1、 查询选c1课程并及格的学生总人数及最高分、最低分。
select count(*),max(grade),min(grade) from enrolls
where cno='c1' and grade>60
2、 按学号求每个学生所选课程的平均成绩超过88分以上的学生。
select sno,avg(grade) as avg_grade from enrolls
group by sno having avg(grade)>88
3、 出选课学生超过2人的课程的平均成绩及选课人数。
select cno,avg(grade),count(*) as st_number from enrolls
group by cno having count(*)>2
4、 查询student中男生的每一年龄组(超过并包含2人)有多少,要求查询结果按人数升序排列,人数相同时按年龄降序排列。
select age,count(sno) as number from student
where sex='男'
group by age having count(sno)>=2
order by number,age desc
5、 查询与张春明在同一个系学习的学生。
select s1.sno,s1.sname,s1.department from student s1,student s2
where s1.department=s2.department and s2.sname='张春明'
select sno,sname,department from student
where department=(select department from student where sname='张春明')
select sname,age from student
where age>all(select age from student where department='计算机')
and department<>'计算机'
select sname,age from student
where age>all(select max(age) from student where department='计算机')
and department<>'计算机'
select sname from student
where not exists
(select * from courses
where not exists
(select * from enrolls
where sno=student.sno and cno=courseso))
select sno,sname from student
where sno in
(select distinct sno from enrolls e1 where not exists
(select * from enrolls e2
where e2.sno='95022' and not exists
(select * from enrolls e3
where e1.sno=e2.sno and e2o=e3o)))
select sno,sname from student
where sno in
(select sno from enrolls e1 where sno not in
(select sno from enrolls
where cno<>e1o))
select sno,sname from student
where sno
not in
(select sno from enrolls
where cno='c3')
select sno,sname from student
where sno in
(select distinct e1.sno from enrolls e1,enrolls e2
where e1.sno=e2.sno and e1o<>e2o)
select cno,cname from courses where not exists
(select * from enrolls,student
where enrolls.sno=student.sno and enrollso=courseso and sname like '丁%')
select cno,cname from courses where not exists
(select * from student where not exists
(select * from enrolls where enrolls.sno=student.sno and enrollso=courseso ))
select e1.sno from enrolls e1,enrolls e2
where e1.sno=e2.sno and e1o='c2' and e2o='c4'
select sno,sname from student where sno in
(select e1.sno from enrolls e1,enrolls e2 ade&ade and e2.sno='95012' )