Unit 7 What’s the highest mountain in the world?
1. as big as 与……一样大      2. one of the oldest countries 最古老的国家之一
3. feel free to do sth.随意地做某事4. as far as I know 据我所知
5. ...... 的组成部分    6. in the world 在世界上
7weight可不可数. take in air 呼吸空气        8. the first people to do sth. 第一个做某事的人
9. in the face of difficulties 面临危险  10. achieve one’s dream 实现某人的梦想
11. the forces of nature 自然界的力量  12. even though 虽然;尽管
13. at birth 在出生的时候            14. walk into sb. 撞到某人
15. fall over 摔倒                  16. take care of 照顾;照料
17. every two years 每两年          18. cut down the forests 砍伐林木
19. endangered animals 濒危动物    20. fewer and fewer pandas 大熊猫越来越少
21. be in danger 处于危险之中
22. the importance of saving these animals  拯救这些动物的重要性
1.What’s the highest mountain in the world?世界上最高的山是什么?
【考点分析】the highest是形容词high的最高级形式,最高级表示三者或三者以上的比较级,常与表示范围的in/of短语连用。    Tom is the tallest in the class
Who is the +形容词最高级,
A, B or C?
Who is the tallest, Tom, Kate or Bill?
Which is the +形容词最高级,A, B or C?
A+谓语+the+最高级+(of/ in/ among)...
This picture is the best of all.
2. 1,025 meters deep 深1,025米(1a)
【考点分析1】1,025 meters deep “深1,025米”
结构1:“基数词 + 单位名词+ 形容词(long,wide,tall, deep等)”。
【注】单位词有: meter; foot; inch; kilogram 等
    Yao Ming is over 2 meters tall.
    The river is 50 meters wide.
结构2“基数词+ 单位名词+ in + 名词(length; width; height; depth等)
    two meters long = two meters in length 2米长
    three feet high = two feet in height. 3英尺高
结构3: 长、宽、高、深还可用复合形容词表示
    “数字+ 量词(单位)+形容词(long/ wide/ tall/ deep等)” .
Jeremy Shu-How Lin is a 1.91-meter-tall- basketball player.
3.Qomolangma is higher than any other mountain in the world.(1b)
【考点分析】 “any other +可数名词的单数”  任何其他的
    Shanghai is bigger than any other city in China.
【拓展2】 “any other +可数名词单数” 可与 “the other + 可数名词复”互换,也可用最高级形式表达。
Lucy is more careful than any other student in her class. (any other + 可数名词单数)
=Lucy is more careful than the other students in her class. (the other + 名词复数)
= Lucy is the most careful student in her class.
(  )1.China is larger than ____ in Africa.
A. the other countries          B. any other   
C. any of the other countries    D. any other country
(  )2.— Everyone knows Canada is the second largest country in the world.
      —That is, it is larger than______ country in Asia.
  A. any            B. any other    C. other      D. another
4.It’s① a lot bigger than the② population of the US. (2a)
【考点分析1】a lot …  ……..得多;很多;非常
【辨析】a lot/ a lot of 辨析:
a lot
相当于very much
It usually rains a lot at this time of year.
a lot of
= lots of 许多
修饰可数名词=many +复数名词
修饰不可数名词=much+ 不可数名词
(    ) ①He knows ____ about this event.
      A. a lot of        B. lots of      C. many      D. a lot
(    ) ②He drinks _____. He’s got ___ money but not ____ friends.
      A. a lot; plenty of ; much  B. much; a lot of ; many
    C. a lot; a lot of; many    D. a lot of ; a lot; a lot of
【考点分析2】 population 人口;人口数量
        India has a large population. 印度人口众多。
        What is the population of Canada? 加拿大有多少人口?
    The population of the city is increasing faster and faster.
(    )—______ the population of China?
    —1.3 billion. Everyone knows China has the______population in the world.
        A. What are, most          B. What is , largest
        C. How many are, most    D. How many are, largest
5. One of the word’s most dangerous sports is mountain climbing,…(3a)
【考点分析】one of + the 形容词最高级 + 可数名词复数
【拓展1】one of +名词/代词复数  “......之一”
(  )1.—I hear you have to get up early every morning.
      —Right. It’s one of the _____ of my family.
        A.plans        B.jobs        C.programs      D.rules
(  )2.The Yangzi River is one of ______in the world.
      A. the longest rivers          B. the longest river     
      C. longer rivers              D. longer river
