Start up the vWLC
Complete these steps:
1. Start the vWLC, and select the console in order to observe the first-time installation process.
2. Monitor the progress until the VM console shows that the vWLC has restarted (this is
3. Open a Telnet session to the vWLC as shown here:
4. The Telnet session will now manage the console to the vWLC.
Note: Only one mode of console can be operational at any time, such as a VM console (by key-interrupt at startup) or serial console (physical/network). It is not possible to maintain both at the same time.
5. Continue to wait until the vWLC has come online fully and prompts you to start the configuration
tool wizard.
6. Configure the management interface address / mask / gateway. Configure Management
Interface VLAN ID if tagged. Continue with the remainder.
7. Similar to all network device(s), configuring the NTP is crucial. The virtual controller must have
the correct clock as it is possible to have an incorrect clock on the ESX host, or from manual configuration, which may result in APs not joining in the process.
8. Complete the configuration and allow the vWLC to reset.
9. 这里一定要注意countries中的国家代码要对应AP型号,中国型号这里就填CN
session下载10. It is suggested that you ping the vWLC management interface in order to ensure that it has
come online. Log in to the vWLC.
11. You can issue the show interface summary command and ping the gateway from the vWLC.
12. Connect to vWLC management using a web browser
13. Initially, there are 0 (zero) Access Points Supported. Enable the evaluation license in order to
allow the AP to join.
14. Go to Management > Software Activation > Licenses. Select base-ap-count, and set the
Priority to High.