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本文和大家分享的是托福阅读史上最全原文分析—TPO1 Timberline Vegetation on
TPO是托福备考圣经,但是并不是有“圣经”就能完全把握托福考试。还要看大家怎么去利用这份资料。关于TPO阅读,托福小编希望最大限度地利用这些ETS提供的阅读文章。在文章中,到那些生词,长难句;分析文章结构。真正把它作为一份备考资料,而不是做题工具。今天小编分享给大家的是对TPO1 Timberline Vegetation on Mountains的文章详细分析。一起学习吧!
Timberline Vegetation on Mountains
1.The transition from forest to treeless tundra on a mountain slope is often a dramatic one. Within a vertical distance of just a few tens of meters, trees disappear as a life-form and are replaced by low shrubs, herbs, and grasses. This rapid zone of transition is called the upper timberline or tree line. In many semiarid areas there is also a lower timberline where the forest passes into steppe or desert at its lower edge, usually because of a lack of moisture.
2.The upper timberline, like the snow line, is highest in the tropics and lowest in the Polar Regions. It ranges from sea level in the Polar Regions to 4,500 meters in the dry subtropics and 3,500-4,500 meters in the moist tropics. Timberline trees are
normally evergreens, suggesting that these have some advantage over deciduous trees (those that lose their leaves) in the extreme environments of the upper timberline. There are some areas, however, where broadleaf deciduous trees form the timberline. Species of birch, for example, may occur at the timberline in parts of the Himalayas.
500米处以及潮湿的热带地区海拔3 500米至4 500米处都有上行树带界线。树带界线内通常是常绿树,它们和处于上行树带界线处极端恶劣环境中生长的落叶树木相比,具有一定的优势。然而,在部分地区也有由落叶阔叶林组成的树带界线。例如,在喜马拉雅的部分地区,桦树就在树带界线上。
3.At the upper timberline the trees begin to become twisted and deformed. This is particularly true for trees in the middle and upper latitudes, which tend to attain greater heights on ridges, whereas in the tr
opics the trees reach their greater heights in the valleys. This is because middle- and upper- latitude timberlines are strongly influenced by the duration and depth of the snow cover. As the snow is deeper and lasts longer in the valleys, trees tend to attain greater heights on the ridges, even though they are more exposed to high-velocity winds and poor, thin soils there. In the tropics, the valleys appear to be more favorable because they are less prone to dry out, they have less frost, and they have deeper soils.