lù màn màn qí xi ū yu ǎn xi  wú ji āng shàng xià ér qiú su ǒ
The way ahead is long; I see no ending, yet high and low I will search with my will unbending.(杨宪益英译)
Long as the way is I will keep on searching above and below.archaic
Long, Long had been my road and far, far was the journey ;I would go up and down to seek my heart's desire.(《新汉英大辞典》英译)
The way was long, and wrapped in gloom did seem, As I urged on to seek my vanished dream.(杨宪益、戴乃迭英译)
Long, long is th’ way, but nothing will my effort arrest; Up hill and down dale for the beauty I will quest.(《大中华文库》英译)
lù màn màn qí xiūyuǎn xi wú jiāng shàng xià ér qiú suǒ
路漫漫其修远兮, 吾将上下而求索
qū yuán lí sāo
屈 原 《离骚 》
路lù road, way 马路,道路,公路,路灯,大路,水路
漫màn extensive, long 漫长,漫长岁月,长夜漫漫,路途漫漫
其qí used as a functional word 句中助词,无义,只是增加一个音节
修xiū(written language) long, tall, tall and slender 修长,修竹,身材修长远yuǎn far away,distant 远路,远近,远东
兮xi (archaic word) aux., akin to 啊(a)in modern Chinese
吾wú (archaic word) I or me, we or us 我,我们
将jiāng (written language)be going to, be about to, will, shall 将要
上shàng up, upper, above 上边儿,上面,上下,上午
下xià down 下边儿,下面,上下,下午
而ér conj., used to connect an adverbial phrase of manner with a verb 不欢而散,三思而行,挺身而出,盘旋而上
求索qiú suǒexplore, seek, grope for, search for, quest after 求qiú ask; aim at; seek, pursue 请求,要求,追求,探求,寻求,求学,实事求是,刻舟求剑
索suǒsearch, look for 搜索
屈原qū yuán Living in the latter part of the Warring States Period (476 BC - 221 BC), Qu Yuan was the earliest great patriotic poet as well as a great statesman, ideologist, diplomat and reformer in ancient China. The traditional Chinese Dragon Boat Festival is celebrated to commemorate him. His patriotic influence has left its mark on many subsequent generations in China and beyond.
《离骚》lí sāo
LI SAO (The Lament) is not only one of the most remarkable works of Qu Y uan, it ranks as one of the greatest poems in Chinese or world poetry. It was probably written during the period when the poet had been exiled by his king, and was living south of the Yangtse River.
The name LI SAO has been interpreted by some as meaning "encountering sor row," by others as "sorrow after departure." Some recent scholars have constru ed it as "sorrow in estrangement," while yet others think it was the name of a certain type of music.
This long lyrical poem describes the search and disillusionment of a soul in ag ony, riding on dragons and serpents from heaven to earth. By means of rich i magery and skilful similes, it expresses love of o
ne's country and the sadness of separation. It touches upon various historical themes intermingled with legen ds and myths, and depicts, directly or indirectly, the social conditions of that ti me and the complex destinies of the city states of ancient China. The conflict between the individual and the ruling group is repeatedly described, while at t he same time the poet affirms his determination to fight for justice. This passi onate desire to save his country, and this love for the people, account for the poem's splendour and immortality.
