名师原创:Unit1 单元考点突破
1. equal adj. 相同的;同样的;相等的; 平等的; vi& vt等于; 比得上; n.同等的人/物
Men and women are almost equal in terms of how satisfied they are. (教材P2)
equal in size/length/height = of equal size/length/height同等大小/ 长度/高度
be equal to …与…相等/平等; 与...同样出; 比得上; 能胜任
equality between the sexes 男女平等
equally adv. 相等地; 同样地; 平等地
equality n. 相等; 平等
racial equality 种族平等
on equal terms 相同条件地
They believe that all work is of equal value.
All human beings are equal.
The rent was equal to half his monthly income.
The architecture here is equal to any in the world.
He is equal to anything.
Three times three equals nine.
No one equals him in strength.
论力气, 谁也比不上他
Let x be the equal of y
When it comes to the art of war ants have no equal
People are born equal and should be treated equally.
人生来平等, 应该同等对待
Anyone, whether he is an official or a bus driver, should be ______ (equal) respected. (福建课改卷) (equally)
These workers are equal to ______ (do) this kind of work. (doing)
2. term n. 学期;时期;期限;术语;terms n. 条文;条款
Men and women are almost equal in terms of how satisfied they are. (教材P2)
terminal n. 航站楼;终点;末端;终端;终端机; adj. 期末的;最终的
in the spring/summer/autumn term 在春季/夏季/秋季学期
during one’s term in office 在某人任职期间
scientific/medical terms 科学/医学术语
in the long/short term 从长远/眼前(短期)看
a but terminal 公共汽车站终点
a terminal cancer 癌症晚期
a terminal examination 期末考试
in terms of …. 从…..方面来讲;就…..而言
be on good terms with ….. 与…..关系好
Passengers are conveyed by bus to the air terminal.
In terms of size and population, how big is the European Union compared with China?
We were on good terms with everyone in the village.
In the short term, they won’t go abroad.
________ achievement, last week’s ministerial meeting of the WTO here earned a low, though not failing, grade. (江苏卷)
A. In terms of B. In case of C. As a result of D. In face of (A)
He is fit for doing the job _______ terms of his knowledge. (of)
The teacher are _______ good terms with his students. (on)
3. mean vt. 表示…的意思;意思是;意味着;打算;意欲;adj. 吝啬的;小气的;卑鄙的;刻薄的
It’s a small word with big meaning, and that meaning is as individual to each of us as the way we look. (教材P2)
mean sth/doing sth. 意味着….;意思是….
mean sth. To sb. 对….来说意味着….
mean to do sht. 打算做某事
sth./sb. be meant to do sth. 被普遍认为是…
mean sb. to do sth. 打算让某人做某事
meaning n.意思;含义;重要性
