1. 表示经常性或习惯性的动作,常与usually, often, always, sometimes, every day, seldom, never等时间状语连用。如:
She usually has breakfast at 6:30 am.
They seldom play basketball.
2. 表示主语现在的状态、特征、感受或观点。如:
My grandparents live in a remote village.
Lucy likes swimming.
3. 表示按规定、计划、安排发生的动作,这类动词主要有go, come, leave, arrive, start, begin
The plane leaves at 7:35 am.
The TV programme Super Brain starts at 21:20.
programme用法4. 表示不受时间限制的客观事实、科学真理、格言等。如:
The earth moves around the sun.
Knowledge is power.
1. 表示现在(即说话人说话时)正在进行的动作或发生的事,常与now, at present, at the moment, these days等时间状语连用。如:
The telephone is ringing now — would you answer it, please?
The students are playing football at the moment.
2. 用于表示不断发展、变化的情形。如:
The leaves are getting greener and greener.
My spoken English is getting better and better.
3. 表示现阶段正在进行的动作或正发生的事,但此刻不一定正在进行。如:
George is translating a book now.
She is learning French these days.
4. 表示经常性的动作,常与always, forever这类副词连用,表示厌烦、批评或赞美等情绪。 如:
That woman next door’s always complaining.
She is always helping others in need.
5. 表示按计划或安排不久就要发生的动作,此时常有一个表示未来的时间状语。如:
We are having a few guests tonight.
I am leaving for Yangshuo tomorrow.
He dances well. (他舞跳得很好。)
He is dancing well now. (他现在跳得很好。)
We live in the city. (长久居住)
We are living in the city. (目前居住)
1. Light ________ (travel) faster than sound.
2. I ________ (meet) Tom tonight. He ________ (take) me to the theatre.
3. Kate ________ (read) a book at the moment.
4. He ________ (swim) in this pool every summer.
(Two friends meet at a college.)
Claire: Hello, Tom! How are you?
Tom: I’m great! How are you doing?
Claire: Good. Do you study here?
Tom: Yes. I 1. ________ (learn) Spanish these days. What about you?
Claire: I 2. ________ (take) an English class now. How many times a week do you go to school
Tom: I usually 3. ________ (go) to school twice a week. How often do you go to school?
Claire: I always 4. ________ (go) three times a week. Oh, I 5. ________ (have) a new car.
Tom: Wow! really? What’s it?
Claire: It’s a Chevrolet. Do you want a ride home?
Tom: Yes, I do.
A. 1. travels 2. am meeting; is taking
3. is reading 4. swims
B. 1. am learning / learn 2. am taking
3. go 4. go 5. have
