【读书笔记】sklearn翻译user guide
1. 监督式学习(Supervised learning)
1.1. ⼴义线性模型(Generalized Linear Models)
1.2. 线性和⼆次判别分析(Linear and Quadratic Discriminant Analysis)
1.3. 内核岭回归(Kernel ridge regression)
1.4. ⽀持向量机(Support Vector Machines)
1.5. 随机梯度下降(Stochastic Gradient Descent)
1.6. 最近邻KNN(Nearest Neighbors)
1.7. ⾼斯过程(Gaussian Processes)
1.8. 交叉分解(Cross decomposition)
1.9. 朴素贝叶斯(Naive Bayes)
1.10. 决策树(Decision Trees)
1.11. 整体⽅法-随机森林/adaboost(Ensemble methods)
2. 多类多标签算法(Multiclass and multilabel algorithms)
1.13. 特征选择(Feature selection)
1.14. 半监督学习(Semi-Supervised)
1.15. 保序回归(Isotonic regression)
1.16. 概率校准(Probability calibration)
1.17. 神经⽹络模型(Neural network models (supervised))
2. ⾮监督学习(Unsupervised learning)
2.1. ⾼斯混合模型(Gaussian mixture models)
2.2. 多⽅⾯学习(Manifold learning)
2.3. 聚类(Clustering)
2.4. 双聚类(Biclustering)
2.5. 矩阵分解(Decomposing signals in components (matrix factorization problems))
2.6. 协⽅差估计(Covariance estimation)
2.7. 新颖性和离点检测(Novelty and Outlier Detection)
2.8. 密度估计(Density Estimation)
2.9. 神经⽹络模型(Neural network models (unsupervised))
3. 模型选择与评估(Model selection and evaluation)
3.1. 交叉验证:评估估计器性能(Cross-validation: evaluating estimator performance)
3.2. 调整估计器的超参数(Tuning the hyper-parameters of an estimator)
3.3. 模型评估:量化预测的质量(Model evaluation: quantifying the quality of predictions)
3.4. 模型的持久性(Model persistence)
3.5. 验证曲线:绘制评估模型的分数(Validation curves: plotting scores to evaluate models)
4. 检查(Inspection)
4.1. 部分依赖图(Partial dependence plots)
5. 数据集转换(Dataset transformations)
5.1. 管道和复合估计器(Pipelines and composite estimators)
5.2. 特征提取(Feature extraction)
values翻译5.3. 数据预处理(Preprocessing data)
5.4. 缺失值的归算(Imputation of missing values)
5.5. ⽆监督降维(Unsupervised dimensionality reduction)
5.6. 随机投影(Random Projection)
5.7. 内核近似(Kernel Approximation)
5.8. 两两度量,亲和度和核(Pairwise metrics, Affinities and Kernels)
5.9. 转换预测⽬标(y)(Transforming the prediction target (y))
6. 数据加载⼯具(Dataset loading utilities)
6.1. ⼀般数据API(General dataset API)
6.2. 虚拟数据集(Toy datasets)
6.3. 现实世界的数据集(Real world datasets)
6.4. ⽣成数据集(Generated datasets)
6.5. 加载其他数据集(Loading other datasets)
7. scikit-learn计算(Computing with scikit-learn)
7.1. 以计算⽅式扩展的策略:更⼤的数据(Strategies to scale computationally: bigger data)
7.2. 计算性能(Computational Performance)
7.3. 并⾏性、资源管理和配置(Parallelism, resource management, and configuration)
