Threadx系统定时器线程_tx_timer_thread_entry “System Timer Thread” 系统定时器线程⽤于判断定时器超时,并调⽤定时器超时处理函数。
VOID    _tx_timer_initialize(VOID)
REG_1 UINT                  i;/* Working index variable    */
REG_2 TX_INTERNAL_TIMER    **timer_ptr;/* Working timer pointer      */
UINT32 b_is_os_test =0;
/* Initialize the system clock to 0.  */
#def 系统时钟,⽤于时间相关
_tx_timer_system_clock =0;
/* Initialize the time-slice value to 0 to make sure it is disabled.  */
#def 初始化时间⽚全局变量,⽤于基于时间⽚的线程调度
_tx_timer_time_slice =0;
/* Clear the expired flags.  */
#def 时间⽚耗尽标志
_tx_timer_expired_time_slice =  TX_FALSE;
#def 定时器超时标志
_tx_timer_expired =            TX_FALSE;
/* Initialize the thread and application timer management control structures.  */
/* First, initialize the timer list.  */
#def 激活定时器数组链表初始化为NULL
timer_ptr =&_tx_timer_list[0];
for(i =0; i < TX_TIMER_ENTRIES; i++)
*timer_ptr++=  TX_NULL;
/* Initialize all of the list pointers.  */
#def 记录定时器数组链表的头,初始化当前指针_tx_timer_current_ptr
_tx_timer_list_start =&_tx_timer_list[0];
_tx_timer_current_ptr =&_tx_timer_list[0];
/* Set the timer list end pointer to one past the actual timer list.  This is done
to make the timer interrupt handling in assembly language a little easier.  */
#def  记录定时器链表尾
_tx_timer_list_end =&_tx_timer_list[TX_TIMER_ENTRIES -1];
_tx_timer_list_end =    _tx_timer_list_end +1;
/* Setup the variables associated with the system timer thread's stack and
priority.  */
#def 初始化定时器线程堆栈空间起始地址,栈⼤⼩,线程优先级,默认线程优先级为0,系统中最⾼优先级
_tx_timer_stack_start =(VOID *)&_tx_timer_thread_stack_area[0];
_tx_timer_stack_size =  TX_TIMER_THREAD_STACK_SIZE;
_tx_timer_priority =    TX_TIMER_THREAD_PRIORITY;
b_is_os_test =os_test_flag_check();
if(b_is_os_test != OS_TEST_FLAG_TRUE)
/* Create the system timer thread.  This thread processes all of the timer
expirations and reschedules.  Its stack and priority are defined in the
low-level initialization component.  */
#def 创建系统定时器线程,默认线程创建后挂起TX_DONT_START
_tx_thread_create(&_tx_timer_thread,"System Timer Thread", _tx_timer_thread_entry,
_tx_thread_create(&_tx_timer_thread,"System Timer Thread", _tx_timer_thread_entry,
(ULONG) TX_TIMER_ID,  _tx_timer_stack_start, _tx_timer_stack_size,
_tx_timer_priority, _tx_timer_priority, TX_NO_TIME_SLICE, TX_DONT_START);
/* Initialize the head pointer of the created application timer list.  */
_tx_timer_created_ptr =  TX_NULL;
* Set the created count to zero.  */
_tx_timer_created_count =0;
定时器时钟中断到来,在定时器中断处理函数中,检查 _tx_timer_current_ptr不为空,也就是_tx_timer_list[n]链表不为空,那么说明有定时器在当前节拍的激活链表中需要进⾏处理,所以在定时器中断处理函数中唤醒了系统定时器线程。
VOID    _tx_timer_thread_entry(ULONG timer_thread_input)
TX_INTERNAL_TIMER          *expired_timers;/* Head of expired timers list  */
TX_INTERNAL_TIMER          *reactivate_timer;/* Dummy list head pointer      */
TX_INTERNAL_TIMER          **timer_list;/* Timer list pointer          */
REG_1 UINT                  expiration_time;/* Value used for pointer offset*/
REG_2  TX_INTERNAL_TIMER    *current_timer;/* Current timer pointer        */
VOID (*timeout_function)(ULONG);/* Local timeout function ptr  */
ULONG                      timeout_param;/* Local timeout parameter      */
/* Make sure the timer input is correct.  This also gets rid of the
silly compiler warnings.  */
#def 超时函数⼊参必须为TX_TIMER_ID
if(timer_thread_input != TX_TIMER_ID)
/* Set the reactivate_timer to NULL.  */
reactivate_timer =  TX_NULL;
/* Now go into an infinite loop to process timer expirations.  */
/* First, move the current list pointer and clear the timer
expired value.  This allows the interrupt handling portion
to continue looking for timer expirations.  */
#def 禁⽌中断,防⽌打断
/* Clear the expired flag.  */
/* NOTICE: _tx_timer_expired flag is set during ISR, real timer share this with timer. */
#def 时钟中断,在中断处理函数中如果发现当前*_tx_timer_current_ptr不为空,就置_tx_timer_expired 为true #def 这⾥清除
_tx_timer_expired =  TX_FALSE;
#def 记录当前节拍对应的链表头指针
expired_timers =*_tx_timer_current_ptr;
/* Modify the head pointer in the first timer in the list, if there
is one!  */
#def 后⾯开始处理第⼀个定时器,所以让链表头先指向⾃⼰
expired_timers -> tx_list_head =&expired_timers;
/* Set the current list pointer to NULL.  */
#def 让数组指针为空,后⾯定时器都重新选择位置插⼊
*_tx_timer_current_ptr =  TX_NULL;
/* Move the current pointer up one timer entry wrap if we get to
the end of the list.  */
#def _tx_timer_current_ptr指向下⼀个节拍对应数组元素指针;如果到了_tx_timer_list_end,从头开始
if(_tx_timer_current_ptr == _tx_timer_list_end)
_tx_timer_current_ptr =  _tx_timer_list_start;
/* Next, process the expiration of the associated timers at this
time slot.  */
#def 循环处理链表中所有定时器
#def 有的定时器超时了,调⽤超时处理函数,如果是周期性,重新激活,插⼊合适链表
#def 有的定时器没有超时,只是挂⼊了这个链表,那么重新激活,插⼊合适链表
/* Something is on the list.  Remove it and process the expiration.  */
