Grammar: 动词-ing形式用法归纳
I 例如:
Seeing is believing.
I suggested asking his brother for some money.
It’s useless taking this kind of medicine.
My job is teaching.
China is a developing country.
I’m sorry to have kept you waiting.
I heard someone knocking at the door.
While walking slowly on the street, Tom met one of his old friends.
Her husband died ten years ago, leaving her with three children to look after.
All night long he lay awake, thinking of the problem.
Laughing and talking, they went into the room.
Being sick, I stayed at home.
Not knowing her address, I can’t write to her.
注: 分词与主句主语是主谓关系; 副词放在分词之前
But later, people developed a way of printing, using rocks.
Turning to the right at the crossing, you will see the Post Office right before you.
Being poor, the old man was happy.
1)  时间状语2). 结果状语3). 伴随状语方式状语4). 原因状语5)作让步状语 6) 作条件状语
The plane leaves at six, arriving in Chicago at ten. (= …and will arrive in Chicago.)
7) 作补充说明
1.with 的复合结构
The policemen made their way into the forest with a hunter______ (lead) the way.
With his hand ____ (tie) up, he sat there.
With his eyes_____ (fix) on the wall, Tom lay on the floor.
With a lot of homework___ (do), Jim cant go out with his friends.
2. 独立主格结构
If weather permits, we will go out for a picnic tomorrow.
=Weather permitting, we will go out for a picnic tomorrow.
There is nobody in the room. Come in and have a chat.
=There being nobody in the room, come in…
Eg. The baby fell from the tree, blood ____ (come) down from his leg.
3. 为了强调与谓语动词同时发生,在动词的-ing 之前可用when或while;为强调在谓语动词之前或之后发生,在动词的-ingprogramme用法 之前可用before或after.
Eg. Dont laugh, while eating.
  Before going abroad, he studied in Peking University.
  After watching TV, he went to bed.
4. 在动词的-ing 之前可用on或upon, 表示”一….就…”
.Eg. On/Upon arriving in Bejing, he went to see his uncle.
5.为了强调结果, 动词的-ing 之前用thus.
Eg. My friend Lucy works hard, thus getting praised by her boss.
6. 在动词的-ing 之前可用though或although,
Eg. Though working hard, he couldnt make enough money to pay off his debts.
-ing各种变化形式(doing/being done/having done/ having been done)
1) 动词-ing形式的一般式表示动作与谓语动词同时发生﹑几乎同时发生或在谓语动词前发生。
Working hard, you will succeed in the experiment.
Walking down the valley, they came across a big cave.
Hearing the news, she burst into tears.
2) 动词-ing形式的完成式having done表示动作先于谓语动词动作发生。
Having waited in the queue for half an hour, Tom suddenly realized that he had left his wallet at home.
3)动词-ing形式的被动式being done表示这个被动动作正在进行,或是与谓语表示的动作同时发生
Being repaired, the car cant be used.
4动词-ing形式的完成式的被动having been done表示这个被动动作发生于谓语之前
Having been shown the lab, the visitor looked around the stadium.
= Shown the lab, the visitor looked around the stadium.
This is one of the experiments __________(carry) on in our lab.
The bridge being built now will be completed in the three months.
但是,having been done在句中只作状语, 不作定语
The bridge ___ (build) well is very beautiful.
III. 巩固练习
1.When asked by the police, he said that he remembered __________ at the party, but not _______.
A. to arrive; leaving        B. to arrive; to leave
C. arriving; leaving        D. arriving; to leave
解析: C. 句意为:当被警察询问时,他说他记得宴会时的情景,却想不起离开时的情景。remember后面跟动名词作宾语,表示“对过去做过的事情还记得”;后接不定式作宾语,表示“记着去做某事”,动作尚未发生。
2.I couldn't do my homework with all that noise ___________.
A. going on      B. goes on        C. went on      D. to go on
解析: C. 句意为: 有那么大的吵闹声,我做不了作业。with all that noise going on 是一个独立主格形式,go on 与 noise 是主动关系,在句中作原因状语。
3.Oil prices have risen by 32 percent since the start of the year, _______ a record US $57.65 a barrel on April 4.
A. have reached    B. reaching      C. to reach      D. to be reaching
解析: B. 句意为:石油价格自从去年初已增长32%, 在4月4日已创下每桶57.65美元的记录。此处用现在分词表示石油价格增长的结果。having reached 是现在分词的完成式,表示发生在石油价格增长之前,显然不对;to reach 在句中要么作目的状语,要么与only连用作结果状语,表示出人意料的结果。
4.He glanced over at her, __________ that though she was tiny, she seemed very well put together.
A. noticing        B. noticed        C. to notice        D. having noticed
解析: A. 句意为: 他大量了一下她,注意到虽然她长得小,但似乎体型非常好。注意空格处不是谓语,所以不要选B项,因为并列谓语要用glanced over at her and noticed…。此处应该是结果状语,C 项表示目的;D项是现在分词的完成式,表示该动作发生在谓语动词之前,所以也不正确。
