第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
Your Garden Escape
Even in the big city you can find oases (绿洲) of calm and beauty. From a royal palace to a classical garden, we recommend great green spaces to escape the hustle and bustle of London.
Horniman Gardens
Horniman Gardens cover 16 acres with breathtaking views of London. Visitors can enjoy the Sound Garden, Meadow Field, and even a Prehistoric Garden, which features a display of “living fossils.” The gardens are very popular with families, and dogs can be let off their l
eads in the Meadow Field.
Chiswick Garden
As a classical garden landscape in London, it was here that the English Landscape Movement was born with William Kent’s designs. Enjoy fresh bread, seasonal food, and natural wines in the award-winning cafe, while admiring the beauty of the naturalistic landscape, spotted with impressive art and statues.
Buckingham Palace Garden
The 39-acre garden boasts more than 350 types of wildflowers, over 200 trees and a three-acre lake. The garden also provides a habitat for native birds rarely seen in London. A tour of the garden can be completed by having a cream tea in the cafe overlooking the Palace’s famous grassland and lake.
Kew Garden
The Royal Botanic Garden at Kew is one of the world’s most famous gardens and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Have a walk through the vast garden, spot local wildlife at the lake, or get your hands dirty by trying a gardening lesson. Be sure to visit the Temperate House, which contains some of the rarest and most threatened plants.
21.What can visitors do in both Horniman Gardens and Chiswick Garden?
A. Study living fossils.                                B. Taste delicious food.
C. Enjoy impressive art.                                D. Appreciate fine views.
22.Where should visitors go if they want to join in hands-on activities?
A. Horniman Gardens.                                B. Chiswick Garden.
C. Buckingham Palace Garden.                        D. Kew Garden.
23.What is the purpose of the text?
A. To inform visitors of famous gardens.
B. To entertain interested garden visitors.
C. To stress the necessity of garden escape.
D. To show the benefits of touring gardens.
My childhood was a painted picture of sunny sky and rolling green fields stretching to the horizon. It tasted of sharp berries and smelt of sour grapes. My family lived in a cabin (小木屋) in the countryside but I lived in my mother’s arms. They were so delicate but strong, her red hair falling around me like a curtain separating me from the world.
Childhood was simple. The borders of my village were the furthest my troubles went and monsters only lived in the pages of books. Every day was a waking dream of running races and muddy knees. My village was archaic, dying cabins housing dying farmers with dying traditions. There weren’t many children but me and the other boys; boys of butchers and sellers formed our own group.
They called us wild. I suppose we were. Trees and mountains formed our playgrounds and fights broke out as easily as sudden laughter. Liberated from the restrictions of society, we would bound into the woods, deeper and deeper until we found a lake which, with a wild yell, we would jump into all at once.
My most vivid memories from boyhood center around that lake. Water shone brightly and the sounds of our screams broke into the outcry from birds. The shock of cold water against sweating skin would wake every nerve in my body and my bare feet would hit the sinking muddy bottom. As we submerged (淹没), time would suspend, movements slowing as bubbles rose around us.
I was drowning. I was living. I was living. I was drowning.
For timelessness or a second (both felt the same), we would suspend, curl up, and then be forced back out into breathing air.
We should have known that it wouldn’t last forever. Yet, even under the best circumstances,
there’s something so tragic about growing up: to have your perspective on the people and life around you change; to always struggle to reach a mirror only to find yourself tall enough to see, your reflection one day. And find, a different person staring back out at you.
24.What does the underlined word “archaic” mean in paragraph 2?
A. Borderless.                B. Valueless.                C. Old-fashioned.            D. Poverty-stricken.
25.Why did the author consider himself and other children wild?
A. They played in the woods crazily.archaic
B. They tricked others purposefully.