current_timer =  expired_timers;
#def 先把expired_timers从链表中移除
/* Determine if this is the only timer.  */
if(current_timer == expired_timers -> tx_active_next)
* Yes, this is the only timer in the list.  */
/* Set the head pointer to NULL.  */
expired_timers =  TX_NULL;
/* No, not the only expired timer.  */
/* Remove this timer from the expired list.  */
(current_timer -> tx_active_next)-> tx_active_previous =
current_timer -> tx_active_previous;
(current_timer -> tx_active_previous)-> tx_active_next =
current_timer -> tx_active_next;
/* Modify the next timer's list head to point at the current list head.  */
(current_timer -> tx_active_next)-> tx_list_head =&expired_timers;
/* Set the list head pointer.  */
expired_timers =  current_timer -> tx_active_next;
/* In any case, the timer is now off of the expired list.  */
/* Determine if the timer has expired or if it is just a really
big timer that needs to be placed in the list again.  */
#def 如果tx_remaining_ticks ⼤于32,说明之前挂到这个节拍对应数组链表中,现在正好过去了32个节拍,只需把#def 剩余时间减去32,并没有超时
if(current_timer -> tx_remaining_ticks > TX_TIMER_ENTRIES)
#def 还没有超时,需要重新激活
/* Timer is bigger than the timer entries and must be
rescheduled.  */
/* Decrement the remaining ticks of the timer.  */
current_timer -> tx_remaining_ticks =
current_timer -> tx_remaining_ticks - TX_TIMER_ENTRIES;
/* Set the timeout function to NULL in order to bypass the
expiration.  */
timeout_function =  TX_NULL;
/* Make the timer appear that it is still active while interrupts
are enabled.  This will permit proper processing of a timer
deactivate from an ISR.  */
#def 做个标记reactivate_timer,后⾯需要重新激活
current_timer -> tx_list_head =&reactivate_timer;
current_timer -> tx_active_next =  current_timer;
#def ⼩于32,⾛到这正好到了定时值,需要进⾏超时处理
/* Timer did expire.  Copy the calling function and ID
into local variables before interrupts are re-enabled.  */
timeout_function =  current_timer -> tx_timeout_function;
timeout_param =    current_timer -> tx_timeout_param;
/* Copy the reinitialize ticks into the remaining ticks.  */
#def 如果tx_re_initialize_ticks不为0,说明是周期性定时器,需要重新激活
current_timer -> tx_remaining_ticks =  current_timer -> tx_re_initialize_ticks;
/* Determine if the timer should be reactivated.  */
if(current_timer -> tx_remaining_ticks)
{timeout on t2 timer
/* Make the timer appear that it is still active while processing
the expiration routine and with interrupts enabled.  This will
permit proper processing of a timer deactivate from both the
expiration routine and an ISR.  */
#def 做个标记reactivate_timer,后⾯需要重新激活
current_timer -> tx_list_head =&reactivate_timer;
current_timer -> tx_active_next =  current_timer;
/* Set the list pointer of this timer to NULL.  This is used to indicate
the timer is no longer active.  */
current_timer -> tx_list_head =  TX_NULL;
/* Restore interrupts for timer expiration call.  */
/* Call the timer-expiration function, if non-NULL.  */
#def timeout_function不为空,调⽤超时处理函数
/* Lockout interrupts again.  */
/* Determine if the timer needs to be reactivated.  */
#def 前⾯做了标记reactivate_timer,需要重新激活
if(current_timer -> tx_list_head ==&reactivate_timer)
/* Reactivate the timer.  */
#def 需要重新根据tx_remaining_ticks 剩余时间选择下⼀个节拍数组链表
/* Calculate the amount of time remaining for the timer.  */
if(current_timer -> tx_remaining_ticks > TX_TIMER_ENTRIES)
/* Set expiration time to the maximum number of entries.  */
expiration_time =  TX_TIMER_ENTRIES -1;
/* Timer value fits in the timer entries.  */
/* Set the expiration time.  */
expiration_time =(UINT) current_timer -> tx_remaining_ticks -1;
/* At this point, we are ready to put the timer back on one of
the timer lists.  */
/* Calculate the proper place for the timer.  */
timer_list =  _tx_timer_current_ptr + expiration_time;
if(timer_list >= _tx_timer_list_end)
/* Wrap from the beginning of the list.  */
timer_list =  _tx_timer_list_start +
(timer_list - _tx_timer_list_end);
#def 插⼊链表
/* Now put the timer on this list.  */
/* This list is not NULL, add current timer to the end. */
current_timer -> tx_active_next =*timer_list;
current_timer -> tx_active_previous =(*timer_list)-> tx_active_previous;
(current_timer -> tx_active_previous)-> tx_active_next =  current_timer;
(*timer_list)-> tx_active_previous =                      current_timer;
current_timer -> tx_list_head =                            timer_list;
/* This list is NULL, just put the new timer on it.  */
/* Setup the links in this timer.  */
current_timer -> tx_active_next =      current_timer;
current_timer -> tx_active_previous =  current_timer;
current_timer -> tx_list_head =        timer_list;
/* Setup the list head pointer.  */
