06.03Contents Printout of the Online Help
Web Navigator - Getting Started Contents
<12Installation and Deinstallation (3)
Installation of the Internet Information Services (IIS)................................62.1.2
Installation of the Web
Installation of the Web
Installation: .
Installation: .
web下载官方下载Installation: 112.2Deinstallation. (12)
3The first Web Project (13)
Configuration of the WinCC Web 143.1.1
Step 1: Starting the "WebDemoProject"................................................143.1.2
Step 2: WinCC .163.1.3
Step 3: Defining the 173.1.4
Step 4: Checking the activated Website (Web)......................................193.2
Publishing of 203.2.1
Step 5: Starting the Web 203.2.2
Step 6: 213.2.3
Step 7: WinCC 263.3
Client Access to the .283.3.1
Step 8: Internet .283.3.2
Step 9: Installation of the WinCC Web 303.3.3
Step 10: The 333.4
New 343.4.1
Step 11: Creating a new 343.4.2
Step 12: Publishing a .363.4.3
Step 13: Process Picture on the 373.5Troubleshooting and Error Correction (39)
Contents06.03 ii Printout of the Online Help
Web Navigator - Getting Started
1 Introduction
Welcome to the WinCC Web Navigator.
WinCC is the first IHMI (Integrated Human Machine Interface) software on the
market that truly integrates your system control software with your automation
process. The user-friendly components of WinCC make the integration to new or
existing applications trouble-free.
The Web Navigator package consists of special WinCC Web Navigator Server
components that are installed on the server computer, and of WinCC Web
Navigator Client components that run on the Internet computer.
The pictures displayed on the WinCC Web Navigator Client can be controlled just
like in a normal WinCC system. This makes it possible to control and monitor the
project running on the server computer from any location on earth.
Printout of the Online Help1 Web Navigator - Getting Started
2Printout of the Online Help
Web Navigator - Getting Started
06.03Installation and Deinstallation Printout of the Online Help
3Web Navigator - Getting Started 2 Installation and Deinstallation
This chapter outlines the WinCC Web Navigator hardware and operating system
requirements, the installation procedure from the CD-ROM as well as the setup of
the work environment.
Requirements for the WinCC Web Navigator Client
Operating System:Windows NT 4.0 SP6a or higher
Windows 2000 Professional Service Pack 2 or 3
Windows XP Home
Windows XP Professional
Windows XP Professional Service Pack 1
Software:Internet Explorer 6.0 SP1 or higher
Minimum Hardware Requirements:No special hardware is required, however, the IE 6.0
must be able to run.
Access to the Intranet/Internet
or TCP/IP Connection to the Web Server Requirements for the WinCC Web Navigator Server on a WinCC Single-User or Client System
Operating System:Windows 2000 Professional Service Pack 2 or 3
Windows XP Professional
Windows XP Professional Service Pack 1
Software:Internet Explorer 6.0 SP1 or higher
WinCC Basic System V6.0 or higher
Minimum Hardware Requirements:No special hardware is required, however, the IE 6.0
must be able to run.
Access to the Intranet/Internet
or TCP/IP Connection to the Web Client
