复 习
Unit 2 Numbers
★ 单词默写
1. 数字n. number 2. 指示;命令
3. 检查;核实 4. 克(重量单位)
5. 儿子 6. 国际象棋
7. 印度 8. 充满智慧的
9. 许诺;承诺 10. 向(某人)挑戓
11. 奖赏;奖品 12. 谷粒
13. 国际象棋棋盘 14. (使)加倍
15. 数量;数额 16. 剩余部分
17. 金子 18. 代替;顶替
19. 认识到 20. 抄写;誊写
21. 准确无误地;正确地 22. weight可不可数交通
23. (交通)事故
★ 短语默写
1. 很早以前 2. 向(某人)挑战
3. 等等 4. 抄写;誊写
5. 带…去 6. 不再
7. 用这种方式 8. 一年后
9. 发生 10. 起初
11. 为的是;以便
★ 重点词汇讲解和辨析
1. one day 有一天;某一天
One day, Liz will finally get married with her Mr. Right.
one day VS. some day
one day可表示过去的某一天或是将来的某一天;
但 some day只能表示将来的某一天。
例如:In fact, Eason had his thirtieth birthday one day/some day in 2012.
事实上,在2012年的某一天伊森度过了他30 岁的生日。
2. challenge V. 向(某人)挑战;
◆ challenge sb. 向某人挑战
Do you want to challenge me? 你想向我挑戓吗?
◆ challenge…to… 在某方面向某人挑战
Joey challenged Sunny to a competition of counting 1 to 10.
3. promise v. 承诺;许诺
Ivy’s father promised her a dress.
= Ivy’s father promised to buy a dress for her.
promise作名词时,表示“诺言;保证”,常用短语为make a promise,意为“许下承诺;保证”
Ivy’s father made a promise to buy a dress for her.
4. would like 想要;愿意
◆ would like + 名词
Would you like a cup of coffee? 你想要来杯咖啡吗?
◆ would like to do
I would like to have a cup of coffee. 我想要喝杯咖啡。
◆ would like sb. to do
I would like you to have a cup of coffee with me.
5. rest
◆ n. 休息
Let’s have a rest. 让我们休息一下。
◆ v. 休息
We will rest for half an hour. 我们将休息半个小时。
◆ n. 剩余部分
This morning Daisy ate some bread and kept the rest for tomorrow.
6. instead adv. 代替;顶替
◆ adv. 而
Amanda’s boyfriend asked why she couldn't just forget about dieting and eat normally instead.
◆ instead of doing
They raised prices and cut production, instead of cutting costs.
7. enough 足够的;充足的
enough既可修饰可数名词,又可修饰不可数名词,但要遵循“名前形副后”的原则,即 enough 要放在名词前,形容词和副词后面。
例: enough money 足够的钱
rich enough 足够地富有
fast enough 足够地快
8. talk不介词的搭配
◆ talk to 不…交谈
◆ talk with 不…交谈;聊天
◆ talk about 谈论…
Stephanie wanted to talk to Jimson tonight, so they talked with each other until 12 o’clock. They talked about how to help Jimson to gain weight.
斯蒂芬妮今晚想要和吉姆森谈一谈, 所以他们一直聊到12 点。他们谈论了如何帮助 Jimson减肥。
9. advice
◆ advice n. 建议(不可数名词)
a piece of advice 一则建议
◆ advise v. 建议;作动词时,后可接名词、代词或doing作宾语,也可用于advise sb. (not) to
do sth., 表示“建议某人(不)做某事”
Liz advised Eason to stop drinking so much. 利兹建议伊森不要喝那么多酒。
10. agree 同意
◆ agree with sb. 同意某人
◆ agree to do 同意做某事
--- Do you agree with me, Annabella? --- 你同意我的看法吗?
--- Sorry. I am afraid that I can’t agree to do that.
--- 很抱歉。恐怕我不能同意这样做。
11. not…any more 不再
◆ not…any more 相当于no more, 表示数量或程度上的“不再”;
I will not love you any more. 我不会再爱你了。
◆ not…any longer相当于no longer, 表示时间或距离上的“不再” ;
Sunny will not live in the small house any longer. 桑尼以后不会再住在这个小房子里了。
12. way的相关短语辨析
◆ in this way 用这种斱法;这样
Only in this way can Amanda beat Ivy. 只有这样,阿曼达才能打败艾薇。
◆ in the way 挡道
There is a dog in the way. 那有只狗挡道。