is only 10 metres ahead.
9. Paul           (travel) many different places since three years ago.
10. --- Where is Peter now?  --- He           (go) to England.
11. --- Do you know where salt               (produce)?  --- Sorry, I don't know.
12. Please listen to the teacher carefully, or you         (miss) the point of the talk.
13. I don't think I           (see) you in that dress before.
14. If you don't feel well, you may stop           (rest) for a while.
15. My father         (drive) his new car on the road from nine to eleven last Saturday.
1. It's time to have dinner.
2. 我们该用餐了。                                      .
3. It is important to learn English well.
4. 我们学好英语很重要。                                          .
5. 她在一小时内完成这工作是不可能的。                                in an hour.
总结:It is + 形容 + for+ (not) to不定式,个句型中的形容是用来动词不定式的特征的(强调或动词不定式)
六、It is + 形容 + of+ (not) to不定式构用来表达我们对别人以及他度。
Try to make sentences
to say so
talk to me about that question
work out the hard problem
come to school on time
say hello to your teacher
make so many mistakes
1. It is very kind of you to say so.
2.                                               .
3.                                               .
4.                                               .programme用法
5.                                               .
6.                                               .
七、Give the English according to the Chinese
1. Kitty在写作中犯了这么真是太粗心了。
                                              in her writing.
2. 你帮助Tom做回家作真是太好了
It is                                                     .
3. Eddie吃了所有的食物真是太自私了。
                                              all the food.
4. 瞧不起残疾人是不的。
                                                  the disabled.
