    4. 复合名词的复数
    1) 将后一部分变成复数 Englishman---Englishmen gentleman---gentlemen
    policewoman----policewomen grown-up----grown-ups (一) 可数名词和不可数名词
    1. 什么是不可数名词? 2) 将主要成分变成复数 looker-on----lookers-on son-in-law----sons-in-law 1)物质名词 glass, tea 2)抽象名词 beauty, youth 3) 科学名称 physics, maths 3) 如果前一词是man, woman,将两部分都变成复数 men doctors women singers 练习:出不可数名词 练习:roof________ woman driver________________ step-mother_______________ boot tear knowledge money wood chicken music sheep _____________ Japanese __________________ sister-in-law__________________ homework bread blood dress news milk dustman (二) 名词所有格(表示所属、类别、动作的执行者或承受者) 2.不可数名词变成可数名词 1. 表示有生命的东西的名词,所有格在名词后加’s
    the teacher’s praise the cat’s food 1)词义发生改变
    time―times work---works wood―woods 2. 表示无生命的东西的名词,用of+名词的结构来表示 高中英语语法---名词
    sand―sands cloth―clothes glass―glasses 2) 加量词 a glass of water , two pieces of paper 练习;填入恰当的量词
    a ________________ of good news (条) a ________________ of trousers (条) a ________________ of advice ( 条) a ________________ of coffee (杯 )
    a ________________ of oil (滴) a ________________ of time (段) a ________________ of matches (盒) a ________________ of glasses (副)
    a ________________ of chocolate (条) a ________________ of ink (瓶) a ________________ of tea (壶) two ______________ of fish (盘)
    three ______________ of rice (袋) four ______________ of furniture (件)
    five _______________ of sugar (磅) six ________________ of clothes (套) 3.可数名词的复数构成
    1)shoe 2) orange 3) eye 4) month 5) fox 6) match 7) city 8) class
    9) family 10) country 11) boy 12) key 13) leaf 14) thief 15)hero 16)photo
    B. 不规则变化
    1. 单复同形 deer sheep fish Chinese Japanese means
    2. 只有复数形式 people police cattle clothes trousers, glasses
    3. 不规则变化
    man---- men woman---- women foot ----- feet tooth-----teeth
    mouse ------mice child-----children German------Germans
    the leg of the desk the cover of the magazine 3. 在时间,距离,度量,价值等名词后,可用名词所有格。weight可不可数
    two months’ time today’s newspaper fifty pounds’ weight 4. 表示店铺或某人的家时,常在所有格后省去shop, home.
    the doctor’s the tailor’s my uncle’s the barber’s 5. 名词前有冠词,数词,不定代词或指示代词时,用of词组+所有格表示
    ’s ’s 6. 某样东西为两人或多人共有,在后一个名词尾+’s .
    Jane and Fred’s mother Jane’s and Fred’s mother Tom and Tim’s car Tom’s and Tim’s car (三) 名词的用法 名词在句中作主语,宾语,表语,定语等。 1、 ) 2、 ( )
    3、 ) 4、 ) (四) 主谓一致 1. 主语是复数,谓语用复数,主语是单数,谓语用单数。 is a student. students. 2. and 连接两个名词,看有无the. The professor and writer is going to give us a lecture of writing. The professor and the writer are going to our school. 3. A number of…和The number of…后的谓语。 were absent for different reasons. 4. 主语+ with/
as well as/ but/except/besides/including …+主语,谓语动词的单复数与第一个主语一致。 A library with five thousand books is offered to the nation as a gift. All the teachers as well as the students (be) 5.以 either …or , neither …nor , not only … but also ,not…but…等连接两个并列主语时,谓语动词的单复数应按照就近原则。 Either you or he ______(be) to go . Not only he but also I ______(be) wrong . Neither the children nor the teacher _______ (know) anything about it. 6. There be 句型就近原则。 There ____ a pair of glasses on the desk. There ____ two patients and a nurse in the hospital. 7. 有些名词复数形式作为一个整体,(如度量,距离,金额,时间,书名等)其谓语动词用单数。 Two weeks ___(be ) not enough to finish the work . (be ) a large amount of money.
    8.某些集体名词,如family ,team 等做主语时,若当一个整体看,谓语动词就用单数,若就其中一个一个成员来看,谓语动词就用复数,class , club, audience ,committee , crowd , government , party, public , team 等。其中population 的用法也类似
    His family _____(be) a happy family. The whole family _____(be) having lunch.
    The population of China ____(be)very large. All the world ________(be) waiting for the g
ood news. 9. 成双成对构成的东西,如glasses, shoes, chopsticks, scissors等作主语,谓语动词用复数形式,但与a pair一起构成作主语时,谓语动词用单数。
    10.each , every+ Each boy and girl ________(want) to serve the people in the future. 11. …几分之几/…百分之几+of +名词单数/ 复数+ 谓语单数/ 复数
    12. …one of +复数名词 +谓语复数 …the only/the very one of + 复数名词 +谓语单数 have passed the maths test.
    1. In his speech, he gave us _____ on how to learn a foreign language.
    A. some advice B. some advices C. several advices D. an advice 2. Thank you very much for giving us _____ on this matter.
    A. these informations B. so many informations C. an information D. so much information 3. ---Where did you have your supper? --- ________.
    A. With my sister B. At my sister C. At my sister home D. At my sister’s 4. She is from __________. She is ______________.
    A. Germany; a Germany B. German; a Germany C. the Germany; German D. Germany; a German 5. He bought a ________ of trousers. They were expensive. A. piece B. set C. pair D. pile
    6. The town is about _________ ride from here. You ought to start right away. A. two hour B. two hour’s C. two hours’ D. two-hours 7. A _______ of money has been spent on the building.
    A. great deal B. good many C. plenty D. great number 8. ______ been made in science since then.
    A. A great progress has B. Great progresses have C. Great progress has D. Many progresses have 9. We must help ________.
