Unit 7 W hat’s the highest mountain in the world?
Step1 key words and expressions
1. as big as 与……⼀样⼤
as +adj./adv.+ as... 否定句:so/as +adj./adv.+as...
常⽤短语:as...as possible 尽可能地as well as 同,和...⼀样as long as 只要as soon as ⼀...就as for ⾄于
< of the oldest countries 最古⽼的国家之⼀
one of the +形容词最⾼级+复数名词表⽰“最...之⼀”
3.feel free to do sth=be free to do sth 随意去做某事
4. as far as I know =so far as I know据我所知
5.any other mountain其他任何⼀座⼭
any other +名词单数=any of the other +复数名词
6.run along 跨越… …
常⽤搭配:run away 逃⾛,跑开run after 追赶run out ⽤完run over 浏览;碾过
7. take in air 呼吸空⽓take in 吸收
常⽤搭配:take after 与…..相像take away 拿⾛take back 退回,归还take off 起飞take care of 照顾,照料take down 取下;写下take place 发⽣;进⾏
8. in the face of difficulties ⾯临危险
in the face of sth ⾯临,⾯对;不顾,即使= in spite of (例:succeed in face of danger 不顾危险的完成)face to face ⾯对⾯face up to 勇于⾯对
9. give up doing sth. 放弃做某事
give in 让步give away 捐赠give back 回来give out 分发
give off 放出give over 停⽌
10. achieve one’ s dream 实现某⼈的梦想
相关搭配:achieve success 取得成功
11. even though = even if 虽然;尽管
12. fall over 摔倒
相关搭配:fall across 遇到fall asleep ⼊睡fall behind 落在...后⾯fall down 倒下fall into 落⼊fall off 下落fall on落到
13. take care of =look after照顾;照料
14. cut down the forests 砍伐林⽊
cut off =cut into pieces切碎
15.include v. 包括;包含
16.succeed v.实现⽬标;成功
succeed in sth.在某⽅⾯成功;
succeed in doing sth.在做某事成功。
拓展:A)success n.成功
B)successful adj.成功的
C)successfully adv.成功地
17.force n.⼒,⼒量;v.强迫
force to do sth. 强迫某⼈做某事
18.nature n.⾃然界;⼤⾃然
in nature 实际上,本质上;
by nature ⽣来。
20.awake adj.醒着
22.illness n.疾病;病
A)ill作“⽣病的”讲时,只作表语,不作定语;作定语时,意为“坏的,丑的,恶的”,⽐较级和做⾼级为worse,worst。B)Illness 是ill的名词形式;
23.huge adj.⼤的;极多的
B)Great⼤的,伟⼤的,多⽤于抽象意思。在修饰具体事物时,带有⼀定的感情⾊彩。C)Huge巨⼤的,有very large的意思,往往指体积。
Step2 Important sentences
1. China has the biggest population in the world.中国有世界上最多的⼈⼝。
1)population ⼈⼝修饰⼈⼝多少⽤:large/ big或small
2) 询问⼈⼝多少时⽤:?/?
How large is the population of China?/What’s the population of China?
It has a population of over 1.3 billion.
3) population 是⼀个集合名词,视为整体,做主语时⽤单数形式
4)population 有时可作可数名词,前⾯加不定冠词。
China has a population of about 1.3 billion.
2. Feel free to ask me anything on today’s Great Wall tour.
Feel free 是⼀个常⽤的短语,意思是让别⼈不要拘束,尽管按⾃⼰的想法去做某事,常⽤句式:feel free to doing sth.
3. The main reason was to protect China. 主要的原因是保卫中国。
4. As far as I know, there are no man-made objects as big as this.
as far as I know = so far as I know 据我所知
as far as 就......⽽⾔;尽.......所能
5. The Himalayas run along the southwestern part of China.喜马拉雅⼭脉蜿蜒在中国的西南部。
run along 蜿蜒;绵延;⾛开;沿着......⾛
southwestern 是形容词,西南⽅的。
6. Even more serious difficulties include freezing weather condition and heavy storms.
7.The first Chinese team did so in 1960, while the first woman to succeed was Junko Tabei from Japan in 1975. 中国团队在1960年第⼀次登顶珠峰,⽽1975年⽇本的⽥部井淳⼦成为第⼀个成功登顶珠峰的⼥性。
did so 是⽤来替代前⽂中提到过的reach the top.英语中为了避免重复,常⽤助动词来替代前⾯提到过的动词,⽤so来替代前⾯提到过的事物。
8.This elephant weighs many times more than this panda.
weigh 是动词weight 是名词
9. When the babies see the keepers, they run over with excitement and some of them even walk into their friends and fall over.
run over 跑过去walk in 撞上某物fall over 摔倒
10. Pandas do not have many babies , maybe only one every two years.The babies often die from illness and do not live very long .
die 不及物动词death 名词dead 形容词dying 形容词(濒临死亡的)
die of ⼈体⾃⾝原因(疾病,衰⽼)
die from 死于外部原因(事故,战争,⾃然灾害)或也指死于不明的疾病。
11.Teaching children is one way to help save pandas.教育孩⼦是帮助拯救⼤熊猫的⼀种途径。
1. 北京有多少⼈⼝?of Beijing?
2. Li Na is one of athletes in China.
B. more popular
C. the most popular
D. most popular
3. Today is yesterday. I think you don’t need to wear more clothes.
A. colder B .as warm as C. as warmer as D. as warmest as
4. 如果你有急事解决的问题,可以随时打电话给我。
If there is anything I can do for you, please .
5. I know,the computer can never take the place of the human brain.
A. As for
B.As long as
C. As soon as
D.As far as
6. China and Japan are both countries.
A. east
B. west
C. eastern
D. western
7. We solve the problem without .
A. difficult
B. difficulty
C. difficults
D. difficulties
8. -------I went to see a film with my friends last Sunday. What did you do? -------I .
A.did so
B. went so
C. saw too
D. too did
9. This book looks than that one.
A. twice thicker as
B. twice as thicker than
C. twice as thick as
D. twice thick than
10. The children ran laughing and dancing.
B. through
C. about
D. away
11. Many trees after the heavy storm.
weight可不可数A. ran over
B. fell over
C. went over
D. walked into
12. The road was too dark .Mary nearly a tree on the roadside.
A. walked in
B. looked into
C. took into
D. got into
13. David’s father cancer two years ago.
A. die of
B. die from
C. die down
D. die on
14. is bad for your health.
A. Eat too much
B. Eat too many
C. Too much eat
D. Eating too much
Step3 Grammar focus
1. 对于物体长、宽、⾼、深度、⾯积的表达
Eg. 20⽶长20 meters long
10⽶宽10 miters wide
15⽶深15 meters deep
150平⽅⽶150 square meters
2. 形容词与副词的⽐较级和最⾼级
