Zhang taiyan was an academic master in the late qing dynasty and the republic of China.He devoted his whole life to learning and writing,leaving behind a series of research works of great academic value.Zhang taiyan,as a relic of the late qing dynasty,studied the patriarchal clan system of the qianjia school,taking primary school as the foundation,taking textual research as the method,distinguishing the source of the chapter,tracing back to the source,and striving to restore the truth of history and culture.
The tongcheng school was the largest literature school in the qing dynasty,which lasted for more than two hundred years and was popular until the May4th movement died out gradually.Tongcheng school,promote neo-confucianism GuWen study han, liu,the article is given priority to with archaic prose,including dai ming-shi,for school founder,Fang Bao,Yao Nai and liu dakui is referred to as"tongcheng three generations".The scholar in the school put forward a series of ancient literary theor
ies, which not only inherited from each other,but also changed to different degrees,which left a profound and brilliant mark in the history of Chinese literary criticism.Any scholar who came from the late qing dynasty could not avoid the discussion and study of tongcheng school.Zhang taiyan,as a master of sinology,was among them. Although zhang taiyan and tongcheng school belong to different schools,there are still many connections between them.In fact,the relationship between the two is like a silk woven rope.Zhang taiyan was a post-scholar of qianjia,and tongcheng school was the carrier of cheng zhu's neo-confucianism.This paper mainly discusses from four aspects,which are as follows:the first part investigates the social connection between zhang taiyan and tongcheng school,and looks for historical basis for the overall study of them;The second part explores the relationship between the two literary theories and tries to think about the justice of ancient Chinese literary creation from the intersection of their literary theories.The third part compares the two retro concepts and reproduces the interweaving of zhang taiyan and tongcheng school.The fourth part considers the contemporary significance of zhang taiyan and tongcheng school,and tries to find the value of scholars and schools.Through the construction of these four parts,we try to present a more systematic study of zhang taiyan and
tongcheng school.This paper argues that although zhang taiyan advocated the style of wei and jin,he
was also influenced by tongcheng school,so his literary ideas were integrated with han and song dynasties.His criticism of the ancient writings of tongcheng school is generally dialectical,but zhang's criticism of the writings of tongcheng school is fallacious.At the same time,zhang taiyan made remarkable achievements in restoring ancient ways,while tongcheng school had little effect, mainly because zhang shi actively absorbed various cultures for his own use.Through the study of the relationship between scholars and schools,we can try to find the basic path to connect the"new"and"old"in the new era.
Keywords:zhang taiyan,tongcheng school,social relevance,literary theory, relevance to retro
摘要 (Ⅰ)
目录 (Ⅲ)
1绪论 (1)
1.1选题背景 (1)
1.2国内外研究现状评述 (2)
1.3研究意义 (7)
1.4研究思路与研究方法 (8)
1.5研究重点、难点与预期创新点 (9)
2章太炎与桐城派社会关联考论 (10)
2.1地域关联 (10)
2.2章太炎师承与桐城派的关联 (13)
2.3章太炎与后期桐城派文人的社会交往 (17)
3章太炎与桐城派的文论关联(上) (23)
3.1古文之“气”论 (23)
3.2古文之“情”论 (31)
4章太炎与桐城派的文论关联(下) (38)
4.1古文空疏论 (38)
4.2文体分类关联 (45)
5古文派的统一战线:复古 (53)
archaic5.1章太炎复古理念述略 (53)
5.2桐城派复古理念述略 (57)
5.3国学之存活论:二者复古的交汇与终局的反思 (59)
6章太炎与桐城派研究的当代意义 (64)
6.1古代文学流派之争的终局:融合汇通 (64)
6.2探索新与旧的衔接——以学人与学派的关联研究为引领 (65)
7结论 (67)
参考文献 (68)
附录:章太炎对桐城派的评价源目汇编 (75)
作者简历 (78)
学位论文原创性声明 (79)
学位论文数据集 (80)