I don’t know whether you have noticed that some students don’t want to walk to school.   1    can be seen every day that their parents drive them to school. But nowadays, what we should realize is   2    the air is seriously polluted. Do you know   3    we can do about it? I think    4    important that we should take actions right now. Here I have a suggestion that we   5  (ride) on our bikes to school!inherit的名词  6  we can do it will not only have significant benefits for our health, but also help improve our environment. Whether we will have a better environment depends on   7    we can do for ourselves and for nature.
Li Hong wrote a letter to me. She said (that) she had been accustomed to the life in the new school. Last weekend, she went to a place called Karba and what she saw there would be in her memory forever. However, what she couldn’t understand was why some people don’t like the culture there. She also expressed a hope that we would often write to her.
Everyone knew 1_______Andy was a famous writer, but no one knew 2_______she came from and 3_______she was born in 1961 was still a mystery. 4_______they did know was
5_______she was loved by poor people because she always helped 6_______was in need of money. Andy was generous and helpful, but some people thought she was chasing fame. Andy said she didn’t understand 7_______they were so narrow-minded, but it didn’t matter 8_______others would thought of her. She just wanted to do 9________she thought was right. I think that is 10_______the meaning of life lies.
Mike Sue决定要买一辆车。显然,他们很想买最贵的,但此刻他们没足够的钱。此时,他们得到Sue的叔叔意外去世的消息, Sue继承了一大笔钱。在她继承(inherit)那笔遗产时,银行告诉她那些她必须遵守的规则(regulations),建议她把所有的钱存到银行里,但Sue不同意。她认为把钱拿去消费是正确的,所以她就和Mike去买了那辆他们喜欢的车。
1 5句话表达上述全部内容。
2 每句话都要用到名词性从句或定语从句。
